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Why Do Isaan Girls Make Such Great Wives

Guest Isaanlife

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"Several provinces get routinely covered in water."

Build on a flood pane, and you get flooded.   Surprise. 


Sun can be brutal at times, and easier to manage then bitter cold.  Fair trade.

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42 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I'd rather be alone, than live with an ugly woman.

And I'm not so poor I need to live off one.


I also remember you posting about how wonderful your last relationship was.

Which didn't end all that well either.


But don't worry, a high earning ugly one is sure to be different.


Don't get me wrong, I've taken home a few monsters as well.

But when I woke up sober in the morning I wished I hadn't.


I never said anything about an ugly woman. I said they are not 10's or 9' stuff like that. So basically your saying you value a pretty woman above all else and because your old (even older then me) you get a certain kind of woman that stays with you for your money. Its a trade. So its not so strange that they would rather have your money then you. Its based on your own preference.


My last relationship was not bad, but just did not work out. Things happen did not cheat on me and it was me who ended it. Just did not go the way i wanted it to go. I think you have to accept that sometimes relationships don't work.


The high earning one is certainly not ugly, maybe in your eyes she is. But according to most she is not. But point being I could have done the same thing as you did pay a woman to stay with me and find a really sexy one. The better the looks the worse i look and behave the more i have to pay. That is how it works.


If that is what you like then so be it but stop bitching about woman being bad. Its just the kind of woman you date.


I date woman that i have things in common with and that are financially independent. So I don't become like you.


I really don't care about what you want in a relationship, i only attack you when you start talking BS. Because that is what it is. If you would have said the kind of woman you date are opportunists then sure id agree with you.


Not everyone wants the same out of a relationship. I rather have less pretty woman with whom i can converse have similar likes and dislikes to and can earn her own money. You obviously only care about looks and good shagging. (i care about that too but less unlike you i don't have the stamina to do that all day with my woman so i rather look at things that are good beyond the shagging)


MY opinion (not yours) is that i have to live with the girl and need to like her and for me that means a certain level of intelligence, good communication skills, having her own money / job, liking diving and sports and can accept that i need time alone.


You have a different set of things you like. So we are both looking at a different group of women with different characteristics. So your experiences, like mine are different. So I only go against your blanket statements. 


I totally understand that in the group you select there are far more money grabbers then in the group i select. 



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Just curious, I'm a Pattaya-Bangkok type expat, never been to Isaan, but what I'd like to know is, if you want to <deleted> around as a man in Isaan, can you? Or is it just a (happily) married man's life. I wouldn't mind such a life, if I could be sure my wife didn't grow old all of a sudden. I've had quite a few hot girl friends in my life. I looked away for a while, and when I turned around again they'd grown old. They grew old on me behind my back in what seemed like no time.

Edited by JackGats
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OP seems to be trying to convince themselves, and is seeking external affirmation.


And what's with the use of "girls"? I realize that women under the age of 17 can be married, with special dispensation, but "girls"? Really?


And what's with use of the plural? Are we talking multiple wives?





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5 minutes ago, JackGats said:

Just curious, I'm a Pattaya-Bangkok type expat, never been to Isaan, but what I'd like to know is, if you want to <deleted> around as a man in Isaan, can you? Or is it just a (happily) married man's life. I wouldn't mind such a life, if I could be sure my wife didn't grow old all of a sudden. I've had quite a few hot girl friends in my life. I looked away for a while, and when I turned around again they'd grown old. They grew old behind my back in what seemed like no time.

What happend to grow old together and mutual respect. To death etc etc

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2 minutes ago, Hummin said:

What happend to grow old together and mutual respect. To death etc etc

That concept ended around 1970-1990 in the western world.

And it was ended by women, not men.


Some may choose to point the finger at 'no fault divorce' laws as the final nail in it's coffin.

Edited by BritManToo
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14 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

That concept ended around 1970-1990 in the western world.

And it was ended by women, not men.


Some may choose to point the finger at 'no fault divorce' laws as the final nail in it's coffin.

I havent given up yet, and I do not believe I will even it will take 10 more attempts, I will make it ???? 555

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20 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

To get one, they need to accept the other.

Indeed, so then yes you got woman who are opportunists. That is the whole point.  They want money not you and are willing to put up with you (ok its a bit crude to put it this way). But basically its a trade so then yes you got woman who are opportunists and in it for the money. 


Your happy with it so be it, but not every woman is the same. If i wanted the kind of girls you have i would have to pay too. I am not better then you or anything just have different preferences, that is why the ones i date are not opportunists. 

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4 minutes ago, robblok said:

Your happy with it so be it, but not every woman is the same. If i wanted the kind of girls you have i would have to pay too. I am not better then you or anything just have different preferences, that is why the ones i date are not opportunists. 

I suspect the ones you date are disappointed opportunists.

