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Five year old girl savaged by stray dog: "Dogs are protected" says local official


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43 minutes ago, JayClay said:

But they rarely maim and kill people. So, there's that...

But maim and kill the native creatures. Cats are an introduced species so should be kept locked up if their owners need a companion that purrs.

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Title should read" there is little we are willing to do" I love dogs, have two of them myself. They have a bad habit as they bark at strangers and follow passing motorbikes who come in to their small territory. Once they know the new neighbour they will not bark at them anymore.  The grab girls and guys don't need to phone when they are arrive in our soi, my dog will tell them they are there.

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A post with derogatory trolling comments toward Thai people has been removed:

11) You will not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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40 minutes ago, androokery said:

Yeah this has happened to me several times, some alpha dog challenges me from the front, barking its little head off, while another sneaky SOB circles around to bite my ankle/calf/heel. Luckily I'm aware of this tactic and start swinging whatever I have with me. But it's just a matter of time until they get me. 

I would sagest you make friends with the dogs but only if the are in your area. I feed the alpha dog in my area a few times and now we are the best of friends. I don't think the Thais give the dogs much meat just rice and scraps that's why they are so hungry all the time.

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1 hour ago, GreasyFingers said:

But maim and kill the native creatures. Cats are an introduced species so should be kept locked up if their owners need a companion that purrs.

Thai cats are not an 'introduced species' they are unique to Thailand the short flat tails which are common in thai cats are indicative of a recognised breed. Cats have been present in many Thai temples and places of worship for hundred of years.


The above link only describes one breed of cat native to Thailand the other is the mekong bobtail see the link below


Edited by RobU
Link to history of cats in Thailand added
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6 hours ago, Golden Triangle said:

Nothing a 9mm bullet won't fix, but this is Thailand, so that won't happen.

Nah use the rat control method from the Bond movie. Grab them all and dump them in a deep pit. Eventually they'll eat each other until there are only 2 left and all they'll eat will be dogs so you let them out on the streets to clear up the rest of the strays.  ????  ????  

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3 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

When people choose to have a pet they then choose to be responsible for any damage they cause. 

When there are animals that no one is responsible for, the local authorities then become responsible, it’s down to local authorities to do something. 


What this local official has done is to deny any accountability of his office for injuries incurred by their failure to deal with stray dogs - The local authorities are responsible and should be held accountable. 

A responsible citizenry and government? In Thailand? That would be the dream scenario we can all only wish for.

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

little he could do following a savage attack by a stray dog.

Oh really! Personally, I would have fed the dog with meat laced with rat poison (rodenticide) such as Cholecaliferol (Vitamin D3) quote:-

Threat: Ingesting only a small amount of this poison can be potentially fatal for any animal, thus, almost all ingestions may prove toxic.


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6 hours ago, 2long said:

- The only way to BE SURE a mammal isn't rabid is to cut off its head and examine its spinal chord.

- This poor girl was 'savaged' but is expected to be back at school by the end of the week... today's Thursday.

- Dogs rarely attack without reason. Before everyone jumps on this comment, please note I wrote 'rarely.'

- If all soi dogs were eradicated, as many here would like, what might happen to the populations of rats, snakes, cats and other species which are considered vermin but are part of these dogs' diet?

The only way this problem will be solved is if the government, who has the resources, does an all encompassing spay and neuter program country wide. Most people can't afford this, which is a main reason they shouldn't let their animals reproduce. Yes, dogs do kill rats and snakes sometimes, and cats, who are pets. (I recently lost two to vicious dogs that were in my yard after a female dog), but that isn't their regular diet. They scrounge in everyone's yards looking for garbage to survive. In the US, especially where I lived in Texas, dogs aren't allowed to roam free, except in country areas, and they are quickly picked up and put in a shelter until the owner comes and gets them, is fined and warned not to let them roam again. If no one comes for them, they can be adopted out or may be euthanized. Here it seems, puppies and kittens are considered cute until they grow up, and then are forgotten by many to run free and reproduce. This is and always has been a major problem, for attacks on people, other animals and vehicle accidents. I love dogs and have always had some, but this has gotten way out of hand and something must be done. In the last year, I have lost three dogs to someone poisoning them, as has three other relatives and others in my village. Some sick lowlife has taken this matter into their own hands but is killing pets and not strays. The police and village leader have been notified but won't do anything without evidence. Seems dogs aren't liked by some locals also. If you kill an innocent animal in the US, you're fined, jailed or both. Here there is a law but I doubt it's enforced. A dog that attacks people needs to be put down, I agree. Children have been killed in recent years by dogs and that is unacceptable. Yes, owned dogs have done this, but stray dogs have no discipline whatsoever. The government needs to put some money towards this problem, as it will never get anything besides worse.

Edited by fredwiggy
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The girl "will be back at school by the end of the week". Can't have been that bad then, and I wonder if we are getting the true story. However dog, cat and animal haters generally are having their say. 

