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Thai foods you would not eat


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Recently I was in Nong Kai, I visited a really popular restraunt that had great food but saw two things on the menu one odd and one I would die of hunger before eating.

The first was steamed ducks bill, now who the hell would eat that, maybe the same crew that eat chicken feet.

The second was fried frog skin and it was not a typo, saw a local order this and devour it with gusto.

Myself I would rather die than eat Issan sausage, or fried bugs.

How about you ?

What's the strangest thing or most revolting to a Western palette you have seen Thai people eat or advertis.

Please keep your answers gentlemanly if you get my drift.

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In this part of the world they eat placentas so Thailand is rather tame with weird foods. Caramelized crickets, just because the legs get stuck in my teeth.

Actually, eating cow placenta is quite popular in Thailand. I also heard they like to put partially digested cow faeces on food to enhance the taste.

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I recall a while back Anthony Bourdain (Parts Unknown food travel show) did a trip to Isaan and he declared the food in Isaan as the most challenging (disgusting to almost all westerners) stuff he had ever eaten anywhere in the world, and he's been most everywhere. Yes he was out with the farmers gathering shocking stuff, and eating it. So lots of stuff like that I wouldn't eat but the special seasonal ants in a soup, yeah, I'd try that.

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I like crickets if fried crispy, good snack with a beer. Don't like silkworms though. Rat OK.

Just try some things and then you might find that they are not as bad as your imagination.

I might add that I also like chicken feet, just depends how they are cooked. The chinese way they are turned into a jelly like substance, very nice.

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Those eggs with the feathered un-hatched chick inside.

Pla raa

Gapi which is a shrimp paste that stinks much the same as pla raa

Those dried salted fish that even the dogs won't eat

Most hot dogs

Most baked goods that they add sugar to

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Back in Oz I choose not to eat any offal as I was not that poor anymore. Now here I have eaten (unknowingly and for the last time) frog and rat.

I cannot even watch the gf devour a fish head, the internal slop in a crab or suck on a prawn head. They actually love that stuff.

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OP - were you at Dee Dee.

The frog skin thing is actually very tasty. But i like the deep fried chicken skin they make here.

Crickets from the sunday market taste like sunflower seeds with legs.

I can eat most anything except when wife makes family version of laab made from raw beef, blood and bitter bile like juice. Turns my stomach.

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There are many good foods which I have enjoyed while travelling around Asia:
Chine - Owl soup

Pakistan - Goats testicles and curried cow brains

Vietnam - dog, snake, and honeybees

Cambodia - Turtle and a local type of porcupine

Korea - fermented skate ( smells like urine )

Philippines - Bullott

Thailand - grasshoppers, ants eggs, fish bladder, rat and frogs

Cant see what all the fuss is about, only regret none of my friends would take me to eat fresh monkey brains in Korea as I was looking forward to a new taste.

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Rat OK,

Insects no problem,

Durian I love it, even the smell,

Offal no worries,

Chicken blood, yes please

Raw prawn, I'll take that risk

Ant, quite nice,

BUT Japanese natto or Taiwan Stinky tofu.......neither of them would I ever try again, three times is enough

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I have tried everything that I never ate before. That includes placenta, and blood, bile and cow shit sauce on the barbecue, most insects and grubs I think, ants eggs, live baby shrimps are delicious, frog, dog, rat, most offal (drew the line at lung), as well as some really weird tasting vegetables and fruit.

I wouldn't eat cat and a lot of the stuff in the list above I would probably only eat again if I ran out of money and had to eat with the in laws.

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Op asks about Thai food and most answer about isaan food and I agree a lot of isaan food I cannot eat but there is a lot I eat up here find to be delicious, Thai food not much I don't like.

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I watched an episode of Gordon Ramsey in Cambodia I think it was and he ate most things but the mushy part of a big black spider made him up chuck ,I nearly did the same all over my monitor. As for me ,all those bugs cooking in the night market , they may taste aloi mak-mak but I just can't get one near my mouth.

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