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Lucky old you in Thailand with a young wife


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8 hours ago, webfact said:

To an outsider, it must look very strange, but that is the norm in Thailand, and what guy anywhere does not like a pretty girl? 

You would certainly get a few envious stares when you go back home on holiday and walk down your local high street with your 25-year-old Thai wife in tow.

I'm only 11 years older than my wife, after 20 years of marriage it's still working out.

The first 5 years we were in England and certainly got the stares, back here in Thailand for the last 15 years not even an odd look.

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My God in Heaven, why are men getting married?  The concept is not practical for men...except in countries where women are treated like an animal (we know those countries).


If you were married in the Western world and got burned and taken to the bank by her lawyers, you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever get married again.


Rent-do not buy.


Thank God, I was smart enough to not buy into the BS of Marriage and living happily ever after.



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3 minutes ago, Taboo2 said:

My God in Heaven, why are men getting married?  The concept is not practical for men...except in countries where women are treated like an animal (we know those countries).


If you were married in the Western world and got burned and taken to the bank by her lawyers, you should never, ever, ever, ever, ever get married again.


Rent-do not buy.


Thank God, I was smart enough to not buy into the BS of Marriage and living happily ever after.



It's better for the children if their parents are married.

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21 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

I've been married over 20 years and never been unfaithful.

Good for you.  :thumbsup:

I've been married close to 15 year to my Thai wife.  Having been married to 3 other women, all of which ended our marriages by taking on other boyfriends, I have a rather stilted view of "fidelity" in a marriage.  And having lived in Thailand in Thai communities (as opposed to living with other farangs) I've found that average Thais also have a rather loose sense of fidelity in their marriages as well - both men and women.
Our marriage works, and honestly, I live a quiet life in a village now.  And out here in the village - everybody knows who is bonking whom <laughs>.

My "Boom-Boom" days are a rather pleasant memory of the past. 

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26 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

One would hope that quite a lot would, but I have found many that are to busy trying to make a living here and couldn't care less about the rest of the world, except to watch TikTok, Instagram, and look at Facebook.  Glad I met a woman that had traveled for an education in her chosen field and became interested in learning more.  Talking with her is like talking to someone close to my age when we discuss subjects such as homelessness, finances, business and even history.

Sounds like you are a lucky man. Mine said the other day she wants to go to English classes! 

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Cannot deny, before coming to Thailand in retirement, I had read one would be put in the “pecking order” by: 1. How old are you 2. What was your occupation 3. What are your financial resources 4. How white is your skin. Hmm, what’s not to love?! And so here I am after a decade. Fat boy in the candy store when I first came. Now a traditionally raised Thai girl Wife, 26 years my junior (don’t overthink this, remember how old I am). I have oft observed it is more like the 1950s as I was raised. Man to provide financial security, woman to take care of her man (yes, of course a self interest on my wife’s part but She definitely takes care).

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2 hours ago, CockneyGit said:

Utter drivel. Just peddling the stereotypical view of Thailand.

Get out of the bars chaps, go and meat some 'real' Thais in the 'real' Thailand.

If I ever would be single again maybe I would do that.

But on the other hand the bar environment has advantages. Where else can you see hundreds of pretty young girls in bikinis and just select which one you want. Hey baby, let's have a drink. Talk to her for 5 minutes or an hour and if you like it take her out and check out how compatible you are.

And if the first one is not what you want then look for another one and another and another one. Talking to 100 pretty young girls in one week is no problem.

There is no way you can do even 10% of that with "real" girls. And even many of the "real" girls look for a guy who can take care of them.

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4 hours ago, Isaan sailor said:

Spend some time in any farming village, and you can see how natural selection works.  Young women marry early (often an arranged marriage), have children.  With alcohol or drug addictions—and limited options for support, the marriage often fails.  No wonder she sees the westerner as a ticket to prosperity.

Sometimes the age gap Thai/western marriage  succeeds—win/win.

Agreed. I love Thai culture as you point out. Leaving a nice group of leader 20s to mid30s females quite open to older western males (keeping in mind that the outlook toward age in Asia is quite different than in many western cultures), who show stability, including the financial stability. Worked for me! 