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17 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I suspect the ones you date are disappointed opportunists.

That is what you think, and you got a right to think whatever you want. Just be happy paying for it and live your live jaded like you are. I live my life not paying for it. I mean im living for free in a huge house, electricity paid. Not paying a dime. So not sure how the girl is an disappointed opportunist. 


As i said we look at different kind of woman and we like different kind of things. So stop generalizing about woman because you have financially based relationships.  If you set your sights lower you might actually get one that liked you and not your money.


But like you said that is not what you want you want a sexy pretty woman and are willing to pay for it.  So then that is the kind of woman who you attract and associate with. Not everyone does that so stop using your own experiences to say ALL woman are like that.


Its just the kind you get because of what you want. 

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13 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

We've interacted for a while,

So I know you aren't attractive, don't have a great personality, are well past your 'sell by' date, and financially limited.

Same as most of the rest of us forum posters (especially me).

You must have something she wants, but it's beyond me what it could be.



We have never really interacted, and yes im past my sell date, not as much as you are though. But yes past my sell date.

I am also pretty sure im have a far better personality compared to you when its about woman. (your posts show as much no respect nothing) No wonder you have to pay for them to stay with you.


Im not really that limited financially, though not rich by any means. Got a nice income. 


Of course i have something she wants, that is what relations are about. You look at things you have in common so you can have a good time together. (It might come to you as a surprise but there are other things you can do with a woman besides sex)


What she wants from me is quite clear, she likes spending time with me do the stuff we both like. Its really not rocket science Brit. Your missing the social skills to understand because of your jaded limited view of woman. That is where you and i differ. 




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Guest Isaanlife
3 hours ago, Hummin said:

Do you have a social network of expats where you live? Or is it just you and your wifes family you socialize with? 

Just wife's family.


No other expats in the area.

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Guest Isaanlife
3 hours ago, HashBrownHarry said:

I agree regarding looking after finances.


Majority will have a poor education and come from poor back grounds with little knowledge of how to manage budget / pay bills / stash money away for rainy day.


I'm a big boy now and can look after my own finances thank you very much. Most marital issues are always about money. 

About money only when you don't have any.


When there is plenty, there is never any issues.

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Guest Isaanlife
3 hours ago, phutoie2 said:

Well that explains why you are posting such drivel

Isan electric bill, my a**e

You think electric is free? Do you even understand Isaan dialect?


Of course not, now who is the donkey?

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9 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

Maybe you're right, I'm far too intelligent to have much in common with most people (male or female).

Sometimes I think I'd be happier if I were as stupid as everyone else.

You don't come across as that intelligent, just anti social and jaded. But I just don't get you, I mean you seem happy enough in the relation you are yet you are so negative about woman. (yes you pay but so what). Its that kind of stuff you look for so what is the problem. Just don't project what you like and have onto everyone else.


Just like what i like is not for everyone either, just like you and i are totally different same goes for woman. 


I don't judge you for what you have or do as that is your choice, just judge you for not being bright enough to see that its not the same for everyone. 

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4 hours ago, Isaanlife said:

How is life in Isaan any different than anywhere else?


Go shopping? Check

Dine out? Check

Go on Holiday? Check

Own house and car? Check

Drink Beer? Check



Well I just got back from the ceremony to start a house build, one of the very few non family invited, they know I enjoy hot coffee, so while others drank coke and water, I was supplied with coffee.

Ceremony over many people making an effort to communicate in Thai, while we enjoyed Thai food and fruit.

One guy made a point of relating to my wife how I stopped to help him move some bales the other day.

Thing is the guys building the house may well be working on our next project ???? a couple of additional ensuite bedrooms.

I sit here relaxing, warm but a cooling breeze, next job cycle to the farm with my wife (on motorcycle ????) to provide the lunchtime drink for the cattle, after which will work with my wife who will cut the grass I will carry for the cattle nearer home.

Yesterday cleaned house thoroughly inside and out, windows cleaned too, try doing that in a highrise condo ????


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2 minutes ago, Screaming said:

The old geezers on this forum are delusional if they think that the Thai ladies love them for their looks or personality. It is your money stupid.


Oh I think the successful relationship certainly requires personality, lack of it is usually displayed by the 'rent' only crowd, and those with the inability to accept failure despite claiming to have provided substantial financial support

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8 minutes ago, 473geo said:

Oh I think the successful relationship certainly requires personality, lack of it is usually displayed by the 'rent' only crowd, and those with the inability to accept failure despite claiming to have provided substantial financial support

I have plenty of 'personality' but sadly it's nearly all bad.

No sure about 'failure', all relationships fail at some point, unless you're lucky enough for one of you to die before it fails. Even Bezos and Gates managed to fail in the recent past, along with Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt .......... imagine them not being good enough to satisfy their 'lower class' women with all they had to offer?

Edited by BritManToo
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