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Thailand to scrap quarantine for vaccinated visitors from Nov 1

Jonathan Fairfield

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On 9/27/2021 at 4:33 PM, Cherrytreeview said:

They think the vast majority are people who have had to return, family, business etc. Not 2 week holiday makers.

Would you travel half way round the world to shuttered shops, restaurants and an alcohol ban?

no - that's a very small amount of people, relative to the tourist numbers

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5 hours ago, Cherrytreeview said:

Your so funny Harry.

The best you can always do is the UK's 'dark and cold'.

I don't know what part you always visit because my bit has been dry and bright.

A beautiful time of year in Autumn.

Just in case you've been on another planet Harry, Thailand has had heavy monsoon rains and flooding for a month.

You would have needed a canoe instead of a car to get about Pattaya.

Suppose that makes a nice change from unbearably hot or unbearably hot, sticky and raining.

68,000 people attended the Antony Joshua fight in London rhe other weekend, so i'll leave other people to judge whether the UK is open or not.



And no Harry it's not a competition because that would indicate you would have a fighting chance.

You're ( correct grammar ) so funny.


Thanks for telling me about the monsoon season.


Not all of us live in Pattaya....


Were you at the AJ fight - glad he got pumped....about time!

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23 hours ago, Farangus said:

Every year I came to Thailand for a month and it was never too easy with my passport. A visa and a set of documents were always required: a certificate from the bank, a paid air ticket in both directions, a hotel reservation for the entire period of vacation. Insurance was optional, but I always bought it for my peace of mind (just $20 for 30 days and $70K).
Therefore, for me, the current requirements of the Thai authorities have not become much more difficult

In the past for me , if I only came to Thailand for a month, I just went on the internet, bought an airplane ticket got my bags and came to Thailand with 30 day visa on arrival, then if I wanted to stay longer I did a border run, Why was it so difficult for you? Are you from a country that is  not offered  visa on arrival ? 

Edited by sirineou
typo: not Lust, but Just,, though there might have been some Lust LOL
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2 hours ago, sirineou said:

Why was it so difficult for you? Are you from a country that is  not offered  visa on arrival ? 

Unfortunately, I have to get a visa in advance at the Consulate of Thailand (which my country doesn't even have). In Minsk there is only an Honorary Consulate, where I can submit documents for additional money ($ 40 visa + $ 14 extra). For a visa, you need to collect a number of documents that must be additionally translated into English and certified by a notary. Of course, no one does all this for free either. Typically, a Thai visa and all the paperwork costs me $ 100 for a single entry visa.

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2 minutes ago, Farangus said:

Unfortunately, I have to get a visa in advance at the Consulate of Thailand (which my country doesn't even have). In Minsk there is only an Honorary Consulate, where I can submit documents for additional money ($ 40 visa + $ 14 extra). For a visa, you need to collect a number of documents that must be additionally translated into English and certified by a notary. Of course, no one does all this for free either. Typically, a Thai visa and all the paperwork costs me $ 100 for a single entry visa.

Wow!! sorry to hear that, It is easy to forget how spoiled we are in some western countries.  Let's hope that Belorus is added to the list of countries afforded visa on arrival soon. ????

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There is no confirmation that quarantine will be scrapped on November. 


There seems instead to be a plan to establish Sandboxes in places like Bangkok and Pattaya in November. But time is running short if they want tourists in those Sandboxes in November. 

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15 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

I've just come from the UK, it's horrible getting dark and cold!

It's not really totally open is it, don't you need 'evidence' to go to music concerts and such?


No evidence of vaccination needed to go anywhere in ENGLAND, some places request you wear masks (mainly medical facilities) but I believe Scotland is continuing with the vaccine passport idea. Haven't checked Wales but it's all online if we need to know.

Edited by VBF
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2 hours ago, VBF said:

No evidence of vaccination needed to go anywhere in ENGLAND, some places request you wear masks (mainly medical facilities) but I believe Scotland is continuing with the vaccine passport idea. Haven't checked Wales but it's all online if we need to know.

