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Cold calls from other expats


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20 hours ago, Pmbkk said:


Are you sure you've not been on the drugs...


Two of your biggest constant gripes - People from the UK and drunks.


All seems a little contrived..????


One of my biggest gripes are drunks, I just have no time for them, but I have never known any of Robblok's posts to have any gripes against people from the UK.

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Why make a mountain out of a molehill? Someone calls me and if after a few seconds I quickly determine the call is BS or they're trying to sell me something, I simply hang up.  

All this posting, call blocking, stress, blah blah blah over something that can be settled within 5 seconds is funny.

Edited by bbko
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21 hours ago, daveAustin said:

???????????? Give it a rest. We all know you hate Brits. Btw, have you listened to Dutch accents lately?

Robblok does not hate Brits, I know him personally, and he has never gave any impression that he hates Brits.

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A Dutchman receives an unwanted scam call from a man with an accent from  England/Brit/UK (I know the difference), and instead of simply handling it the way everyone does, writes about it here. 

Cue the usual affronted suspects from the Old Blighted who in typical fashion circle the wagons and throw blame at Australians.

A nothing thread (yes, I replied anyway!) bringing out the usual prejudicial comments from many who have little else to offer.

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I always enjoyed Latin, because the Romans could sum up a situation in a terse phrase, the language was rich with them.

IMO my all-time favorite is " Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses."

Loosely translated by Bernard Woolley of Yes Minister:

" If you had kept your mouth shut, we might have thought you were clever."

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4 hours ago, robblok said:

Thing is if you order stuff with lazada / shoppee ect you get called by people delivering said packages. So I will always have people calling me with numbers I don't know. Otherwise i would be able to ignore them all.

I see that you are taking a bit of "flak" with regards to your comment about accents, however I have to agree that listening to someone who is a "Scouser", "Geordie" or a "Cockney" all of whom can have "grating" accents, can be extremely difficult and I, like you, can barely make out anything they are saying.


Which begs the question why a reputable company would use such folk for their outbound calling program, unless of course they are not reputable and are looking for just about anyone who is prepared to give telemarketing a shot.


I've had a a few since I've been here, all of them selling "investments", however when I tell them that I was an Independent Financial Planner and then Chief Manager Investments for a major bank, they back off.


Unfortunately I don't think that my old Nokia flip phone is able to block unwanted numbers??

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1 minute ago, xylophone said:

I see that you are taking a bit of "flak" with regards to your comment about accents, however I have to agree that listening to someone who is a "Scouser", "Geordie" or a "Cockney" all of whom can have "grating" accents, can be extremely difficult and I, like you, can barely make out anything they are saying.


Which begs the question why a reputable company would use such folk for their outbound calling program, unless of course they are not reputable and are looking for just about anyone who is prepared to give telemarketing a shot.


I've had a a few since I've been here, all of them selling "investments", however when I tell them that I was an Independent Financial Planner and then Chief Manager Investments for a major bank, they back off.


Unfortunately I don't think that my old Nokia flip phone is able to block unwanted numbers??

It must be that people thought i was making an anti UK remark or something. But i was seriously bothered by his accent. I mean it was strong and it made it torture to listen to him. I don't care where he is from but normally you would not expect people like that in call centers. Normally I am not bothered much only by extremes like this. 


I dont think you can block unwanted nrs on a flip phone sorry. Need a smart phone for that.



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3 hours ago, possum1931 said:

Robblok does not hate Brits, I know him personally, and he has never gave any impression that he hates Brits.

I made some comments in a Brexit thread and seems some people consider that hating Brits if you don't agree with them. Not sure why people are so narrow minded they seem to think that any comment against their country means i hate them.


I have no hatred for any nationality, just for idiots from all nationalities. 


I said the guy sounded drunk, but was not meant as a comment about drunk people more again extra info on how bad his accent was. Seems a lot of people are hung up about that.

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On 4/19/2022 at 11:41 AM, Kinnock said:

I bet he was a pension or investment salesman - easily the most annoying.  If you are an expat they assume they can drain your pension fund with QROPS etc.


I block the numbers, but they pop up again with another number.


