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Ministry official hints you'll need to be vaxxed to do things in public in Thailand


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18 hours ago, Toolong said:

I don't wish to shift too much from the main issue here, which is essentially the possible imposition of restrictive & puntive social sanctions against those unvaccinated, but could someone just explain to me why I might be incorrect in thinking that if vaccinated people can still become infected with C19.....and if vaccinated people can still infect others with C19, why should it be assumed that UNvaccinated people are a particular risk to others? (A risk to themselves, yes.) It's a genuine query and I am happy to be shown up as having faulty logic or as being uninformed if that is the case. 


(I am fully vaccinated btw, but only cos I could see exactly this kind of s**t coming down the road.....and lo, here it comes.)



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2 hours ago, nglodnig said:

It shouldn't be compulsory, as it is a matter for individual choice. BUT the state (or whatever other heathcare provider you have, e.g. insurance) should also have the choice of withdrawing funding for any treatment you might receive from catching Covid. That's what they are going to do in Singapore. If you willfully avoid any preventitive treatment then you should pay for the consequences - not expect someone else to do it.


next,  free medical care withdrawn for motorcyclists who don't wear helmets..... personal choice again.

And they should apply it to every other sickness where vaccine is available ???? Insurances do not make enough profit 

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4 hours ago, Stargeezr said:

Some posters are spreading fake information.

1. The COVID vaccine wears out after 6 months, Not true.  Immunities may lessen after 6 months

and the elderly are being advised to get a booster to keep their immunities up.

2. The COVID vaccine expires, well the expiry date on your Vaccine certificate, is the

date the vial would have expired, if it was not injected into your arm.

   Then there are many of the anti vaxxers who claim they have medical reasons that they

cannot get the vaccine, when a lot of them are just scared of needles, and some of them 

have a fear that they are losing their freedom if they get vaccinated.   People who actually have a medical reason

not to get vaccinated can get a certificate from their doctor.   Some of my relatives in their 30s

 did not get the vaccine as they felt that they would not die if they contracted COVID, Then one of them got

sick with the virus, and let the others know how rotten he felt, and that he was on his way to the hospital as 

he was having trouble breathing.  Amazing, but the rest got their shots the very next day. 

  This pandemic, certainly has shown us just how many people in the world, believe stuff they read on their

computers, but do not believe the news on TV or in the newspapers.  That is also amazing to believe.

What a world we live in.


In all fairness how can anyone believe anything they hear on TV from media outlets, the lies and mistruths is absaloutly mind numbing.

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13 hours ago, stephenterry said:

There has been no comment about those who have had and recovered from Covid as I did.. This is regarded as natural immunity with antibody protection, known as herd immunity.

Which at the earlier stages of the pandemic, UK scientific doctors were seriously considering that option, but got cold feet, because regretfully people can and will die from it. A political risk not undertaken.

The comments are it is not as effective as vaccinations and that it too wanes over time. The UK government has been sorely derided for it's response to Covid, and one failing was the early pursuance of herd immunity as a solution, blamed for far too many deaths. 

Perhaps they pursue it now, on a base of 80%+ vaccination... but their removal of restrictions keeps daily deaths and new infections stubbornly high. 

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39 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

The comments are it is not as effective as vaccinations and that it too wanes over time.

Recent research from both Euro and US,  natural immunity from infection and immunity from vaccination, is not one hundred hundred per cent. Also both wane over time. The idea that "herd immunity" would be an answer, is being shelved. Scientists and researchers are having to discard old ideas and realize herd immunity with this virus likely will never happen. Still it was a cool idea for the last two years. Moving on. 

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5 hours ago, nglodnig said:

It shouldn't be compulsory, as it is a matter for individual choice. BUT the state (or whatever other heathcare provider you have, e.g. insurance) should also have the choice of withdrawing funding for any treatment you might receive from catching Covid. That's what they are going to do in Singapore. If you willfully avoid any preventitive treatment then you should pay for the consequences - not expect someone else to do it.


next,  free medical care withdrawn for motorcyclists who don't wear helmets..... personal choice again.

Perfect alternative.  Each country can show the current hospital data of and the costs per capita vaccinated vs unvaccinated.    


 Money ultimately trumps all other political and physical concerns.  People are making a stance that is not based on rationality IMO in regards to vaccinations.  USA medical costs are insanely high and it doesn't take a number cruncher to understand the incredible risk of  Covid hospital expenses.  I think even a 5,000 deductible and  70% coverage after the deductible for the unvaccinated is reasonable and would work. 



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8 hours ago, Gr3g said:

I have a feeling that a lot of vaccinated folks don't feel too safe with all the latest info about the vaccines efficiency, therefore they like to victimise unvaccinated, pretending that they care for them, rather then admitting they they are worried about getting the virus and ending up in hospital.


