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Why Don't Thais Care If Their Kids Die

Bangkok Barry

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10 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I don’t understand the aspect where 10 year-olds are permitted to ride a motorcycle, at all.

I put it down to laziness rather than any form of necessity. 

it's got nothing to do with laziness ......     it's got to do with irresponsible parents,  and the reason they are irresponsible is that they are uneducated. 


They don't have any sense about their boy being hit by another car while on the bike.   They are from the booney's where they cook on a campfire.  They probably left school at 10yrs old.


If the were educated ,   they would be aware of their own responsibility as parents and the dangers on the road.

If they were responsible parents  .....  they would not let their kid jump on the bike at 10yrs old at 10.00pm at night. 

That's what I think anyway .......    not educated, therefore irresponsible parents. 

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58 minutes ago, Iamfalang said:

Why do parents let their kids become soldiers, and die?

Why let kids become homeless?

Why let kids drop out of school, or not even go to school?

Why let their kids get pregnant?

Why let their kids smoke or drink?


Clearly this is not a Thai problem.

see many kids at 10 years old back home riding bikes out on the roads do you ? 


your comment looks like you are having a meltdown.

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50 minutes ago, Iamfalang said:

Why do parents let their kids become soldiers, and die?

Why let kids become homeless?

Why let kids drop out of school, or not even go to school?

Why let their kids get pregnant?

Why let their kids smoke or drink?


Clearly this is not a Thai problem.

Well. I see it as a Thai problem, of a larger magnitude than in other countries. They might just care more about themselves, including about their own children.


Becoming a soldier, and die, lots of responsibility in there. And conscription, which is mandatory..

Becoming homeless, more than often people who have mental issues, beyond help.

Kids drop out of school. Anyone having has children know very well the difficulty of controlling the actions of a teen.

Kids getting pregnant. Parents not caring, here, may explain a lot of that...

Kids smoking or drinking. Again, difficult to control kids, who go to special marts who will sell cigarettes and liquor to teens. In Thailand, more than other countries, more than in my country, smoking particularly is now a 'rite of passage', at an age when anyone who was born, was quite ignorant.... Then they are stuck with the nasty filthy habit that will reduce their life by some 10 years.

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13 hours ago, HappyExpat57 said:

It's not that they don't care, they have a fatalist mentality.

Plus many folks believe in bad karma / good karma. Can mean in regard to:


- Individuals

- The whole family

- The mother or father

- All the kids in the family

- Individual kids in the family

- etc...


I've heard the Thais in my outer family circle mention many times (and it could be in regard to a 7 years old driving a motor cycle at high speed on a highway) 'don't worry he/she has good karma' and / or 'don't worry that family has good karma'.


Also, several folks who have a very small flower vase wired to the front of their car/pick up. I ask 'why?' 'He/she will put a small flower in the vase before they leave on a road trip to make merit and buddha will they give them good karma for their trip'.   





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30 minutes ago, stoner said:

see many kids at 10 years old back home riding bikes out on the roads do you ? 


your comment looks like you are having a meltdown.

I would ask any US parent why many there are allowed to "play" with real guns.


And I have seen many ten year olds in many countries out on roads on bicycles which, while not as powerful as motorbikes, are just as vulnerable to being hit by ther traffic.



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13 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

* If something is going to happen then its going to happen and there's nothing you can do about it* is a phrase I have heard quite a few times .

   Like, if you are scheduled to die on that day, then you are going to die and there's nothing you can do about that , just need to go to the Temple regularly and try to gain favour with Buddha and hope he stops you from dying , walk around the Temple three times, ring some bells and make a donation , should see you through the week 

This reminds me of the very first time I visited Thailand on the bus taking us from airport to the hotel, the tour leader said that if Thai people have a dream the night before indicating they are going to die the next day they believe this and will on that day drive without care.

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13 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

When I see an adult driving fast on a motorbike with a toddler on the back , 1 year/18 months old , clinging on for dear life to the adult and cars driving fast behind them .

   I have to look the other way 

Seen a farang stopped at lights on Rama 4 last weekend. Big bike - R1, with what looked to be a 4 year old clinging on the back. Neither had helmets on and were only wearing T shirts and shorts. To cap it off he took of like a bat out of hell when the lights changed. I will never understand why some people go 'native' like this. 

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I drive my son to/from school every day (Rayong province) and it is profoundly depressing to see the huge numbers of kids and families racing along on motorbikes and in over-crowded side-cars, rarely wearing helmets.


Pointing this out or expressing my concern to my wife's family is generally met with laughter.  "How do you expect them to get to school?", "Where can you buy a helmet for the 6 kids in the family, even if we could afford to buy one?").  

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