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Lovelorn army colonel stabbed to death after damaging plastic chair at Bangkok beer garden


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16 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

Isn't NCO (Non-commissioned officer) someone who did not enter the army at that rank but instead worked their way up?  I think that's what it is.  Not sure why they need the distinction.  Sounds a little elitist.

Colonel is not a low rank.


Might be an honorary or courtesy title, which could mean the person doesn't hold an official commission.


Perhaps that's why there's mention of not holding a commission, but poorly worded as NCO.


NCOs are specifically, in most/all militaries:


- Lance Corporals

- Corporals

- Sergeants

- Sergeant Majors


Perhaps it's just very poor reporting.  

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21 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

It remains so fascinating that several users here push the narrative that Thais have some sort of next-level peacefulness, when we see so many instances of Thais killing each other over the slightest and most trivial indiscretions.


Very sad for an evening to end up this way.  Especially attacked from behind with a weapon.


So often we see this senseless violence, normally followed by the perpetrator being led away and warning others not to be like them.  I wish they would teach about consequences a little more here.  But then maybe it wouldn't be as fun or relaxing as it is...

Much of this Land of Smiles is an illusion. 

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19 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

The article itself is so 

Poorly written I find it hard to understand, but someone got drunk didn't like being sent home in a taxi, returned and a fight started, then some one lost face over abusive comment and did his banana over the drunk tripping over his nice plastic chair 

 "then some one lost face"


I think you may have hit on the key fact, not property damage but loss of face.

Teasing that went to far perhaps.

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The story is missing some facts .....   why was the guy with the club or stick enraged at the colonel   ?

what did the colonel do or say before he left the first time that made the attacker so angry ?

then the guy got angry when the colonel smashed the plastic chair  ....

then the colonel got angry when the attacker kicked the colonel's car ...




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17 hours ago, cncltd1973 said:

I'm not sure Thailand is as serious about the distinction, this is a country where you can earn paratrooper wings without ever jumping out of an airplane!

Must be why I see all these cops with jump wings what a disgrace 

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On 1/12/2022 at 9:37 AM, BangkokReady said:

Yeah, it's crazy the things that you hear of someone being stabbed to death/chopped up for here over the years.  I know most of our countries are far more dangerous, with much higher rates of violence and murder, but there's something about the way such an insignificant action can result in boiling rage that drives otherwise "normal" people to violently kill.


It's so senseless, and they often regret it afterwards.  Generally multiple lives ruined for nothing.

''I know most of our countries are far more dangerous, with much higher rates of violence and murder'' and which countries is that? western europe,australia, new zealand, etc aint ''far more dangerous with much higher rates of violence and murder'' than thailand.... and how would you even know that? you read/see a few or not even a few, rarely violent crimes or crime news in thailand being posted on english speaking thai news and make your assumptions based on that? 

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On 1/12/2022 at 3:22 PM, pacovl46 said:

Thais in general are peace-loving, but obviously there’s exception to that, just like there’s exception to almost every rule on the planet. You make it sound like all the Thais are murderous psychopaths and they’re clearly not! 

so just like most tourists and expats make it seem europe is some sort of hell hole especially UK. when they have lower murder rate than thailand... and always rant about how UK is hotheaded and dangerous. but thailand is all peace and love, little to no gun violence, thais are most peaceful. far majority of foreigners have no clue what happens in thailand except the few crime/violence news aseannow or bangkokpost publish....

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14 hours ago, ta158 said:

so just like most tourists and expats make it seem europe is some sort of hell hole especially UK. when they have lower murder rate than thailand... and always rant about how UK is hotheaded and dangerous. but thailand is all peace and love, little to no gun violence, thais are most peaceful. far majority of foreigners have no clue what happens in thailand except the few crime/violence news aseannow or bangkokpost publish....

I never said that, the keyword in my previous post was “in general” and I stand behind that 100%. Of course there’s bad apples amongst the Thais, but that’s true for every nation on the planet! 

Let me give you another analogy. On Mallorca there’s specific stretches of beach including hotels that are reserved for tourists from the UK, because they have such a bad reputation for getting drunk and fighting that they don’t want them to get mixed up with tourists from other nations because they want tourists from other nations to keep coming back. Saying that the Thais are murderous would be like saying the English love to get drunk and get into fights based on the situation on Mallorca. 

I’ve never been to the UK, but I would assume that while there are certainly are people there that fit the description of getting drunk and into fights that the majority of the population doesn’t operate that way.


I used to live in Thailand for 10 years and based on my experience there I can say that generally speaking they are peaceful, fun loving people with a great sense of humor who don’t like confrontation.

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On 1/12/2022 at 9:52 AM, BangkokReady said:

It remains so fascinating that several users here push the narrative that Thais have some sort of next-level peacefulness, when we see so many instances of Thais killing each other over the slightest and most trivial indiscretions.


It remains fascinating that you see "so many" violent instances simply because the so many peaceful 99% of instances involving Thai people aren't reported, for obvious reasons, they're peaceful and not newsworthy.

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2 hours ago, Liverpool Lou said:

It remains fascinating that you see "so many" violent instances simply because the so many peaceful 99% of instances involving Thai people aren't reported, for obvious reasons, they're peaceful and not newsworthy.

Are you suggesting that if all peaceful instances involving Thai people were reported it would somehow change the number of violent instances?  Fascinating that you would try to create that argument, but unlikely.


You might want to go away and look up what "so many" actually means, before you embarrass yourself further.

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