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The Time has come to pack in it

Guest Isaanlife

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Guest Isaanlife

Tickets are bought, we will be on our way back to the US in March 2022.


All preparations made, leave the 26 rai farm, house, trucks,  in the care of the FIL and family.


Over the years we have invested in enough equipment they can make their own living and take care of themselves.


It is a sad time, yet it is an exciting time.


Thai wife is US citizen so she has been there and done that.


No issues for her to worry about.


We own 2 homes in USA, one in New Hampshire and one in Florida.


We will head to Florida to start, hopefully spend the summers in N.H and winters in Florida if all goes to plan.


Some nice areas in the White Mountains of N.H to trout fish and hike, which I am sure I will enjoy.


I also use to ski a lot in my youth. My wife has always said she would love to try it or snow boarding, so new things abound.


Thailand, I have no complaints. It was a good quiet life in Isaan. Never had really any issues. Just feel while we have the chance for more, now is the time.


We are both at the point we just really want more from life, a better quality of life and basically just not have to worry about anything.


We were never stuck financially in Thailand. It was a choice and I thought it was great. Still do. Like the quiet farm life.


However, over the past 2+ years, gave us time to think we want to spend time exploring new places and see new things.


I will not ever return to Thailand to live.


My wife is up in the air when I die if she would or not. Maybe depends on who joins her here?


Possible we may sponsor some of her family to come over and stay.


Our son is already living in the US so it will be great to see him more.


I think less stress for me as I get older, no VISA issues or reporting or anything. I will never have to worry how rule changes will affect my life.


US medical options in the future. No worries about dealing with Thai insurance (whether a claim gets paid or not) or other if I live into my late 70's and 80's.


We don't live in a major city so no issues with air pollution, traffic, crime etc.


Sure Florida has it's annual hurricane season but our house is built to hurricane code and in a location we have never had any damage or issues.


Been thinking a lot it will be strange waking up in the US after all these years in Thailand, in the same routine. Strange but maybe exciting as well.


Going to take some time to get use to it.


One fear I have is that it may revolve into the same routine as in Thailand?


Been there, done that, seen it all after a few years?


It is what is is, and I am sure we will find new things to do and pursue over the years.


I never like moving, in fact I hate it. 


But sometimes, those decisions have to be made and I am sure it will all work out for the best.


One thing I won't be doing is posting again on TV after I move.


I have read a lot of interesting things on TV over the years and many, many thanks for all the lessons learned and good info.


Folks like Ubon Joe who always have the right answers.


I have also learned there are a good amount of expats I am glad I never had the pleasure of meeting.




I had to say it because over the years I have been appalled by the attitudes of some of the expats here.

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2 hours ago, Isaanlife said:

One fear I have is that it may revolve into the same routine as in Thailand?


Been there, done that, seen it all after a few years?

Wouldn’t worry about that, just go with the flow. Perspectives do change, however, and you may find life there grating after a while. Many expats ‘ping pong’ after a return home.
All the best.  

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Guest Isaanlife
5 hours ago, habanero said:

We moved back to the U.S. last April. It turned out to be the right decision. We too used to live in N.H. and Florida as well.  We couldn't see ourselves moving from Thailand back to the cold winters of New Hampshire so we decided on the South. You are right about medical care. So much easier here in the U.S... We are covered by both Tricare and Medicare so we never see a bill. 

 I guess the biggest problem is over eating. Too much of all the foods we love and missed. Also, it doesn't seem to cost any more to live here than it did in Thailand. Although gas prices are going through the roof right now. Mr. Brandon, with his stopping the drilling for oil. Well, you know the rest.  It's also nice to go for a drive and not have to worry about paying the cops at road blocks.  While we do on occasion miss Thailand we know we made the right choice. 

Thanks for your reply.

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As with many on here who choose to relocate back to their home country, they are somehow able to import a Thai wife or girl friend along with them.


For some, with reasons among them being pure age arithmetic, that is not possible.


As a 15+ year resident of Florida before moving to Thailand, remember Florida is a big state and not all of it is close to the beach.

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36 minutes ago, bluebluewater said:

The pandemic has only made it harder not to mention the difficulty going out anywhere anyway during the past couple of years.   I'm glad I'm not in Thailand at this time however.  Simpler here but not as much fun. 

I think that was the main problem with our stay here, The pandemic has removed a lot of the things that we enjoyed about living in Thailand but still leaving  the hustles that annoyed us, I to hope that when this pandemic is over things will return to normal.

But let's not forget that as we get older we too are changing and that will never change back to the past normal LOL.

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I guess we will pack up to when time comes and I get older in 10 - 12years and leave Isan.


Don't see myself there after passed 70 years old, but thing can change before that, or I'm still strong enough and have good still living there.


Good to have options to return back to.

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