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No Omicron Cases In Thailand


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According to the SoAfrican Doctor who discovered the presence of this variant says it's more transmissible, but not more virulent.


Fatigue? Headache?  Sounds like my August breakthrough infection.



Edited by SiSePuede419
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13 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

According to the SoAfrican Doctor who discovered the presence of this variant says it's more transmissible, but not more virulent.

She's not a scientist, nor virologist.  The top scientists have NO idea if it's more transmissible or not just yet.  She's got a vested interest in protecting her country.  Since cases and hospitalizations are rising rapidly there, her credibility seems to be in question.

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20 hours ago, webfact said:

According to the Department of Medical Sciences, Thailand has not detected the Omicron variant. All private hospitals are requested to submit specimens from all Covid patients to be genetically sequenced to identify each individual’s strain and its prevalence.

And the Public Hospitals ???????

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4 minutes ago, jeanrem said:

South African doctors have said Omicron was a mild to light covid 19... why are we doing that much for some running noses ? Just to push the 3rd shot worldwide and infants vaccinations ? Come on Thailand, forget about WHO, have your own judgement !

One doctor says this. She's not a scientist and has no idea about the real details of this variant. Stunning how the deniers gravitate towards stuff like this.

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40 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

She's not a scientist, nor virologist.  The top scientists have NO idea if it's more transmissible or not just yet.  She's got a vested interest in protecting her country.  Since cases and hospitalizations are rising rapidly there, her credibility seems to be in question.

This doc said the symptoms were very different, yet this is what WHO says about that.


"There is currently no information to suggest that symptoms associated with Omicron are different from those from other variants.


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On 11/29/2021 at 2:50 PM, 4MyEgo said:

Omicron is the Greek number for 15, as far as I can recall, they only had 12 variants before Omicron, now why on earth did they skip Nu (13), and of course Mu (14), that said, I wonder what will happen when they get to Xi, or Omega for that matter, Omega being the last letter in the Greek alphabet.


I suppose they could start using Greek slang, like STA or NAH.


They skipped 2 letters, referring to the Ch... leader

He wouldn't be proud of this.

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1 hour ago, IamNoone88 said:

...... or detected in arrivals from UK, Italy, Holland, France? ...... Perhaps I am unaware that the virus has exclusive territories such as solely African country arrivals. This mf is going to hit like a sledge hammer.

Hong Kong, Japan, Spain, etc...


Japan is closing the door already.


Hong Kong widens ban on non-resident arrivals.

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4 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

hopefully the new variant is here and will spread rapidly therefore displacing the delta variant and ending the mania that has been inflicted on our planet.the virus is exhibiting its classic pattern now,becoming more transmissable and less pathogenic as it mutates and replicates.symptoms are minor and mild according to dr coetzee who found in several weeks ago and whos followed her patients and her colleagues who followed theirs.no patient has had to be hospitalised as yet and they suffer from heavy fatigue for 2 to 3 days plus a runny nose a scratchy throat and slight cough.all signs of a viral infection.almost all are young people.this is what happened to SARS 1 in hk it disappeared  due to this process which is natural path to a virus.its seeking to survive,deaths as we see worldwide have dropped of to about 6-7000 a day,there 7.5 billion of us approx.the pathetic displays of govt over the last few days show the mindset and control factors involved.this could be our best xmas present in a while.the door to normality is open again...if we wish to use it and govt allows us to.thats the disturbing thing.the MRNA vaccs are the most effective against it.calm down and stop screaming the end of this madness is nigh if you can unlock your mental chains.if this doesnt end it the next major mutation will,hopefully the reports will continue as theyve gone so far and we are out of the woods,we will know in a few days if not already lets hope the news isnt censored to pander to agendas

What agendas would they be?

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7 minutes ago, rupert the bear said:

ask this economy wrecking govt ,theyd know better than i.perhaps Xi too or a multitude of others who have used this epidemic for their own devces,its been a perfect screen to stop peoplegetting onto the street ,take hkfor instance,there are so many other examples im not even going to start naming them

If you don't know and can't elucidate them why allege that they exist?

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35 minutes ago, RafPinto said:

Let's see if at least the Africans want this Chinese present.


They see again a business opportunity.



Xi said 600m doses would be donations and 400m doses would be provided through other means such as joint production by Chinese companies and relevant African countries, Reuters reports. China would also build 10 health projects in Africa and send 1,500 health experts, he said.



The head of the African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team Strive Masiyiwa spoke out that Africa is done waiting for COVAX which is falling short of their goals in spite of promises from world leaders from wealthy western countries. They will welcome the 600 m donation from China. They really are exasperated with empty promises and in a dire position to drive up vaccination rate against surging infections from Omicron. The west is losing the pandemic diplomacy war to China. 

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2 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The head of the African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team Strive Masiyiwa spoke out that Africa is done waiting for COVAX which is falling short of their goals in spite of promises from world leaders from wealthy western countries. They will welcome the 600 m donation from China. They really are exasperated with empty promises and in a dire position to drive up vaccination rate against surging infections from Omicron. The west is losing the pandemic diplomacy war to China. 

The biggest problem there now is Vaccine hesitancy due to misinformation. They have plenty of jabs. Just not enough arms to put them in.