I noticed the calls often followed messages I received on LinkedIn, where a 'recruitment consultant' said she had "an interesting opportunity for me, and could I provide a convenient number so she could call".  


Since I stopped responding to these messages, the cold calls also stopped.  Both practices are illegal in some countries (UK, Australia etc), but you'd need to get details of the company, and they be not be based in a regulated region.

I bet he was a pension or investment salesman - easily the most annoying.  If you are an expat they assume they can drain your pension fund with QROPS etc.....Yeah,I've had the SAME Guy call me 3 times in the past 18 Months or so he calls using a U.K. Mobile Number but says he works for a BRITISH Pension Company based in Bangkok......I'll bet he WON'T Call me again anytime soon after I taught him LOTS of New Profanities last time probably searching Google or his Dictionary for they're meanings.....555 !

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Totally agree with you, though I am a Brit. I detest cold calls. By phone or at the door. As you say, if you want a service you can go searching. In France they do not give up. There I also have a home and a landline principally for fibre internet. The  number  is supposed to be registered as " dark" specifically to avoid these calls. But has no discernible effect. I can get 3 or 4 cold calls a day.  So I unplugged the phone from the router. I used to answer in English and they usually hung up but  some now have English speakers and specialise in plaguing Brits living there. Worse, some are scammers that take older folk for all they can get.


The French mobile I also have is fortunately still mostly free of these calls.

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12 hours ago, robblok said:


I don't have problems with the normal Brit accent. That is why i said most Brits don't have a bad accent. So not sure where your coming from.  I do know a lot of brits have thin skin as they keep thinking im anti Brit because i made some remarks. Its alsmost as if its not allowed to be negative about certain Brit things. I said in an other topic it makes sense to switch to US english because its wider accepted. I guess that comment is still not forgiven. Seems some people from the UK worry about small things like that a lot.


This guy had an really bad accent,  if you think there are no bad accents in the UK i beg to differ there are some places and some people who are just totally understandable. 

There are poorly developed listening skill. This leads to lack of comprension. There is no such thing as a standard American accent . A New York accent and and a deep south Missisippi accent have nothing in common. I doubt  you could understand  cajun accents.....either..You might need a hearing test also.

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1 minute ago, The Hammer2021 said:

Most Australians couldn't find Europe  on a Map apart from earls  Court  and gallipoli

I am sorry to say I disagree .

Many would well have a background to Europe and have more knowledge than you account them for. 

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4 minutes ago, itsari said:

I am sorry to say I disagree .

Many would well have a background to Europe and have more knowledge than you account them for. 

They are white and have European  heritage genetically- but geographicaly they are asian. Part of being passing from being an immigrant to becoming an Australian means becoming ignorant. Its a right  of passage. In Australia being intelligent,  well spoken or educated is tantamount to be being a homosexual...

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6 minutes ago, The Hammer2021 said:

They are white and have European  heritage genetically- but geographicaly they are asian. Part of being passing from being an immigrant to becoming an Australian means becoming ignorant. Its a right  of passage. In Australia being intelligent,  well spoken or educated is tantamount to be being a homosexual...

Only Australian in Australia is what the white Australian calls a bung who has been forced out into the wilderness often living in decrepit conditions .

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Start whit to litsen if you have the behavior of his product. Cold calls is the most profitable types of sales but it depend on what salesmen you talk whit. 
Insted of be an as*hole and ignore and hang up. Litsen if you not have not get any presentation of what he have for you. If there is no behavior after that and the sales guy have said everything. You will not get more calls 

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Curious as to why the op is upset about the call.


That's just what these scammers look for, somebody who feels like they need to listen or be polite and are upset about not wanting to.


Hang up. You don't owe anybody anything (with very limited exceptions). That includes your money, time and attention. ????‍♂️


It's not just you. I struggled with this for a long time. Once you get the hang of it you can do it anywhere, not just on the phone.

Edited by JimTripper
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Tough times man. Since the start of the pandemic I've been hit up by several former colleagues. As they've faced salary cuts or lost jobs completely, they've invited me into business ventures, or have since become YouTubers, wanting me to help promote their channels.

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