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My former Thai BIL is 15 years older than his wife, who he now has a daughter with.  He had a GF his age when going to college but it was just for playing around.  The way it was explained to me was that many of the Thai men who are from middle class type of families, go to the university, when they graduate they work for a few years in order to have money to buy land then build a house, and then buy the furnishings and vehicle, they then work a few more years to build up the sin-sod which they need and finally they find a woman to marry, by this time my BIL was 37 and instead of finding a woman his age, who already had kids and was divorced as there were very few true single unmarried women, he found himself a nice young lady who had just finished nursing school and married her.  Turn key marriage for the young woman as he had everything in place already and near his parents, and had gotten the playing out of his system.  Yes I know a very rare thing.

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4 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Really you believe that?


In many 'normal' relationships men & woman are of a similar age.


If you are just talking about sex well OK, just go for it.


But at the end of the day what does that 25 yo and the 70 yo talk about at the end of the day, other than "tillack want boom boom".

I'm sure discussing her day at work, what book you are reading, let's watch this film together figure really high on the list of chit chat topics


So if delusion sex is all you want that works, but watch out for the mysterious 'brother' or 'cousin'


Sex is an important part of our lives, but really money for love, dangerous business

The idea has come up on occasion with western males commenting that their Thai significant others are not capable of holding conversations, certainly not on subjects the male wants to discuss. My outlook is that I am in touch with folks I have met on 6 continents. I can discuss with any number of western males. At home, in retirement, we are quite compatible and have no need for th3 se types of conversations. Had breakfast today with an American Doctor, discussion ranged from medical directives, to Buddhism to Rousseau and Voltaire. Now my Thai wife and I are enjoying our hour long massage … balance …

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i suggest you stop thinking of sex, etc. young woman probably not suited to be a good wife but can be. my point is being young is not the selling point for me. there are 24 hours in the day. what are you doing for 23 hours of it. give me a happy lady who i can make even happier. good enough for me. yes, her appearance must be acceptable but age is not the most key factor. 

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6 hours ago, KIngsofisaan said:

I feel fortunate I was able to marry.


But I am never going to kid myself about the truth.


The age differences are accepted in Thailand, however, NOT normal.


Sooner or later the man gets to a point where he is just plain to damn old to do anything except wait to die.


In this stage, a good man spends all his time financially planning for his eventual demise, so that his young wife will be rich and be able to find the life she really wanted in the first place.


Some women are greatful for their new house, land, car, gold, money, status.


They earned it for taking care of the old man for the years they were together.


Hopefully they will be left enough to find the life they really wanted, after the geezer kicks the bucket.







It's not exclusive to Thailand. My Dad met, divorced my mother, then married a 21 year old English girl at the age of around 53. I was 12 years old then. Not easy to accept.


There was no such thing as fault free divorce back then even though my mother was amenable. He had to be caught in the act of adultery on camera. He arranged it all. Provided handsomely financially for my mother and paid everything for my sister and I until we reached the age of 21 or in work if younger.


He then spent the rest of his life with our young stepmother and our half brother. She loved him dearly and cared for him right up to his death at the age of 92. After they married she never worked again. My father provided everything and left her comfortably off.


My mother never remarried but did have a series of lovers but her true love seemed to be for her dogs. She died still single at the age of 93.


My stepmother died at the age of 70, like my father, in the house they lived in together all those years.


I never liked my stepmother but I did respect how she cared for my father.

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scary how many men are in the mine different crew. 


you are delusional to think women actually care for you. any of them. they care what you can do for them and how you can provide for them. security children etc.


simps will get angry at my post in 3....2.....1

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5 minutes ago, stoner said:

scary how many men are in the mine different crew. 


you are delusional to think women actually care for you. any of them. they care what you can do for them and how you can provide for them. security children etc.


simps will get angry at my post in 3....2.....1

3...2...1... You must have been burned pretty bad to have an attitude like you do.......Not everyone's experience is the same, but then I am now divorced from my Thai wife and lucky for me....I found someone of a different nationality.  Find me in 5 years and we can have this discussion again....lol

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