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How pedantic are you ?

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48 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

You couldn't say to someone "you are pedantic"?


You could, but what you would mean is that their actions are pedantic.


"You are being pedantic" would be more accurate.


"You are a pedant" is directly telling someone what you think they are.

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I noticed in your first sentence you wrote: "eg". This should be e.g., then later in the same sentence you wrote: "... doors were locked in the evenings,most guards would ...". There needs to be a space after the comma.


As for the rest of your punctuation and grammar I shall leave any further critique for other Asean Now (A.N.) members to offer up.


Do I qualify as a pedant? LOL ????????????????????????

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1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:
17 hours ago, BangkokReady said:

This is how I would be and if I had to employ security I would want them to do this. ????‍♂️

Part of being in the military was security. As the Security NCO of many a unit, it was my enjoyment to find people like you that did not do the job and hang them.


As to insurance I take it that you do not come here very often nor have noticed the number of Brits that are crying the blues because their insurance does not cover what they THOUGHT it did.


As to a will, the fact that your lawyer is doing what you are paying him to do should make you happy.  I am sure while you don't GAFF the people that you leave things to will be very thankful.

You seem to have either quoted me by mistake or confused me with the OP.

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Another conjugation of the word is pedantry - idiomatically, the "splitting of hairs". Possibly arguing a point that does little to change the subject/object of it! For example.


"I have 2000 friends on Facebook".


Pedant replies, "I happen to know you have only 1998".


ie, the pedant makes a point that is not fully denying it but feels the need to refute on the basis of it being incorrect - but in reality of no significance to the original claim that remains valid and unnecessarily requiring correction!


I am now being circumloquacious or a perennial sufferer of logorrhea. ( the spellchecker for this word suggested gonorrhea - Ha! ha).


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