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Whats the meaning of life?


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You do not have any free will. You have been sent here to carry out a number of tasks. A good way of looking at it is that you are an actor on the stage of life, with a script to action.


You must follow the script, you are not allowed to vary it, the only thing you can change is your delivery. It can be bad or good.


So, the power that governs the universe is pulling your strings. Make your delivery a classic performance.

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The question is meaningless! A bit like, what is the meaning of a knife and fork!


An alternative is, what is the purpose of life?


Then you need to ask: All of nature or just humans?


Very broadly speaking:


The answers are these: for all of nature other than humans, there is the default position (not purpose) of, self-preservation and self-perpetuation.


For humans, there is personal purpose and societal purpose.


No such thing as divine purpose!



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Mel Brooks was getting a prostrate exam.


When the Dr was good and deep, he said to Mel, "You know, Mr Brooks, my daughter really wants to break into show biz".


For Mel, the anal intrusion/sell job was an opportunity to be more Mel, a joy, even, not an imposition.


Being like Mel; that is the purpose of life.

Edited by Prubangboy
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OP, there is no meaning in life, bar the fact that Nature works to a set of universal  laws and rules, some we know of, very many we do not have a clue about and never will. The human race  is no different in evolutionary terms to all other living things and being aware, as we are, of our existence, what we grandly term sentient, without knowing what that really means,  is probably  just a biological accident.  Trying to look for meaning in this is pointless.  As a particle physicist, my interest is in the very small, the quantum world, which is the basis of all that exists, or ever will exist. We speculate about its actions, structures and  laws, its meaning, but we really know virtually nothing about its reality, if indeed it has any reality.  All speculation about a so called 'meaning of life', of existence, is a profound waste of time and certainly no answers will ever be found by sitting cross legged under a Banyan tree, meditating. My advice, just live it, don't try to understand it.  

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Other than that... 

No intrinsic or integral meaning. We live, we die. Life gets meaning from what each individual gives it and makes of it. Many don't even have those luxuries. But for those fortunate enough, we assign the meaning...or not. 

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10 hours ago, pacovl46 said:

In a nutshell: survival of species, everything else comes secondary to that. 

That is not the meaning of my life, either consciously or unconsciously.  I am far too selfish, self centered and uncaring  to worry about the continuation of humanity, and frankly, I feel that the Universe would be better of without such a savage uncontrolled species, spreading its evil and intolerance over the cosmos. 

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"What is the meaning of life"  what a silly question!

    You might as well ask ,"What came first the chicken or the egg"

The answer of course is the egg, the chicken is simply the eggs idea of how to make another egg.

Same for humans and every other animal. Procreate and hopefully evolve. 

   More proper to ask " How would you like life to be "  and of that , as it is evident in this thread, you would get many different answers because the answer is always subjective, rather than objective.  


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3 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

That is not the meaning of my life, either consciously or unconsciously.  I am far too selfish, self centered and uncaring  to worry about the continuation of humanity, and frankly, I feel that the Universe would be better of without such a savage uncontrolled species, spreading its evil and intolerance over the cosmos. 

Mate, you can take any species on this planet and it's always find food, find shelter, find a suitable mate and reproduce so the species can be kept alive. What you described is the luxury you have because we're not hunters and gatherers anymore. BUT, generally speaking it's still about survival of species! 

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1 hour ago, pacovl46 said:

Mate, you can take any species on this planet and it's always find food, find shelter, find a suitable mate and reproduce so the species can be kept alive. What you described is the luxury you have because we're not hunters and gatherers anymore. BUT, generally speaking it's still about survival of species! 


A very simplistic set of assertions. Most species, in terms of numbers,  act as a collective, with no individual actions, bar that for the collective. The collectives may be said to have a combined survival instinct, but not the individuals, even this is challengeable as trampling red ants does not get a combined reaction, merely a load of dead ants. 

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2 minutes ago, Baht Simpson said:

I was alluding to one of Peterson's methods of deflecting questions which invite ridicule. Alex O'Connor discusses it here.   There's a good example about 30 seconds in.


I gave up after 30 secs

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