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Vaccines not lockdowns helping to reduce COVID-19 cases in Thailand


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54 minutes ago, johng said:

I remember at the beginning of the mask wearing there where reports of children passing out whilst

exercising at school   and the "experts" then recommending that strenuous  exercise not be done whilst wearing a mask..also remember about the build up of bad bacteria on mask  when worn for extended time ?

Again, fake news quackery. A doctor recorded his oxygen levels while running a good distance. The mask had NO affect on his oxygen. You can Google it if you want.

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8 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

Somebody actually talking sense at last and willing admire and emulate what other countries have done. 

Learning to live with this virus is the only way forward. In the long term, lockdowns just create more problems than they solve.

Most countries have realized that and lock down nazis are keeping their mouths shut.  Vaccination and some control measures like mask mandates are the only solutions and each country has to figure out the threshold of death and infection their health care system can handle and keep those infrastructures uptodate for foreseeable future. No matter what vaccines you give, it is not the only solution. Just look at UK, Israel, and Singapore. Even small isolated countries are not able to control infections. 

Edited by CartagenaWarlock
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7 hours ago, James105 said:

Ok. So let's try it this way.   Does the vaccine protect you?

Yes - Then stop worrying about other people taking it. You and others that took it are safe.

No - Then stop forcing people to take something that you don't believe works.

Does the vaccine lower transmission rates in addition to reducing the severity of breakthrough infections? Yes. Does lowering transmission rates mean that variants have a significantly reduced opportunity to evolve in the general population in order to change into forms less protected by vaccines? Yes. Well, then, each of us does. have an interest in those around us being vaccinated. 

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1 hour ago, unblocktheplanet said:

Wait! 143 deaths a day from Covid is "manageable"?!? Sheesh!

Look how much they care about the chronic, high amount of daily road deaths from having zero enforcement of traffic laws for that statement about Covid-related deaths to make sense. 

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lol, that goes against everything we see in the top-vaccinated countries: cases and hospitalizations often at higher levels than in 2020, when there were NO vaccines! ????   Now use your head and ask yourself why that may be?


These vaccines do not much more than "hide" symptoms - so vaccinated people can easily become super-spreaders, because usually they will feel more confident and can carry higher viral loads without noticing they are carrying the virus.


But since the virus is mainly a risk for actual RISK GROUPS (75+ years old, diabetics, obese, lung diseases), the rational thing would be to provide this new technology to the actual risk groups, and let the other people alone.  Let the economy run again and open up for tourism.


About time to fade out the hysteria!


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I know that all first world nations state unequivocally that you cannot vaccinate your way out of a wave.

True, your vaccination rate will bring these numbers down but Thailand knows different?  I don't think so kid.  

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11 hours ago, hotchilli said:

I spoke with my brother in the UK today.

85% are double vaxxed with vaccines that work.

Yes infection rates are at around 30,000 daily, but only 5% are ending up in hospital.

Vaccinations were always the only answer, but last year and early this year our illustrious leader had other ideas.

Where your brother gets his figures from? According to NYT tracker UK is 67% fully vaccinated,  heaps of countries have better vaccination rates.



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11 hours ago, dave moir said:

I understand that the majority of hospitalised people are the vaccinated!!!????

June 2021 July 2021 August 2021 Total
New hospital admissions of adult patients with confirmed COVID-19 60,000 125,000 345,000 530,000
Estimated share of adults hospitalized with COVID-19 who were unvaccinated 86% 86% 86% 86%
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14 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Sure, but you need to ask some other questions:


Can everyone take the vaccine and benefit from the protection?



Is it possible for some people who have been vaccinated to still get seriously ill or die?



Which leads to the following question:


Does the vaccine reduce or slow spread protecting everyone?

Yes - So it is in the interest of everyone that as many people get the vaccine as possible.


Unfortunately, your logic is faulty.

I rarely waste my time any more with people who post such arrogant twaddle who obviously have no concept of what public health is about or what it means to leave large portions of the population as walking Petri dishes. Dunning-Krüger says 'Hi!'.

Thanks for saving me the time this time. 

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13 hours ago, hotchilli said:

I spoke with my brother in the UK today.

85% are double vaxxed with vaccines that work.

Yes infection rates are at around 30,000 daily, but only 5% are ending up in hospital.

Vaccinations were always the only answer, but last year and early this year our illustrious leader had other ideas.

your brother has got it wrong. the double vaccine figure is 67% of the population  - single 73%. These re getting near to the figures required.

the higher percentage relates to adults (over 18s) or something like that. They are now vaccinating minors which should bring the levels up rot that golden 80%.


Thailand appears to be at Completed Vaccinations 32%% of Population, 22,386,653.


the problem here is without lockdown restrictions those not fully vaccinated are still vulnerable to the most serious effects of the virus - hospitalisation and death.



Edited by Thunglom
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3 minutes ago, Thunglom said:

your brother has got it wrong. the double vaccine figure is 67% of the population  - single 73%. These re getting near to the figures required.

the higher percentage relates to adults (over 18s) or something like that. They are now vaccinating minors which should bring the levels up rot that golden 80%.


Thailand appears to be at Completed Vaccinations 32%% of Population, 22,386,653.


the problem here is without lockdown restrictions those not fully vaccinated are still vulnerable to the most serious effects of the virus - hospitalisation and death.



Thanks, but you won't mind if I believe my brother.

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8 hours ago, ericbj said:

A group of 600 doctors world-wide has found they were able to cure 100% of Covid-19 cases ON CONDITION BLOOD OXYGEN LEVELS REMAIN ABOVE 79%.

So you say, without so much as a substantiating link.......looks more like a chicken and egg scenario to me.

I think we have got past the evil killing mask scenario that was being spouted by fools way back in early to mid 2020. 

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according to the link above, as of the 7th October the UK figure fully vaxxed is 66%. Confusion can arise interpretating the data published on news channels. Today I saw on the BBC news the figure for over 12's was 80+% or thereabouts, but for overall population the link above seems credible

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1 minute ago, Stoker58 said:

UK heading for vax no.3 and Israel already onto vax no.4.

I sincerely hope Thailand does not fall into a cycle of endless vaccines to the benefit of big pharma companies. 

If the vaccines are necessary to keep Covid at bay I suspect that is where some benefit lies. We can only hope they come up with one which offers enduring resistance. 

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5 hours ago, LetsGoBrandon said:

It's inevitable....the internet has democratised and demystified a lot of information

that authoritarians preferred we had little or no access to.

You mean like the poster who cited a video featuring someone who claimed that mRNA vaccines damaged the T-cell system. He cited a research paper he said supported this. The lead researcher for the paper refuted that claim. Not just that, but I produced a recent major study that demonstrated exactly the opposite was the case. mRNA vaccines actually enhance T-cell response. After I posted this info, the person who posted that video  evaporated. without acknowledging its  falsity.  And that person who posted that junk video was you.

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