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SURVEY: What are your biggest issues in Thailand?


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12 hours ago, moogradod said:

7. Still no western toilets everywhere (countryside) - but has become better tremendously. No idea how many elderly farangs like me do manage. A trip out in the sticks needs careful planning based on the availability of toilets. Ridiculous.

Agreed - it completely prohibits (for me) travel outside of tourist centers.


Second: Having to be on constant lookout for aggressive dogs.

Edited by law ling
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8 minutes ago, Banana7 said:

The biggest issues in Thailand are not even mentioned in the survey, which are a lack of democracy, lack of freedom of speech, government spying on people on the internet (a lack of privacy) and government employee corruption, especially corruption of the Police, like Joe Ferrari, and other Police and military and immigration officials.


Rip-off pricing pricing for foreigners. Even dual pricing is a major issue in Thailand where foreigners pay 5 times the price of a Thai, or pay higher prices in restaurants for exactly the same meal.

But how do those things personally affect you. You can not vote, You can not speak out against this government as your not a Thai. Of course corruption is an issue but just not here in Thailand.  How has corruption affected you, did you pay more to an IO, did you pay a policeman to make something you did go away, Did you have a bag placed over your head because you were being investigated.  What rip off pricing, I have never paid more for anything except going to certain parks, but that has been hit and miss over the past decade.  My hospital costs are still the same as before, and even then everything is negotiable if you take the time.

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27 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

But how do those things personally affect you. You can not vote, You can not speak out against this government as your not a Thai. Of course corruption is an issue but just not here in Thailand.  How has corruption affected you, did you pay more to an IO, did you pay a policeman to make something you did go away, Did you have a bag placed over your head because you were being investigated.  What rip off pricing, I have never paid more for anything except going to certain parks, but that has been hit and miss over the past decade.  My hospital costs are still the same as before, and even then everything is negotiable if you take the time.

Certainly all of these are major issues. Everything doesn't have to happen to me personally but all of it could happen. And if it did happen to me, I wouldn't be here today to tell you about it.


Yes I have paid 5 times more than Thai to enter a national park, many times. Yes I have paid more than a Thai to go the aquarium, and many other attractions. Yes, I have paid more for a meal than a Thai, especially in Phuket.


Yes foreigners do die in police custody, like the Canadian in DSI prison in Bangkok, who allegedly hanged himself, which is BS. Of course there were no witnesses, no video, unlike with Joe Ferrari.


Stand opposite a Police road checkpoint in Pattaya, even in front of the police station. Watch how many Thais can ride by without helmets and not get stopped and how many foreigners without a helmet get stopped. 10 foreigners get stopped, 1 Thai gets stopped, yet 10 Thai drive by without helmets.


I can't say anything critical about a certain person in Thailand, that is a lack of freedom of speech. I have friends who own businesses that have told me that they had to pay large sums of money of police and military personal so they would stop closing their business, and there are countless numbers of other matters.


Yes, I have friends that pay extra for retirement visas, who don't meet the financial requirements, etc.


Open your eyes and ears!


Edited by Banana7
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2 minutes ago, Banana7 said:

Certainly all of these are major issues. Everything doesn't have to happen to me personally but all of it could happen. And if it did happen to me, I wouldn't be here today to tell you about it.


Yes I have paid 5 times more than Thai to enter a national park, many times. Yes I have paid more than a Thai to go the aquarium, and many other attractions. Yes, I have paid more for a meal than a Thai, especially in Phuket.


Yes foreigners do die in police custody, like the Canadian in DSI prison in Bangkok, who allegedly hanged himself, which is BS.


Stand opposite a Police road checkpoint in Pattaya, even in front of the police station. Watch how many Thais can ride by without helmets and not get stopped and how many foreigners without a helmet get stopped. 10 foreigners get stopped, 1 Thai gets stopped, yet 10 Thai drive by without helmets.


I can't say anything critical about a certain person in Thailand, that is a lack of freedom of speech. I have friends who own businesses that have told me that they had to pay large sums of money of police and military personal so they would stop closing their business, and there are countless numbers of other matters.


Yes, I have friends that pay for retirement visas, who don't meet the financial requirements, etc.


Open your eyes and ears!


My eyes and ears are open, I understand what you said, but I asked how that affected you personally.  You gave a few examples, but then its not a happy world for everyone, and yes les majeste is an issue, but then this is not your country by birth and unfortunately many of the things Thai's endure are out of our grip, and yes even Thais are charged more by unscrupulous police, government officials etc....My Myanmar GF had this happen many times as far as her annual extension, which under the MOU should be every two years.  A money grab, but at the end of the day we know what to expect.  Closing of businesses does not happen to just foreigners, but those Thai's as well, and then those migrants who create a business.......Have you been stopped and fined?, Never in my time living in Phuket/Rawai did I pay more for meals, but I hear stories of those affected, same with the Taxi's, but it does happen to Thai's as well.

