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Death sentence! No clemency for foster mum who fed kids floor cleaner then went on Facebook for donations


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In France, the UK or Belgium (though not in the US nor probably in Germany), the patriarchy or some male relative would get blamed and she would get away with a mere slap on the wrist. That is what some western countries have come to, immunity for murder if you've got the right genitals.

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1 hour ago, 4MyEgo said:

Regardless, she killed a little kid that was entrusted to her, she used the child for money, the child suffered for years before dying, and this evil woman deserves her life be cut short.


If it were up to me, I would treat her the same way she did the little girl, serve her poison, let her die a slow and painful death.


The above said, an eye for an eye, is an eye for an eye, regardless if it deters others, justice served, a life for a life, why because it was a deliberate, callus act on an innocent child, no doubt she cuddled the child when she was suffering, which would have made it worse, showing the child that she was caring for her when in fact she was killing her.


Death by low doses of poison till her intestines can't take it anymore. 

And that is why you are not and never will be in a position to make these decisions

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7 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

Hers was not a crime of ignorance.  She was deliberately injuring and killing others for personal pecuniary gain.  Nor do I read any indication of remorse or apology on her part.  Deplorable!  Her sentence appears well justified, and will hopefully deter others who might think to do likewise.

Some people just deserve to be put to death, especially those who murder innocent kids. However, I suppose the leftards will have their way and get it commuted to life imprisonment. She'll be another burden for the taxpayer and will be free to kill again when she gets paroled.

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She gets the death sentence for a horrendous crime, and as she obviously is not a wealthy woman, she will not be able to bribe her way out of it - for a change justice might be seen to be done in Thailand.


Now where's that Red Bull chappie? 

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16 minutes ago, jesimps said:

Some people just deserve to be put to death, especially those who murder innocent kids. However, I suppose the leftards will have their way and get it commuted to life imprisonment. She'll be another burden for the taxpayer and will be free to kill again when she gets paroled.

Life in prison means that she would suffer - if she survived long when faced with fellow prisoners who would know what she'd done. The death penalty is the easy way out for her. Painless.

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:



Totally agree.

Again, I agree.


I totally disagree. Without getting into the debate of the death penalty, it does not, has never done and never will deter people from killing.

It will sure as hell deter her from killing. 

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4 hours ago, Laughing Gravy said:

I totally disagree. Without getting into the debate of the death penalty, it does not, has never done and never will deter people from killing.

I never heard of an executed killer doing it again. I call that pretty good deterrence...I have heard of custodial sentences not achieving the same result.

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19 minutes ago, Confuscious said:

Death sentence is a little bot harsh for this crime.

I would drop her with her hands and feet tied, into a river.

If she drowns, she was not the murderer of the children.
If she manage to swim to the shore, she is a witch and shall be burnt to dead.

Are you a time traveller perchance ?

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4 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

Death sentence can be turned into life imprisonment, which can be turned into 30 years, which can be turned to early release, etc. By stacking things up, you basically try to prevent this person going free. And even then they might.

Sorry I should have put a laugh emoji so you realised it was a joke.......

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8 hours ago, AsianAtHeart said:

Hers was not a crime of ignorance.  She was deliberately injuring and killing others for personal pecuniary gain.  Nor do I read any indication of remorse or apology on her part.  Deplorable!  Her sentence appears well justified, and will hopefully deter others who might think to do likewise.

Sadly, there's very little mention, in this thread, for the welfare and hopefully already the development of a much better future of the children who have been so shockingly hurt. I just hope they are now secure and seeing / experiencing lots of love, attention and support with adults who take the time to listen to them.

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4 hours ago, steven100 said:

no basket of bird sh_t essence or fruit or bunch of flowers or wai's all around or misunderstanding or photo op with the governor or an honest taxi driver or a packet of crisps ..... 


no no no   ... none of that BS for you b_tch ......   straight to the dog house for you    !!!  rot there and the ants can finish you dog. 

Now that would be a good punishment Acid death by those acid spitting ants or maybe to cruel ?

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3 hours ago, Gecko123 said:

I follow crime related current events and have noticed the drowning pattern as well. My theory is that from a psychological standpoint, drowning provides an "intervening event" which helps the mother cope with the guilt of killing the child.









That's a Strange hobby you have. 

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Another reason I don't donate to ANY sob stories,  online or on the street.

For as long as good-natured (naïve) people continue handing out money to these despicable creatures, there will always be those who try to take advantage of their gullibility. 

Put her against a wall now, one bullet between the eyes. Done! 


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Did any of you ever think WHY the death penalty, or a life sentence, or basically any type of punishment doled out today, DOES NOT seem to deter others from committing the same horrendous crime(s)?


IMO, today, when a person is given any of these punishments by the courts these days, they are taken away, basically HIDDEN from society, and punishments are carried out without the hourly or daily reminder to ANY other criminal in society!


In the past, penalties were normally carried out in the town square, or wherever in public, in clear view of ALL and sundry, as a stark reminder, that THIS is what will happen to YOU, if you do something similar.


Methinks something along these lines should happen today, to DETER other evildoers.


Same punishments, just do it IN PUBLIC.  REMIND criminals, that this could be YOU if you continue your evil deeds.


My 2 cents, could not resist!

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