Yes, i believe you're correct about Scotland, hence the dark and cold comment - lol.

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On 10/5/2021 at 9:57 PM, HashBrownHarry said:

Yes, i believe you're correct about Scotland, hence the dark and cold comment - lol.

Actually, I have no problem with Vaccination Passports - I have the NHS App on my phone anyway.

It only discriminates against <deleted> anti-vaxxers - unlike the Track & Trace or the Thai equivalents!


Still doesn't stop Scotland being dark and cold though ????

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I just saw a report that Chiang Mai will open on Nov 1 but only for "Asians" or maybe "ASEAN's." They are after Koreans mainly, is said. So, even if things go loosen up, they may only extend those terms to selected groups. I think this will serve to just really make people angry. I mean, it is racist, essentially. 

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12 hours ago, VBF said:

Actually, I have no problem with Vaccination Passports - I have the NHS App on my phone anyway.

It only discriminates against f***wit anti-vaxxers - unlike the Track & Trace or the Thai equivalents!


Still doesn't stop Scotland being dark and cold though ????

???? Because one disagrees with your opinion you call them names and quite weird to have discrimination and that "word" in the same sentence though

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7 hours ago, mbenson said:

I just saw a report that Chiang Mai will open on Nov 1 but only for "Asians" or maybe "ASEAN's." They are after Koreans mainly, is said. So, even if things go loosen up, they may only extend those terms to selected groups. I think this will serve to just really make people angry. I mean, it is racist, essentially. 

   No, it's not 'racist'.  Korean isn't a race.  Neither is American or British or Thai.  They're all nationalities.  At the most it might be considered discrimination to favor one nation over another nation with tourist policies.  Ditto for favoring a citizen of one nationality over a citizen of another nationality.  For example, a Thai citizen regardless of race might pay a park entrance fee in Thailand of 50 baht.  Foreigners of other nationalities, regardless of race, might pay 100 baht.  Possibly discrimination in some eyes.  But, not racist.   Now, it would be racist if an Asian American is charged 50 baht to get into the Thai park and a white American is charged 100 baht.   

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On 10/4/2021 at 12:15 PM, richard_smith237 said:



There is a CCSA update on 11th Oct.


But, I too wouldn’t hold any credibility to projections, predictions and announced plans for Nov 1st opening of Bangkok - information is bound to be extremely vague up until the last minute.


It doesn’t really matter where you are if you are unable to leave a Bangkok hotel room (ASQ). That 1 week Phuket Sandbox is much easier to deal with that being stuck in a hotel room for 7 days ( I can’t understand any vaccinated person doing this by choice when the Sandbox is an option). 


Bangkok is simple 1.5 hr domestic flight away (lots of daily flights) after a 7 day Sandbox.





Yes, but the last I heard it requires a direct flight from another country to Phuket, no transit in Bangkok. That is extremely limiting from my location. It is far less hassle for me to fly into Bangkok and just use the seven days to get over jet lag and relax in a nice hotel room rather than organizing some complex and possibly expensive flight path that lets me fly directly into Phuket from a third country. I don't particularly like Phuket and given the lack of any real entertainment options there so far, it sounds like a bit of a drag. I'm not a beach person.


I did 14 days earlier in the year. 7 days will be a cinch.

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13 hours ago, alyx said:

???? Because one disagrees with your opinion you call them names and quite weird to have discrimination and that "word" in the same sentence though

You are assuming that anti-vaxxers are intelligent enough to make their opinions valid.  That's funny - thanks for the laugh ????

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28 minutes ago, VBF said:

You are assuming that anti-vaxxers are intelligent enough to make their opinions valid.  That's funny - thanks for the laugh ????

I am assuming that they are entitled to their opinion and that, right now, nobody knows what is really going on ( not a complotist and I am vaccinated ) 

What does make you an expert on the matter by the way ? 

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Just now, alyx said:

I am assuming that they are entitled to their opinion and that, right now, nobody knows what is really going on ( not a completist and I am vaccinated ) 

What does make you an expert on the matter by the way ? 