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15 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thai doctors confirm no ‘Omicron’ strain detected yet but say it is highly transmissible



Photo by Handout / US Food and Drug Administration / AFP


There has been no detection of the new COVID-19 Omicron mutation in Thailand yet, but experts say it spreads faster and more easily than the Beta and Delta strains, while symptoms can be quite mild, such as anosmia, and most antigen tests are able to detect infections, according to experts.


The new variant was first detected in South Africa late last week from a specimen collected on November 9th. The WHO then formally classified it as a new strain which is “of concern”, due to this variant’s large number of mutations. Preliminary evidence suggests an increased risk of reinfection with this variant, when compared to other strains, such as Delta or Beta.


Chief of the Department of Medical Sciences Dr. Supakit Sirilak explained in a phone interview with Thai PBS that “data from labs suggests that the new strain has an increased risk of causing infections and is able to evade the immune system. Therefore, looking at infected areas and primary data, it was found that the CT (Cycle Threshold) was quite low. This means that the infection is not hard to detect.”


Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thai-doctors-confirm-new-covid-19-omicron-strain-is-highly-transmissible/



omicron will be in Thailand on january 16   Sorry pattaya but alcohol will be allowed 1 month before the elections in 2022

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5 hours ago, dsj said:

I found this on a Canadian News website. https://globalnews.ca/news/8407763/covid-19-omicron-name-greek-alphabet-explainer/
Many people had expected the agency to label the latest variant nu, which comes after mu, a variant designated on Aug. 30.

Instead, the WHO skipped over nu as well as xi, the next Greek letter in line — a move that many users on social media pointed out, while some questioned whether it was to avoid offending Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

In a statement provided to the AP, the WHO said it skipped nu for clarity and xi to avoid causing offense generally.

“`Nu’ is too easily confounded with `new,’ and `Xi’ was not used because it is a common last name,” the WHO said, adding that the agency’s “best practices for naming disease suggest avoiding `causing offence to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups.”’

Those best practices were outlined in a May 2015 document issued by the agency. The organization said at the time that it wanted to “minimize unnecessary negative effects on nations, economies and people” when naming infectious diseases.

This is the first time the organization has skipped letters since it began using the Greek alphabet for coronavirus variants; it has previously used the alphabet to label 12 others. Alpha, beta, gamma and delta are all currently “variants of concern” like omicron. Lambda and mu are given the less serious “variant of interest” designation. Six other letters were assigned to former variants of interest.

Yep, the WHO is so Woke it is more concerned about appearances than substance! 


That's why as a branch of the UN is has become a politically leftist useless bunch of overpaid elites.

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4 hours ago, vandeventer said:

Poor South Africa, who said honesty  pays?

The discovery came from a specimen taken November 9th, so it seems to have been in the queue for weeks. It's a pity that South Africa and India have not received serious donations of sequencers to monitor cases, particularly of those hospitalized for extended periods. They might have then have had more chance to find an early case promptly.


As for rewarding South Africa for being forthright in disclosing their discovery - by maintaining international flights as usual: even though there are already cases of escape it makes sense to keep infected people from boarding aircraft. There is much more opportunity for the virus to infect people on the long flights from Johannesburg to other continents, and contact tracing would probably be fruitless. Certainly quarantine and testing on arrival from any country with cases makes sense, but from a highly infected country like South Africa, stopping flights gives the world some extra time to prepare for Omicron.


With the plea from Ramaphosa and others in South Africa, we are hearing the refrain: "stop giving boosters and send the vaccine to Africa". The answer to this is increasing production capacity, not depriving the Global North of boosters. US and other major countries need to protect their people and their economies which are the drivers of the world's economic activity. Citing production in most countries is impractical, and people might hesitate to get jabbed with a Brand X vaccine.


Biden is now boasting about US donations of vaccine, but the reality is that this is a drop in the bucket compared to the need, especially when we now realize that a booster should be a necessity for everyone. Private industry cannot be expected to create this upscaling of production since at times there could be no return on investment, besides which a good part of output would be distributed at low or no cost. Obviously, US and others would provide vaccines and boosters to their own people, but even when starting from scratch capacity should be sufficient to vaccinate the world within a year. We are fighting a war with Covid, so it's the duty of government to see that sufficent vaccine is available. This is about dealing with Covid, but also preparing for the next pandemic.


There is more to do, but this is the core of the solution.



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31 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The head of the African Vaccine Acquisition Task Team Strive Masiyiwa spoke out that Africa is done waiting for COVAX which is falling short of their goals in spite of promises from world leaders from wealthy western countries. They will welcome the 600 m donation from China. They really are exasperated with empty promises and in a dire position to drive up vaccination rate against surging infections from Omicron. The west is losing the pandemic diplomacy war to China. 

It would be useful to test the sera of people vaccinated with the Sino vaccines to see how well the samples cope with Omicron. This is what is being done in coming days with the mRNA vaccines. It is sadly true that the West has fallen short on helping the Third World cope with Covid.

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21 hours ago, SheikYabodyline said:

It's in the nature of governments, they are always reactive, often disproportionately so. For once the WHO is a voice of sanity, calling in the present situation for borders to remain open until more is known and understood about this new variation. You might expect at least a few not to act like hysterical, headless chickens. Dream on.

If WHO was the voice of sanity maybe the shouldn't have started the fear mongering by labelling it a cause of major concern 48 hours after it was discovered. 

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