If all the vaccinated want to pretend they care about others  lives, how about you stay home, since you can get a virus and pass it on!

This way you have less chances of catching/spreading the virus  therefore reducing hospital's covid beds occupancy and will save many lives lost to ALL other possibly deadly diseases/sicknesses that in many countries haven't been treated and/or detected for almost 2 years now. 


People need to stop pretending that they care for unvaccinated strangers. 

Most humans can't see/care beyond the tip of their nose anyway.


If you are vaccinated and believe it will protect you from getting very ill, why would you care about what others want to do to/with their body.


Assume this virus is here to stay forever, so learn how to LIVE and ENJOY your own life and let others do the same.


Btw, I'm fully vaccinated 




If you had actually been reading the posts here, you would note that those who refuse to get vaccinated are being criticize on the grounds that they pose a danger to others in 2 ways: 

1) That by not getting vaccinated they keep the pool of the unvaccinated large enough that the virus continues to pose a danger of infection to others.

2)That they pose a danger to the public health system by overwhelming hospital critical care capabilities.

In fact, I've seen very little expressions of concern as regards the health of those who refuse to be vaccinated. 

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9 hours ago, Dumbfounded said:

Africa still has polio, so that tells me all I need to know about you. How about Thalidomide? Guess that was safe too in your books. But why are you comparing vaxes from yesteryear to now? Were you forced to take those vaxes with threats of restrictions. One other thing I'm curious about is why is the US Senate exempt from being vaccinated. Do what I say not what I do comes to mind

Other recent examples of vaccines that didn't turn out to be so great were:

- Anthrax vaccine that was forced on US soldiers (and caused many problems)

- Mexican flu vaccine was also problematic IIRC, but less so than the antrax one

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3 minutes ago, wolf81 said:

Other recent examples of vaccines that didn't turn out to be so great were:

- Anthrax vaccine that was forced on US soldiers (and caused many problems)

- Mexican flu vaccine was also problematic IIRC, but less so than the antrax one


5 of the most important vaccines in history

Some of the most important vaccines in history include the polio, MMR, and smallpox vaccines.


Vaccines have been around since the late 18th century, and have saved countless lives since then.


Today, the WHO estimates that vaccines save an estimated 2-3 million lives each year.

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3 minutes ago, stephenterry said:

Also, it's scientific fact that regular booster shots do not do the immune system any favours - it's like going to a well and filling buckets of water in a drought.

Very scientific......

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9 hours ago, aussienam said:

Antibodies developed after a COVID infection I have read, that based on current data, you have good immune response for several months.  After that period your susceptibility to being infected with COVID increases.  Adding to the issue are of course the never-ending COVID mutations.  Being previously infected with COVID and/or being vaccinated does not create life-long immunity unfortunately.  

Yes, but i have also read reinfection is less severe.

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A post attempting to link to an article about the United States has been removed. 


Some off topic deflection posts and replies have been removed.  This topic is about  Ministry official hints you'll need to be vaxxed to do things in public in Thailand


Forum Netiquette:


7. Please do not post off-topic responses in an attempt to hijack the thread. Such posts will be deleted. 

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2 minutes ago, patman30 said:

yet you now label "most" as "very anti-vax" without any proof of this
as if they are very bad people for not making the same choices as yourself
you are wishing discrimination is forced upon others who are not the same as you......????‍♂️

I do have proof of this, I am in a KPG group. 


I am anti-vax, so your theory is totally wrong. 


And, how am I wishing discrimination? I most certainly am not. 

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8 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I do have proof of this, I am in a KPG group. 


I am anti-vax, so your theory is totally wrong. 


And, how am I wishing discrimination? I most certainly am not. 

"anti-vax" is a derogatory term, created to cause divide
hence the rest of my assumptions based on what that term implies

you mean you are "pro-choice"

*even being in a group does not prove "most" just saying.

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I refused to pay for a vaccination I didn't really want.

Then they made me an offer I couldn't refuse one weekend.

Free Pfizer vaccination on Tuesday at Promanada, free 2nd shot a few weeks later.

So I went and had it, no queues, no mad crowds.


My Thai misses has just been offered free AZ at the local Amphur office.

She has to join a scrum of 400 Thais that morning.

If I were her, I wouldn't have bothered.

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There is NO fully approved vaccine listed by the World Health Organisation for anyone under the age of 18. The WHO approved on 3 November an emergency list of vaccines but they are only for over 18 year olds. There is however an emergency approval on 4 November 2021 by the CDC for Pfizer only to be used between the ages of 15 and 5 years of age. There is still NO approved vaccine for under 5 year olds. So as there is no fully approved vaccine by the WHO you are wrong in your claim that his son will be stigmatized and excluded from activities at his school for this. What is approved by the FDA in America or the NHS in UK has nothing to do with what is approved in Thailand






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