Common sense and a refusal to follow ridiculous conspiracy theories. If you're vaccinated you clearly have the requisite common sense as well so i fail to see why you would bother to defend moronic, non-scientific, dangerous fools. If I opined that the moon was made of cheese or the Earth was flat would that be valid too? 

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On 10/6/2021 at 12:36 PM, VBF said:

Actually, I have no problem with Vaccination Passports - I have the NHS App on my phone anyway.

It only discriminates against f***wit anti-vaxxers - unlike the Track & Trace or the Thai equivalents!


Still doesn't stop Scotland being dark and cold though ????

It would discriminate against me, someone who has received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccines (as they were administered in Thailand), so if I were to go back to the UK and visit Scotland then I would not be allowed access to certain places.    Every person of reasonable intelligence should be against poorly thought out and poorly executed policies such as these as it doesn't just discriminate against the people you think it does.

Edited by James105
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1 minute ago, James105 said:

It would discriminate against me, someone who has received 2 doses of Pfizer vaccines (as they were administered in Thailand), so if I were to go back to the UK and visit Scotland then I would not be allowed access to certain places.    Every person of reasonable intelligence should be against poorly thought and poorly executed policies such as these as it doesn't just discriminate against the people you think it does.

Why can't you just show your vaccination certificate? Or are you saying you didn't get any? If the latter then yes you are one of the very few in your situation. 

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10 minutes ago, VBF said:

Why can't you just show your vaccination certificate? Or are you saying you didn't get any? If the latter then yes you are one of the very few in your situation. 

The UK does not recognise vaccines administered in countries outside of the EU/USA, other than maybe Japan or Singapore, even if they are the same Pfizer vaccines administered in the UK.    I of course have a certificate and the app from here, but it's useless in the UK and there is no way to get this added to the NHS app.    This will apply of course to anyone that travels to the UK that has been vaccinated in a country other than EU/USA.   So it actually discriminates against quite a lot of people who actually have been vaccinated.   


Like I say, it's a poorly thought out policy that has been implemented without proper scrutiny that will discriminate against people who have had the vaccines as well as those who have not.    Anyone of reasonable intelligence would recognise this and be against it.  

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A vaccine in thailand was always going to be a travel issue and problematic to be recognised in a first world country until near normality.

Hope 11 oct brings us closer many waiting to book but while thailand needs $ will the public want it?

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1 hour ago, VBF said:

Common sense and a refusal to follow ridiculous conspiracy theories. If you're vaccinated you clearly have the requisite common sense as well so i fail to see why you would bother to defend moronic, non-scientific, dangerous fools. If I opined that the moon was made of cheese or the Earth was flat would that be valid too? 

I am vaccinated only because not being so would have refrained me from travelling abroad 

as for scientific ground there are quite a few high profile scientists who fail to understand the obligation to have the whole population vaccinated 

I am not against and I am not for 

it is a selfish move from me but everyone has their views and are not stupid in doing so 

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2 hours ago, James105 said:

The UK does not recognise vaccines administered in countries outside of the EU/USA, other than maybe Japan or Singapore, even if they are the same Pfizer vaccines administered in the UK.    I of course have a certificate and the app from here, but it's useless in the UK and there is no way to get this added to the NHS app.    This will apply of course to anyone that travels to the UK that has been vaccinated in a country other than EU/USA.   So it actually discriminates against quite a lot of people who actually have been vaccinated.   


Like I say, it's a poorly thought out policy that has been implemented without proper scrutiny that will discriminate against people who have had the vaccines as well as those who have not.    Anyone of reasonable intelligence would recognise this and be against it.  

I certainly recognise it being of greater than average intelligence (you started it!) - apparently it is "being addressed" (whatever that means). I seem to recall seeing a link some time ago. Anyone of reasonable intelligence will be able to find it. 

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6 hours ago, Danderman123 said:

Still no confirmation that quarantine will be scrapped on November 1.

Just been to the Thai Consulate General Hong Kong site, which still shows the ASQ as l being 14 days. No update on the 7 days, which I thought came into effect on 1 October.

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