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5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

My eyes and ears are open, I understand what you said, but I asked how that affected you personally.  You gave a few examples, but then its not a happy world for everyone, and yes les majeste is an issue, but then this is not your country by birth and unfortunately many of the things Thai's endure are out of our grip, and yes even Thais are charged more by unscrupulous police, government officials etc....My Myanmar GF had this happen many times as far as her annual extension, which under the MOU should be every two years.  A money grab, but at the end of the day we know what to expect.  Closing of businesses does not happen to just foreigners, but those Thai's as well, and then those migrants who create a business.......Have you been stopped and fined?, Never in my time living in Phuket/Rawai did I pay more for meals, but I hear stories of those affected, same with the Taxi's, but it does happen to Thai's as well.

Yes, I have been stopped as many as 3 times in one day by Police checkpoints, while the Thais get to drive by. I get stopped about 5-8 times every year. No I didn't pay because everything was as required by law.  In one day, one checkpoint stopped me twice in 45 minutes. The checkpoint was on one side of the road but the guy ran across the road, on my return trip, to stop and do a second breath test. It takes time to do a breath test, and show all the documents at checkpoints, so it takes away from my freedom. Normally, in a democratic society,  Police need probable cause to detain a person. In each and every stop, there was no cause. This is why there is insufficient democracy in Thailand. Additionally, the defamation law is also over-reaching democracy. 


It doesn't matter if it is my country in regards to les majeste law. It deprives people, both Thai and especially foreigners of freedom of speech. Most foreigners, especially tourists from democratic countries, are not aware of that law and could easily breach it.





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Personally my biggest issue in Thailand is websites trawling for complaints from expatriates who have chosen, of their own free will, to live in the country.


There is already ample opportunity on this forum and elsewhere to express your opinion about what annoys or irritates or concerns you here. I have been to the fore on occasions, but this is just an exercise in causing controversy.


That aside, the thing which concerns me the most 

In Thailand is the widespread corruption. It is the dead hand on just about every sphere of activity. In particular I am dismayed by the widespread acceptance of it, although I think that is, perhaps, slowly, changing.


I dislike it, I will speak against it, I will support, as far as I can as a foreigner resident here, those who campaign against it, but, like everyone, if I want to live here I have to be prepared to live with it. The alternative is to leave.




Edited by herfiehandbag
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3 minutes ago, Banana7 said:

It doesn't matter if it is my country in regards to les majeste law. It deprives people, both Thai and especially foreigners of freedom of speech. Most foreigners, especially tourists from democratic countries, are not aware of that law and could easily breach it.

I am of the opinion visitors should respect the country, it's people and it's laws when visiting.  Freedom of speech is not an excuse to deride...

Ignorance is no excuse in the eyes of the law worldwide!

Edited by jacko45k
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One of the main things that annoy me is the state of the roads, and pavements. Here is Pattaya they are constantly digging up the roads. They will start a job, create complete chaos then just leave it for months. When it is finally finished they will dig it up again a few years later.  The one on second road near Walking Street is a good example. It was dug up about 4 years and took ages to finally finish. Now we have an even bigger hole, with no one working on it of course. And the pavements never get repaired, just a complete mess full of holes.

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20 hours ago, KhunLA said:

Foreigners complaining about everything, when they chose to come here voluntarily.


OK, I'll play along ... dumping whatever in the seas, though certainly not just a Thai issue.  Every country does it, so not really an issue with Thailand.   Would like to go to the surf, and not worry about an ear infection.

you are spot on mate. I personally think it's a form of neo-colonialism to constantly complain about how "bad" things are here. especially on the visa/permission to stay/90 day reporting front. 


to paraphrase Morrissey and Marr from "Still I'll"...


"Thailand is mine and it owes me a living.

But ask me why and I'll spit in your eye."


sad and confused emojis incoming in 3, 2, 1...????


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2 hours ago, Henryford said:

One of the main things that annoy me is the state of the roads, and pavements. Here is Pattaya they are constantly digging up the roads. They will start a job, create complete chaos then just leave it for months. When it is finally finished they will dig it up again a few years later.  The one on second road near Walking Street is a good example. It was dug up about 4 years and took ages to finally finish. Now we have an even bigger hole, with no one working on it of course. And the pavements never get repaired, just a complete mess full of holes.

it's been like that since I first hit the place at New Year's '97. it's how they do, pointless getting upset about it. just walk around the holes and move on with your life like the Thais do. jai yen yen and all that.

Edited by Lemsta69
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22 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

I used to have more issues than I do now. I worked on my attitude, which was getting in the way of appreciating Thailand for what it is, and was clouding my experience here. Used to stress over stupid stuff, as you can see from some of my past posts. Used to allow the politics to make me angry. Now it is not something I take seriously, just something I comment on, without anger or an emotional investment. Now, I just tend to laugh it off. Spent some real time back in the US recently, and it allowed some clarity and perspective, that I am very grateful for. Now, I just chuckle at most of the nonsense. Water off a duck's back, so to speak. 

