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Anutin speaks out on the unvaccinated possibly facing restrictions

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3 hours ago, Pierre57 said:

The unvaxxed are not supposed to protect the vaxxed ... that's the vaccine's job.

however, the vaccinated are spreading covid at exhalating rates, across the most highly vaccinated countries , Germany ,Israel , Gibraltar ,Netherlands, Ireland but to name a few, and the figures are going up, meanwhile India is going down

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6 minutes ago, patman30 said:

should pressure not be put onto the food and alcohol industries ?
surely there are simple measures to keep these people healthy and safe
why is there pressure on private companies for one problem but not for other bigger problems ?

If you drink 15 large Chang a day , smoke 10 packs a week then what do you expect?????

8 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

They asked me how much I wanted to pay, I chose 1200, as I wasn't sure if it would be here by now. 

Special rate for Thai people?

4 minutes ago, patman30 said:

should pressure not be put onto the food and alcohol industries ?
surely there are simple measures to keep these people healthy and safe
why is there pressure for one problem but not for other bigger problems ?

There definitely should, yes. And you are right, there would indeed be simple measures to reduce the number of affected people, especially obesity.

I think the reason that people (and thus politics) perceive it as less important is that it's a very long term effect, over years, or even decades.

While with Covid, you could catch it today, and next week you are on a ventilator, struggling with your life.

11 minutes ago, Scott Tracy said:

As someone a lot more famous than me once said: The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few.

That doesn't apply in the UK anymore.

17 minutes ago, Pierre57 said:

The unvaxxed are not supposed to protect the vaxxed ... that's the vaccine's job.

It's views like yours that will perpetuate the problem.

  • Sad 5

Well only a matter of time as Austria have implemented non-vax lockdown, Germany considering the same and many other countries in Europe under proposal. UK to a degree getting in certain events and already in Wales full scale. Still need to book a table for max 6 people to drink and eat in a pub in Wales so vaccine passport all over UK only a matter of time!! 


I for one, and I know this will generate some comments, agree if you've been fully vaccinated I don't see why I cant visit a bar, restaurant or any other such venue providing all staff and management are of the same ilk and why should we be penalised by the odd few who refuse to get the vaccine especially when the majority of serious hospital cases are non-vaccinated people who, incidentally wish to <deleted> they had been vaccinated, laying there on a ventilator struggling to draw breath.


Not saying easy to regulate but to get economies and social gatherings back on track, it will be the only way forward. 

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  • Confused 1

Totally agree .. but isn't this a bit preemptive - Its not like westerners can walk into any provincial health clinic and get the vaccine of their choice. Anutin doesn't really have any of his own original ideas, he's just following the path discussed by many other western governments, but without any real plan to back up his policies.

14 minutes ago, Chris.B said:

Special rate for Thai people?

No, I don't think so. Possibly because i was early. When my daughter booked it, I think I had to pay 2500


2 minutes ago, recom273 said:

Totally agree .. but isn't this a bit preemptive - Its not like westerners can walk into any provincial health clinic and get the vaccine of their choice. Anutin doesn't really have any of his own original ideas, he's just following the path discussed by many other western governments, but without any real plan to back up his policies.

It is not only westerners that can't just walk in and get vaccinated it also includes Thai's because the vaccines are not available to everyone in Thailand. There are many thousands in country provinces that do not have access to vaccines and then there are many that will not take Sinovac vaccine because they do not trust the Chinese vaccine plus many do not trust Anutin's company that is making Astra-Zenica here in Thailand

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Who told him that he is allowed to open his mouth and speak? I haven't even read the article yet. However, we always know he never has anything good to say.

8 minutes ago, sandyf said:

"her father who also had not been for vaccination"

That's my point ..... surely if the father had been vaccinated he would have been fine ? ..... 

5 hours ago, josephbloggs said:

 Yes vaccinated people can still get infected (two double vaxxed in my household have had it - very mild symptoms) but you get rid of the virus faster and are therefore contagious for a much shorter time, ergo vaccinated people are putting fewer people at risk then unvaccinated, simple fact.



I do believe in free choice but also believe society as a whole has a responsibility to each other and it is up to each business who they serve, and up to each employer who they employ.  It will leave some people out of things but that is their choice and this is just the way it will be worldwide if you want to eat out, catch a flight, go to an event.

In Singapore a company can legally terminate an employee if they refuse to be vaccinated or refuse to disclose their vaccination status.  Other countries are moving this way too.  In Singapore also there is no free medical care if you willingly decided not to vaccinate.

Personal choice is fine, I am all for it. But health insurance premiums for non vaxx people should increase as they pose a higher risk (and potentially higher cost to the insurer). 

  • Thanks 1
9 minutes ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Why? This is the only time that this man has spoken sense and, as he said, he is only adopting the same rules that exist elsewhere in the world (now, there is a surprise). Those who refuse to be vaccinated put both themselves and others at greater risk. I don't mind them putting themselves at greater risk - that is their right - but not others.

I think back to when I was a kid and we were vaccinated against smallpox and polio - no ifs or buts or cries of it's against my human rights or any conspiracy theories that we were being impregnated so our minds could be controlled. And guess what - it worked. No smallpox, no polio.

But back then there was only one vaccine for smallpox and one vaccine for polio and there was enough vaccine to vaccinate the whole community with no problems but here with this there are how many vaccines and still no enough to vaccinate the whole community. You have the Thai Red Cross holding onto Moderna vaccine to give for BOOSTER shots for people over the age of 70 while people in regional provinces are still waiting for vaccines for their first shots. It will never work until there is enough decent vaccine available for everyone in the country.


Good for the PM. It is about time someone started pushing back on the anti-vaxxers. Past time to close the borders to unvaccinated travelers as well.


  • Sad 2

it’s the non vaccinated who are in the lead for life support ventilators in hospitals all over the world .They are putting a huge strain on the health workers who are often faced with this 7 days and nights a week , they are on their knees , no one wants to do this job anymore, and can you blame them. Very few vaccinated people die from an eventual Covid infection compared to non vaccinated. The world’s economy is suffering, everyone should do their best and think of others, not only me me me. Jobs are lost, families crying over lost ones, and living with some who never recover , long Covid.

Its a pandemic, not a runny nose and a week in bed !

  • Thanks 1
25 minutes ago, sandyf said:

My wife's cousin never went for her vaccination, no real reason just never got round to it. She became infected at work and before becoming aware passed it on to her father who also had not been for vaccination. The father became ill and died, the daughter recovered and will regret for the rest of her life not having had the vaccination.

Very sad, I am sorry for her.

  • Thanks 1
7 hours ago, Geoffggi said:


vaccinated people can carry the virus just the same as unvaccinated people. 


I quote only this important part of your post, because it perpetuates the misunderstanding.

Not "the same" at all. Vaccinated people can carry the virus yes, but the virulence is much lower.


But it's not just about being infected, it's about the load on the medical infrastructure (affecting also non-covid patients). And this is irrefutable: the vast majority of those who need serious medical care are the non-vaxx. A cost to the whole society for the (debatable) freedom of a few.

6 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

From the article you posted Although fully vaccinated people were less likely to contract an infection, when they did — what’s known as a breakthrough infection — they can transmit the Delta variant at a similar level as unvaccinated people.


1 hour ago, robblok said:

Sure lot of people had no choice back then, can't blame people for doing that. It is telling that you use that as a comparison but then again antivaxers love putting themselves always as victims.


Instead of accepting that they are the cause of full hospitals and extra infections. 






I hope you are being sarcastic!

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