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1 hour ago, fredwiggy said:

The only way this problem will be solved is if the government, who has the resources, does an all encompassing spay and neuter program country wide. Most people can't afford this, which is a main reason they shouldn't let their animals reproduce. Yes, dogs do kill rats and snakes sometimes, and cats, who are pets. (I recently lost two to vicious dogs that were in my yard after a female dog), but that isn't their regular diet. They scrounge in everyone's yards looking for garbage to survive. In the US, especially where I lived in Texas, dogs aren't allowed to roam free, except in country areas, and they are quickly picked up and put in a shelter until the owner comes and gets them, is fined and warned not to let them roam again. If no one comes for them, they can be adopted out or may be euthanized. Here it seems, puppies and kittens are considered cute until they grow up, and then are forgotten by many to run free and reproduce. This is and always has been a major problem, for attacks on people, other animals and vehicle accidents. I love dogs and have always had some, but this has gotten way out of hand and something must be done. In the last year, I have lost three dogs to someone poisoning them, as has three other relatives and others in my village. Some sick lowlife has taken this matter into their own hands but is killing pets and not strays. The police and village leader have been notified but won't do anything without evidence. Seems dogs aren't liked by some locals also. If you kill an innocent animal in the US, you're fined, jailed or both. Here there is a law but I doubt it's enforced. A dog that attacks people needs to be put down, I agree. Children have been killed in recent years by dogs and that is unacceptable. Yes, owned dogs have done this, but stray dogs have no discipline whatsoever. The government needs to put some money towards this problem, as it will never get anything besides worse.

Why did the other villagers think that it was necessary to kill your dogs ?

Were they guard dogs that barked often ?

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5 minutes ago, Black Angus said:

What wrong with dealing with this problem NOW. Any dog that bite should in MOST circumstances be put down. 

Unfortunately this is Thailand, so you (and the dog) probably know that won't happen

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7 hours ago, 2long said:

- The only way to BE SURE a mammal isn't rabid is to cut off its head and examine its spinal chord.

- This poor girl was 'savaged' but is expected to be back at school by the end of the week... today's Thursday.

- Dogs rarely attack without reason. Before everyone jumps on this comment, please note I wrote 'rarely.'

- If all soi dogs were eradicated, as many here would like, what might happen to the populations of rats, snakes, cats and other species which are considered vermin but are part of these dogs' diet?

"Rats, snakes, cats and other species which are considered  vermin" 

I expect the feline lovers to be up in arms about this comment!


I think that the main difference is that the vermin that you mention would rather run away, or "flea" (pun/misspelling intended!) than attack you, whereas the opposite is the case with soi dogs, which I consider a threat to society, as they do attack people frequently, and "often" without warning (Please note that I wrote "often" as it is a far from uncommon happening)


And as far as pit bulls are concerned, I believe that they should be banned from Thailand (as they are in the UK) instead of being dragged off to the temple to "apologise" for savaging their owners to death!  

Edited by sambum
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3 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:
4 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

There are two or three cats near us.

One of them (or more than one) which keeps getting on our car (we see the paw marks) all over the car. 

I recently got a new motorcycle, the cat likes the saddle and leaves the fur all over it (nubuck type leather).

The Cat has puked in front of hour house. Has sprayed. Pooped...   not a regular occurrence but enough to dislike the animal. 


I now have to get security camera (something I wanted to do anyway) so that IF the catch scratches up the saddle or somehow scratches the car (jumps on it with grit on its paws) then I have proof to take to the owner and charge them for the damage - that would be an interesting discussion.


If my child kicks the ball against their car it's my responsibility to pay for any damage, so I don’t let my son play with a football near cars etc....   Its more difficult with cats - but thats my problem.

How does any of this compare to a little girl needing 40 stitches and suffering from scars for the rest of her life.

There is no comparison, neither I, or anyone else has suggested there is - that is your hyperbolic leap, one which highlights a struggle with comprehension. 



3 hours ago, Boomer6969 said:

Man, to me at least, you come across like a hugely petty i...t. 

'Man to me, at least’....  >> seriously ?? who writes or speaks like this ?... man ? !!! ... 


The 1980 want their vocabulary back ?


You’ve failed to recognise the difference between ‘on topic’ and ’response to a comment’... 

... or perhaps you just like the stink of cat-pi$$ on your drive way... 


If you struggle with that concept... the broader point could be raised about the responsibility and accountability of people for their pets, if they are not pets the authorities are responsible.












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A man in a small apartment about 40 meters away from me, has recently moved in, he has at least 4 female pit bulls, all heavily pregnant, the dogs have all had their tails and ears docked and are covered in scars, and are all unnaturally muscular due to drugs. (I know this as I was veterinary nurse/assistant for 8 years) I would assume they were once used in dog fights. Offspring of these females will probably have higher levels of aggression (due to being bred from fighting stock).

 So about every 17 weeks ( 9 week gestation and 8 week weaning) there will be 20 pit bulls being sold on to other irresponsible owners who will do god knows what with them, let them roam free or use them as breeders. So within a few months or years some soi dogs near me will probably be half mongrel and half fighting pit bull.

 Also he lives in this small apartment with his wife/ girlfriend and unbelievably a 3 or 4 year old boy.

 This is all just a horror story waiting to happen. I hope in a few weeks or months time I don't have to write up a follow up post to let you know about kids getting savaged by this persons dogs or their pups.


I haven't written this much since I left school..... 

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21 hours ago, 2long said:

Sounds like I might have rattled a few cages today.

I'm not defending this dog, or the fact that there are many stray dogs in Thailand. We all know that there are too many.

But we don't know the facts of this case.

Plus many members are too quick to make a wish for eradicating them, or showing their preference to having stray cats everywhere.

And anyone who wants to convince me that dogs will not eat rats, cats or snakes if given the chance and hungry enough can do so right here.

Dogs born here have just as much right to a life here than some people who chose to come and live here.

"Dogs born here have just as much right to a life here than some people who chose to come and live here."


The people that choose to come and live here (and the people that already live here) have to (Cancel that - I mean are supposed to) abide by certain rules.


The same can not be said for dogs - it appears that they are above the law, and as such can not be held accountable for their actions! 

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