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SURVEY: Health Insurance for foreigners -- Good idea or not?


SURVEY: Health Insurance for foreigners -- Good idea or not?  

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A couple of recent threads highlight the confusion over health coverage for persons wishing to enter Thailand.   In your opinion, which option best describes your opinion on health insurance requirements for people entering the Kingdom?  For the purpose of the poll medical insurance would be comprehensive plan with at least $50,000 coverage.


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12 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

I chose Number 2 only as an alternative to the others, I agree with all of the above, the sticking point, as pointed out by "Thanks for Nothing ((Bangkok Post letter)),  is Thai Insurance companies will not insure older folks above (??)55 years old.   Expats on long term Visa's, own property, have a business, pay taxes should be able to be covered under the Govt Plan, or at least the be treated as local residents...............I have health insurance, always have, and have spent a good amount of money in past 10-15 years in hospitals here..........my insurance covers 80% of everything and 100% of anything Covid related - will Thai Immigration or any Thai Consulate accept that??  Remains to be seen.

till 75 yo, but only one policy "visa friendly" and not cheap.

below 70yo some other insurers.



at 65 there is choice of 4 insurers, can be carried with them to 90 or longer


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I went for number one, for those entering as it wouldn't be fair forcing those expats that have been here for years and those that are a lot older who cannot get insurance to take up insurance.


The above said I am a firm believer of having private health insurance, but that is my choice, others here who choose not to have insurance leave them selves wide open in my opinion, and those to old to get insured have to accept that it is what it is, risk vs benefits, that is the problem with growing old, i.e. if you didn't insure yourself before 60 years of age and continue to insure yourself with a reputable insurer, you are where you are.


Before we go on the attack, there are insurers who do cover you till you croak if you get in before 60 albeit the policies do increase with age and may force a few out because of the cost of the new policy renewals, that's when life's a B.


Edited by 4MyEgo
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9 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

Open letter to the Government,

It is no rocket science to know that an insurance company is a company that calculate his risks and is in no way a social company to benefit anyone else than themselves.

Forcing a health insurance in people, specially people over 50 with already underlying diseases, will benefit NOBODY.

If someone in this age bracket would endup in a hospital with a severe disease, the insurance comaony will claim that this disease was "underlaying" and will not pay for the hospital costs.
Thus leaving the hospitals and Thailand with huge unpaid bills, despite of paying huge soms for that insurance.

A better and more effective system would be:
1. Appoint a GOVERMENT run health care to handle the health care for every foreigner who enter Thailand or who stays already in Thailand on a long term visa.
2. EVERY foreigner who enter Thailand or remain in Thailand would have to pay for health care insurance.
3. Foreigners living in Thailand on a Retirement Visa or a Thai spouse Visa are required to put the require 800,000/400,000 Baht into that helath care system instead of putting the funds in a Thai Bank.
This sum will gain interests which will be used for the foreigner health care system.
4. On leaving Thailand, the foreigner will receive part or the whole paid insurance, depending on the case if he/she used the health care and how much has beem spend.

This is only a guidance on how a better health care system for foreigners/tourists could be setup.


Unfortunately won't work as many long-term expats rely on certified mthly income and those that don't rely on agents or funds recycled annually. Nice try though

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Does your comment include any of these:  “should be”, “need to”, “l have”, etc?  I’m not getting the same guarantees of “forever” here at my 90 day or retirement visits as some are.  You own a condo here?  You’re a vet from your home country?  You have a wife/family here?  So.  What makes you think you’re a Thai or deserve to be a permanent resident?  You’re a farang in a foreign country. Get over yourself and come back to reality.  Geez. 

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26 minutes ago, Longwood50 said:

If you want to lower health care costs, let patients act like consumers and bargain for their healthcare.

how and when does that bargaining occur... you go to the hospital w/an actively dangerous condition or in tremendous pain - do you want to bargain under those circumstances? 


"i'll give you everything I have for one shot of morphine!! Now!!"

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29 minutes ago, jerrymahoney said:

For people who have money, insurance premiums come out of petty cash.

All the money in the world is not helping when you cannot conclude an insurance (because of preconditions) in case that INSURANCE is the requirement. See my post above. But the real requirement should be the ability to be able to pay for your medical cost. THEN only money helps. Elon Musk with diabetes would not get an Insurance contract and therefore no visa. Something wrong here isn't it ?

Edited by moogradod
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