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Phuket hotel boob: Portuguese guest’s topless strut causes chaos


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Ive just asked the wife about this apparently she has gone from this hotel a few days ago, she got in a truck with a guy and went, dont know where though, close this topic down now

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1 hour ago, borderhopper2005 said:

Why Thai police still keeps that bxtch at large?

why the misogyny? is it her that has offended you or do you have issues with all women? i know what my guess is. 

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17 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Much ago about nothing. It is a set of boobs. Such misplaced prudishness. Such inane silliness. 

Also about:-

 "She booked a hotel room but could not pay for it. She borrowed money to pay a taxi fare and said she only had a credit card. She walked topless around the hotel and asked everyone she met for money. She also ordered food but could not pay for it"


As for "Phuket hotel boob: Portuguese guest’s topless strut causes chaos", I agree with you, but expect more "inane silliness" from Thaiger in the days/weeks/months ahead! I think the Editor/Sub Editor in charge of headlines must have worked for 2 particular UK tabloids in  previous life i.e. The N***s o* t** World, and The S*n!!!

Edited by sambum
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53 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:


You think it would be good for a society for all women to walk around topless?

You raise a good point and I don't think it would be a problem at all. However the biggest issue would be the fat, ugly and old women walking around topless. That could be traumatic, and unfortunately it would not just be the young and pretty ones!


So probably best leaving people covered up for now. 

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27 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Much ago about nothing. It is a set of boobs. Such misplaced prudishness. Such inane silliness. 

I agree about the prudishness, but an opportunity for a bit of puerile adolescent humour  is always welcome in these miserable times and should be embraced

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Can't blame her for respecting ancient Thai culture. Even the Ministry of Culture used to have two topless angels on its front page (since removed).

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2 hours ago, bendejo said:

My guess is she's from Brazil.  Easy for them (last I heard) to go to Portugal and return

If she had a boob job she may just want to get her moneys worth: paid all that money and no one can see them!


No boob job there. looks like a natural 36b to me.

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16 hours ago, mfd101 said:

As to the 'nudity', it's less than 50 years that just about every Thai peasant woman (mostly Khmer & Lao) went topless all day every day ... But modern technology is producing whole generations of memory-free people.

And heroin was available over the counter. As was cocaine. There was a lot of things happening less than 50 years ago. Whats your point

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Obvious mental illness. Hope she gets help. But once again, bare female breasts pose a great threat to humanity - forget about the fact that for the whole first year of our lives we stare at them constantly as we feed. Near as I can tell no one has ever been assaulted or harmed by a breast, or driven to insanity by the sight of them, notwithstanding Austin Powers's machine gun jugglies. Although there is the occasional juvenile gawking and commenting, but that comes from the imposition of our hypocritical sexual values. Strange world, strange values.

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12 hours ago, Banana7 said:

She looks to be in decent shape. Lots of lonely men in Phuket would love to entertain her in their accommodation, if she behaved a little better in public. Of course, all sharp objects and valuables would need to secured before her arrival. 

and a rabies shot!

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26 minutes ago, Baba Naba said:

What?  With that particular spelling, all 3 of the names are Indian. 

My guess is she had a pseudo-spiritual mental health crisis and become a guru and took an Indian nickname. This sounds mental but I've seen it happen before in real life. Yes these "world traveler" people really do this.

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What she is doing is significantly less offensive to my eyes than the sight of overweight males with much bigger boobs than she has who are legally allowed to walk topless down the streets.  

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7 hours ago, ikke1959 said:

THailand that likes to keep the tradition and their history is now astonished?? Thailand forgot that the Thai women were doing the same many years ago? This woman did her homework and knows about Thai history as many Thais are forgotten it, as it doesn't fit because of the brainwashed minds

She threatened a taxi driver with a knife, do you think that is acceptable?

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50 minutes ago, Baba Naba said:

"If you dont stop that you'll go blind!!!".

one could always indulge in  moderation and simply resolve to wear spectacles like many people traditionally choose to do

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6 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

She threatened a taxi driver with a knife, do you think that is acceptable?

You seem to be obsessed with the knife , most of us are more interested in the bare breasts, the side issues of the knife etc are of little interest to red blooded males

Edited by Bday Prang
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7 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

She threatened a taxi driver with a knife, do you think that is acceptable?

For some of them, yes......


She only threatened them, no attack, right?

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