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No Omicron Cases In Thailand


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51 minutes ago, berrec said:

Yep, the WHO is so Woke it is more concerned about appearances than substance! 


That's why as a branch of the UN is has become a politically leftist useless bunch of overpaid elites.

Woke? Leftist? Wow.

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23 minutes ago, starky said:

If WHO was the voice of sanity maybe the shouldn't have started the fear mongering by labelling it a cause of major concern 48 hours after it was discovered. 

Or maybe they know more about it than you do? It was declared a VOC by a group of independent scientists. Hmmmm....

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1 hour ago, starky said:

If WHO was the voice of sanity maybe the shouldn't have started the fear mongering by labelling it a cause of major concern 48 hours after it was discovered. 


It was labelled a "Variant of concern" which is a standard nomenclature that has a very specific scientific meaning:


"variants of the virus where mutations in their spike protein receptor binding domain substantially increase binding affinity in RBD-hACE2 complex, while also being linked to rapid spread in human populations."


No more, no less.  They made it clear it was not yet known if it was more severe than prior variants nor if existing vaccines would confer protection.


Note that WHO also did not recommend border closures in response to Omicron.

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1 hour ago, Sheryl said:


It was labelled a "Variant of concern" which is a standard nomenclature that has a very specific scientific meaning:


"variants of the virus where mutations in their spike protein receptor binding domain substantially increase binding affinity in RBD-hACE2 complex, while also being linked to rapid spread in human populations."


No more, no less.  They made it clear it was not yet known if it was more severe than prior variants nor if existing vaccines would confer protection.


Note that WHO also did not recommend border closures in response to Omicron.

Jeremy Faust, a doc at Brigham & Womens Hospital in Boston, was on BBC today explaining the levels of variants. He thought that Delta should have been in the higher category, variant of high consequence (VOHC).



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5 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

According to the SoAfrican Doctor who discovered the presence of this variant says it's more transmissible, but not more virulent.


Fatigue? Headache?  Sounds like my August breakthrough infection.




What she actually said included a caveat that her patients were all young and healthy.


"Dr Coetzee, who was briefing other African medical associations on Saturday, made clear her patients were all healthy and she was worried the new variant could still hit older people – with co-morbidities such as diabetes or heart disease – much harder.

“What we have to worry about now is that when older, unvaccinated people are infected with the new variant, and if they are not vaccinated, we are going to see many people with a severe [form of the] disease,” she said."


I suspect actually wording there was "we may see" or "we have to worry that we might see".


No reputable doctor - and she is one - would generalize from the experience in an outpatient practice with relatively young healthy patient population  to what the variant may cause in a whole population. And she did not.





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3 hours ago, ozimoron said:

Can you suggest any fact based sites I could go to to find credible information about these agendas? I'm genuinely curious.

Any site that is not MSM, or to make it easy read the MSM and then you know the opposite is true. 

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12 hours ago, dsj said:

I found this on a Canadian News website. https://globalnews.ca/news/8407763/covid-19-omicron-name-greek-alphabet-explainer/
Many people had expected the agency to label the latest variant nu, which comes after mu, a variant designated on Aug. 30.

Instead, the WHO skipped over nu as well as xi, the next Greek letter in line — a move that many users on social media pointed out, while some questioned whether it was to avoid offending Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

In a statement provided to the AP, the WHO said it skipped nu for clarity and xi to avoid causing offense generally.

“`Nu’ is too easily confounded with `new,’ and `Xi’ was not used because it is a common last name,” the WHO said, adding that the agency’s “best practices for naming disease suggest avoiding `causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups.”’

Those best practices were outlined in a May 2015 document issued by the agency. The organization said at the time that it wanted to “minimize unnecessary negative effects on nations, economies and people” when naming infectious diseases.

This is the first time the organization has skipped letters since it began using the Greek alphabet for coronavirus variants; it has previously used the alphabet to label 12 others. Alpha, beta, gamma and delta are all currently “variants of concern” like omicron. Lambda and mu are given the less serious “variant of interest” designation. Six other letters were assigned to former variants of interest.

Lucky that the Greeks are not easily offended.........

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11 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

As long as they do not do any sequencing on recent tests they should be able to maintain this "nothing to see here" posture.




they definitely need a photo of a crowd of people pointing is all different directions to indicate all the places where Omicron is not.

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8 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

Anyway, even though the new variant is not known to be any worse than the current variants, let us all have a huge media feeding frenzy and try to scare as many people as possible until we have the facts.....

it's a fine balance, (most) governments want to be pro-active in dealing with the potential/possible threat, it can often be a case of; damned if you do, damned if you dont.

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17 minutes ago, bangon04 said:

Anyway, even though the new variant is not known to be any worse than the current variants, let us all have a huge media feeding frenzy and try to scare as many people as possible until we have the facts.....

Nobody knows the details of this new variant. Sad some try to downplay it before we know the facts.

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11 hours ago, Jeffr2 said:



Australia: 2 cases
Austria: 1 case
Belgium: 1 case
Botswana: 19 cases
Canada: 3 cases
Czech Republic: 1 case
Denmark: 2 cases
Germany: 3 cases
Hong Kong: 3 cases
Israel: 1 case
Italy: 1 case
Netherlands: 13 cases
Portugal: 13 cases
South Africa: 77 cases
Spain: 1 case
United Kingdom: 9 cases

At 2pm this afternoon ,UK now has 14 cases ,most are in Scotland (BBC R4 Today).

It on the move .

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