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Thais urged not to drink drive this New Year


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Motherhood statements won't do much....they need to actually do something.....


According to their own statistics, around 70% of fatalities are due to motorcycle accidents. So maybe a bit of education, enforcement of licences, helmets, numbers of riders on one bike, road rules and confiscation of licences /bikes for serious offenders.


Who knows, they might reduce the road toll by 50% !

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I wrote this on Facebook eight years ago: The annual New Years carnage is underway on Thailand's roads, with 86 killed and nearly 900 injured in the first two days. Around 611,600 cars and vehicles were inspected at police checkpoints and infractions included over 31,000 - 31,000! - drivers without a license.


I could have written similar seven years ago, six years ago, five years ago, four years ago, three years ago, two years ago, one year ago. And nine years ago, 10 years ago, 11 years ago. Gets boring, doesn't it.


Nothing changes and no-one cares. Same old messages, same old yeh yeh yeh, same old few days enforcement, Then nothing. Why does Thailand even have a police force? My brother in law is a policeman and I asked my wife what he actually does. She hadn't any idea.

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6 hours ago, webfact said:

Deputy interior minister Niphon Bunyamanee said that he and the Thai government cares about the welfare of the people on the roads.

No, they really don't. This is all for show, otherwise they would have long since sprung into action to try to stop the carnage on Thai roads that's been going on for decades already. But like almost everything having to do with Thai authorities, it's all words and no action at all.

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3 hours ago, PEE TEE said:

Whatever is said it falls on deaf ears it will not make difference according to the article it only refers to Thais. I take it they don't care about foreigners.  

Cos they can do no wrong. Last time I  was in Samui, one of their mad motorcyclyst, no helmet , on the wrong side of the road going like a bat out hell. I was making a right turn in the middle of the road wth indicator flashing, if I  had excellerated he would slammed into me.


I guess the Administration would have given him a medal if he had survived. Damn right they do not care about  anyone but themselves

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I finished work at 4 pm. Out here around my Issan town the checkpoints are already out. Significantly more traffic. Many BKK and Chonburi plates have arrived to visit the fam.


Yup, some are already swerving and unable to stay in the lane a bit. It's no joke, they certainly get started early. "Ki mau, ki mau!", I hear them chuckle.


I had the good sense to wait until I got home to crack open a Singha. Now I'm sitting here reading AN, and waiting for students on my online teaching platform. There's no danger in doing that slightly inebriated. Indeed, it helps a bit. ????????

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Driven all over the world and the most dangerous, immature and untrained drivers live here.  Living here in the sticks of Saraburi it is all the aggressive drivers heading north/northeast trying to bypass the major routes during the holidays.  So many hazards on rural roads.  Just driving 10k on a rural road today that most usually has little traffic the cars zooming past was amazing, 120-130 kph where safe speed IMO is 80kph. Passing on hill crests etc. glad to be home away from idiots. One thing I do know is Thai drivers are not used to mountain roads.  The local folks I know stay off the roads due to “Bangkok drivers” their words not mine.

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10 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

I think the days for urging Thais to not drink and drive are long passed.

It is time to stop pussyfooting around and start getting tough!

They have shown time and time again that they just cannot be trusted not to drive or ride whilst intoxicated.

They should be threatened with massive fines, having their vehicles crushed and lengthy jail sentences.

This should be done publicly as a warning to others.




Exactly, they will never understand if you don't hit their wallet, hard!

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Who remembers the short video of a policeman helping a foreigner onto his  motorbike on Soi Bangla ? It didn’t do much good, thank god , as he did 30 meters and went sprawling into the crowds.

Im so terrified of getting into a taxi , that I always ask for lady drivers. Never been frightened by one and very good drivers. My usual company always charges me 200 Baht more for an airport run.That’s ok by me.

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How about....

DUI you are automatically banned for one year, one year probation, 6 months in an army boot-camp, offend in the remaining 6 months you go inside.

Your vehicle will be impounded for one year.

Then extend this from the 7 dangerous days to 365 days of the year.

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Do Thai's even go for a driving test before getting there lesions,  IT has never changed in all the year's I have been coming to Thailand. Helmet's should be composery Like other countries and I never get over kids standing and no helmet's on . I have never seen a cop on the road, so I guess it will never change.

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Thais urged not to drink drive this New Year

Give this man a metal!!

Why didn't they think of saying  that years ago? Think of the lives saved.

Well better late than never I say. I also say 

 Ob-la-di, ob-la-da
Life goes on, bra
La-la, how the life goes on

Oh wait a second, that was not me. It feels like it was me though. 


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1 hour ago, Sharron Merrilees said:

Helmet's should be composery Like other countries

They are compulsory in Thailand but the Thais ain't ones for conforming to the letter of the law, as with most laws, the land laws being the main one.

Edited by IvorBiggun2
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19 hours ago, Asquith Production said:

Fines they would not be able to pay. Vehicles being crushed is not on as most need to use their vehicle for work and a lot are on credit so the driver will not be the owner until its paid off. 


The Government have no wish to implement harsh punishment because it will upset the majority of Thai people and not exactly a vote winner, plus do you see Thais marching on Parliament demanding tougher action on drink drivers?, Its only foreigners who see the devastation because it would be unacceptable in their countries. I believe the accidents are accepted by the Thai government and general public as part of life.

"The Government have no wish to implement harsh punishment because it will upset the majority of Thai people and not exactly a vote winner,"

Since when did this soldiers government have to bother about votes from the electorate, the ordinary Thai people?

Don't forget that these generals are only there because they are in charge of the ones with the guns, and are trained to use them. 

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