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Things must be worse than we think...


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9 minutes ago, robblok said:

How about doing both. But its still a gamble. And once hospital overflow we are F..cked

One problem could be a shortage of medical staff as well (through infection), and not just too many patients overflowing hospitals. This is bad news for any patient needing urgent medical care/operations, etc. This is already happening in a number of countries. 

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23 minutes ago, robblok said:



But the precautions you are talking about might not work at all. My brother, his wife, their daughter and both my parents caught ominicron.

Dad vaccinated and had a booster, few bad days and loss of stamina.

Mom week of bad coughing (but is a heavy smoker) also vaccinated and had a booster

Brother diabetic, crons disease and a few others... nothing

His wife healthy, sporty never sick 2 weeks of sickness and now long covid with almost total loss of stamina and having problems focussing. 


The one we expected to sail through it had it worst.


Its just all a big gamble and omricon can be bad too, if enough people get it hospitals will overflow. It might be less serious but even if its 4 times less serious and spreads easier 5 times its still bad news. 


So please don't act like its nothing. 


I certainly don't want to get it and I eat healthy, do my cardio lift my weights, never drink alcohol (dont like the taste). But i still don't want to lose the built up stamina and the loss of being able to focuss on things is not fun neither was her 2 weeks of breathing problems total misery and being bedridden.


After having seen what happened to a health young person 42 im not so sure about the mildness of omnicron. Sure on average it is probably less bad but you dont want to be the one that has the bad symptoms.

 I agree with you, it can be very bad! My wife and I are both vaccinated (pfizer) and she has been really sick for the past week. She was tested and has COVID as do I. she is really bad, constant cough, bad headache, soar throat, very tired etc. As for me I have mild body aches and a mild headache but ok.  

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38 minutes ago, robblok said:

So please don't act like its nothing. 

I'm not and never did.


I'd never stated it was just a cold. Delta in the lungs and what the disease does to the lungs and vascular system is nasty.


I just am entirely against mRNA vaccines, the theater and the politics of it all.


I'm not telling anyone to do anything merely stating I will not take that vaccine nor would I push it on anyone especially a young person and doubly a child

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25 minutes ago, robblok said:

So your ok with taking a non mRNA vaccine then your not as bad as i thought. I don't worry about mRNA but that is your choice


I wouldn't give him too much credit with that, in another thread he said he only took two AZ because he was forced to for work. 

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4 hours ago, Dmaxdan said:

The situation is what it is. There is no point in worrying about something we have zero control over. 

All anyone can do is get vaccinated, get your booster jabs when available, follow all the precautions that are put in place and keep your guard up.

For everyone's sanity, this relentless scaremongering has to stop now!


OR, we can just say to <deleted> with it and live our lives till we can't.

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16 hours ago, daveAustin said:

It’s as out of control in the UK as the thousands and thousands of colds. Hospitals are fine—I was in one last week and pretty quiet. The only thing that is overwhelming is the media and peoples’ hysteria. 


Just moments ago I watched a report on UK hospitals on the dire understaffing situation they find themselves in, one even came from my home town. So either media hype or you are wrong. 

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22 hours ago, cdemundo said:

"US and UK fully jabbed up."

For 1/2/booster shots

UK               78/71/51%

US               73/62/21%

Thailand     73/65/8.9%


Not sure what is thought to be fully jabbed up, but 22% to 27% is millions of unvaccinated people for the virus to multiply and mutate.


The guys is living in another world, he has not noticed operations for stuff like heart problems being stopped in countries because of covid. Thinks the UK and US are jabbed up in my country we are also not fully jabbed up too many idiots there who unlike him do not take the vaccine and stand with their conviction. Instead of taking a jab and later sprouting antivax nonsense.


It just means that the jab is not bad otherwise he would never have taken it. So its more a case of trolling the forum after having taken a jab. If he had serious convictions he would not have been jabbed. 

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