Yeah - I am wayyyyyy more laid back since moving out to the rice fields of rural Thailand.  I know the villagers, they know me - no drama.  Successfully filing my first Online 90 Day Report has made me a much happier camper as well. 

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1, The lack of corruption... The police officer does not accept my 100 Baht note when I run the red light any longer. Have to talk to his boss and pay 2,000.-


2, The lack of taxi drivers along Sukhumvit that use meter.

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21 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:
On 5/19/2022 at 12:04 PM, webfact said:

Living in Thailand 


What are your biggest issues in Thailand? 

Too many foreigners complaining about issues with Thailand. 


It's Thailand, that's why I'm here, leave it alone, stop complaining

Too many strange foreigners

There should be a test for all long term visa applicants. 


Quality people only

No grumpies

Friendly natured people 


I see so many foreigners walking the streets, sometimes cycling, they just look angry, it seems their grumpy face are permanently fixed, unable to smile, maybe they're in pain, anyway smile you guys, be happy.


I'd like to less anti Thailand comments, I get offended regularly by the anti Thai comments many members post. 



Like I said, 

Too many foreigners

 complaining, whinging, whining


What's the point in this survey, you're just encouraging the complainers to moan. 


While I'm here, get rid of these 2 reactions.....sad and confused faces. 

I'm not an emoji guy.

I give a thanks, when deserved 

A like, when it's needed

And a laugh, quite often, lots of funny stuff on AN.

I never (rarely) give a sad or confused.  

If you send me a sad or confused reaction, make a comment so I can reply. 


I've had a few stalkers on AN over the years, they would send me a sad or confused face on all my comments (juveniles), I reciprocated a few times, stooping to the same level. 



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10 minutes ago, Moo 2 said:

Similar situation to yours, I live here, with wife and stepdaughter, put a big extension on the house, have a car, motorbikes, etc, and still feel like an outsider. I reckon I spend three time more money than the average Thai every month, and don't really think it's being appreciated by this government.

I don't believe that Thais living overseas are being treated the same way.  

How long did it take you from you first came here first time and then decided to move here, and you start feeling not appreciated by the goverment? 

Could it be the weaker our currencies became comparing to Thai baht, the stronger the feeling became? 

I think I have known from beginning what kind of country this is, and try not to let negative thoughts bring me down since everything is just based feelings that is manageable, and it is not something we can change, except from pack up and leave if it gets worse, or the situation in Thailand change dramatically against foreigners like us. 


Is there other options where you would be welcomed in a greater way than Thailand? 

How do you want to be appreciated? So far all the positives about Thailand weigh out the negative ones, and I believe it is you who let the negativity beat you up to much to often and the negativity take control of you. 

You have a choice of nuture the positives or the negatives. 

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22 hours ago, Hummin said:

The biggest issues we are not free to talk about! 


I would not be too sure about that, TV/AN are very good at letting you give your opinions, if you keep it civil there won't be a problem.

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22 hours ago, Mavideol said:

the fact that we are guests nothing else, the fact they can kick us out at any time they feel like regardless of how much investment, regardless if property and/or family, we made

Excellent post, but your use on the word "guests" I take it that it is just a figure of speech.

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2 hours ago, SAFETY FIRST said:

Too many strange foreigners

There should be a test for all long term visa applicants. 


Quality people only

No grumpies

Friendly natured people 


I see so many foreigners walking the streets, sometimes cycling, they just look angry, it seems their grumpy face are permanently fixed, unable to smile, maybe they're in pain, anyway smile you guys, be happy.


I'd like to less anti Thailand comments, I get offended regularly by the anti Thai comments many members post. 



Like I said, 

Too many foreigners

 complaining, whinging, whining


What's the point in this survey, you're just encouraging the complainers to moan. 


While I'm here, get rid of these 2 reactions.....sad and confused faces. 

I'm not an emoji guy.

I give a thanks, when deserved 

A like, when it's needed

And a laugh, quite often, lots of funny stuff on AN.

I never (rarely) give a sad or confused.  

If you send me a sad or confused reaction, make a comment so I can reply. 


I've had a few stalkers on AN over the years, they would send me a sad or confused face on all my comments (juveniles), I reciprocated a few times, stooping to the same level. 



Ha, ha


I get quite a few of these strange reactions from this member. 




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20 hours ago, LikeItHot said:

Believe that any time you have a negative contact with a Thai you will be a victim of corruption. That is an ever present daily fact.  Treating foreigners as second class and good sources of shakedowns happens every day.  And no it is not this way in every country on the planet.  You are a victim of it I am sure although you fail to recognize it as such. 

"you don't think corruption happens in every single country on the planet"

Of course it is, but the unelected PM and his soldiers just do not have the brains or intelligence to cover it up.

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