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No alcohol in restaurants is "crazy" says restaurateur - allowing music is not the answer


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11 minutes ago, JetsetBkk said:

Yes, had my litre of beer + free buffet at Rossovivo last night. <burp>


ha ! cruised past RV last night. saw my gym rat friend sitting outside, with table of friends, with his operated arm strapped up, after bike spill. decided not to disturb the ( full) table. went instead to Veranda Kata 250 baht Friday BBQ with unlimited fish / pork / chicken/  kebabs/ liver/ salad…….


only live music in patong I found was Sweetie Bar ( bangla) and Terrazzo ( Hol. Inn Beach Rd.)

stacks of fine looking bar girls in bangla…..alas I’m no longer Single here…….no gogo though…..

Freedom Bar Rawai great Live Rock restarts 6:30 to 10 pm next Friday 8 Oct. Spead the Word !

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What was the latest TAT slogan again?


“Visit Thailand 2022, Now Even More Amazing Thailand Has It All”


It even has an irrational alcohol ban! Amazing!

Oh, and it has live music in empty establishments that nobody patronizes BECAUSE no alcohol is served. Amazing!


I mean, how much more amazing can it get, actually?

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3 hours ago, petermik said:

No cannot....open a bottle of alcohol and covid genie emerges spreading death and destruction to all......

in case the above quote in not understood ......

no alcohol       with booze  people ignore the rules and will not play by the rules and further spread the virus  


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1 minute ago, XJPSX said:

All restaurants I go to have beers..heck I’m even have one at the golf course as I type!

Yes, it really does seem that the rule is being ignored in most places.  Perhaps this will spur the government to lift the ban sooner rather than later, and just allow bars to open.  ????

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I've often wondered whether there isn't an ulterior motive from what most would consider a puritanical regime.  Obviously, there's no purely scientific case, although alcohol could change the way people interact. 


I can't help but picture top brass smiling sagely as they think of people seated meekly some distance apart, sipping iced water, as the band finishes the latest upcountry dirge to the ripple of polite applause. "Another drink Lek?" enquired the supremely satisfied foreigner.


"Why certainly not" she replied, hand pressed to her sternum and looking affronted. "I have my sewing to complete and it's already 8:30pm."


"Quite so," beamed the jolly farang "For my part I must read the latest thrilling book of poetry gifted to us by our supreme leader."


"Then if you'll settle the bill you may escort me to the door and we'll go our separate ways.."

Edited by mommysboy
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18 minutes ago, brewsterbudgen said:

Yes, it really does seem that the rule is being ignored in most places.  Perhaps this will spur the government to lift the ban sooner rather than later, and just allow bars to open.  ????

Along with your earlier post this has little to do with the OP. 

Re Live music in bars of an evening with no booze.


There may be coupe risk it...vast majority not. 


Attached is pic from hour ago Japanese restaurant in Asoke with some drinks. Of course that's going on.

Also some posts from others regarding Phuket. Has zip to do with Bangkok etc. They have 'special exemption' it would seem.



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I have to say I don't really "get it".  I don't drink much anymore due to health, but really enjoy my very occaisional beer or wine. Actually had a shot or two of Regency via video last week with family and friends we cannot travel to just now.

If the "powers" want to limit booze to, say, three drinks at a restaurant, maybe that would make sense. Outright prohibhtion doesn't ever seem to work well. Even in many Islamic venues it is possible to get a drink.

Edited by Kwaibill
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Jesus. Just declare for Islam, and let only foreigners drink, like Arab states. That will also stop border guards being bombed/killed in the south.

Locals of course will still get smashed and a blind eye will be turned, as it has been with prostitution since forever  I'm sick of this sh... 

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3 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:
3 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Hit the nail squarely on the head Sir. Unfortunately until all the dinosaurs in Government become extinct we are stuck with it.

To think that we chose to come and live here.

When I chose to live here, 25 or so years ago, it was a  very different place. And it certainly hasn't changed for the better (infrastructure excepted).

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4 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Draconian laws from a communist regime who utterly despise alcohol/bars, etc, and couldn't care less if Thai people go broke. An utter disgrace.

I agree with everything you say except the word "communist".  Fascist, elitist, or plutocratic, perhaps?

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2 minutes ago, Grusa said:

I agree with everything you say except the word "communist".  Fascist, elitist, or plutocratic, perhaps?

Maybe it's a case of "communism is bad, hence everything bad must be communism". 

- Waiter, take away this communist shrimp, it tastes bad.  

- This music is too loud, it must be commie music. 

- Trump is an idiot, he's such a communist. 

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2 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Beer does not cause Covid. Neither does wine. But, prohibiting acholol sales does sabotage an industry and contribute to the continued destruction of the nation's economy. 

But people getting drunk has been shown to be proven vector and high risk.. Drunk people dont wear masks, socially distance or pay attention.. 

They have no way of stopping alcohol sales turning into drunk people.. The police are unable and unwilling to do anything about this. 

Its very obvious why the ban exists, because they know Thais are not able to enforce guidelines only binary on / off situations (even those not much).  


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3 hours ago, ezzra said:

No alcohol in restaurants is "crazy" says restaurateur...

This things has gone far, far beyond crazy, in the annals of history books this will remember as a complete lose of directions and one big cock up perpetrated mainly by the clueless who thought they knew how to mange a colossal problem of a pandemic...

It however worked perfect for this Government as the final nail in the coffin called tourism where many hung out in the tourist locations while going to the bars in the evening, entertainment venues and of course those full moon parties.  What they do not realize, or wait they have realized it, is they killed the golden goose, slaughtered the fatted calf and then ended up with empty coffers and huge unemployment they will never admit as far as the independent under the table workers.

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