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Trump tells Democratic congresswomen to 'go back' to 'fix' countries they came from


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Just now, mogandave said:


I don’t think most Democrats support that brand of crap, that’s why it amazes me that they the support they have. Clearly the hard supports it.


They have support and they deserve support in the sense of defending them against the racism of the current occupant of the white house and his fans. As elected representatives for their districts. Not endorsing all of their positions per se. 

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They have support and they deserve support in the sense of defending them against the racism of the current occupant of the white house and his fans. As elected representatives for their districts. Not endorsing all of their positions per se. 

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'go back' to 'fix' countries they came from


He gave the same advise to Sweden yesterday:

We do so much for Sweden but it doesn’t seem to work the other way around. Sweden should focus on its real crime problem!




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1 hour ago, mogandave said:


Open borders is a right wing talking point with 900,000 open asylum cases and thousand of people flooding accosts the border and overstaying visas? Eliminate ICE and detain no one at the border?

Yes, nothing will come of reparations, but the left will use it to secure their black vote (which I think is slipping) all the way through the election. Every democrat will support it knowing it’s s lie and every Republican will be called a when they don’t.

So you're argument is that the borders are open under Trump?  More so than under Obama, who earned the title of "deporter in chief" by having far more illegal immigrants deported than Trump?  https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2012/12/24/167970002/obama-administration-deported-record-1-5-million-people  Doesn't that make the Republicans the party of open borders?


The borders were controlled before ICE, arguably better than now.  Before supporting the elimination of ICE I would like to know what would replace it, but I don't see its elimination as the end of the world, or border security.

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So you're argument is that the borders are open under Trump?  More so than under Obama, who earned the title of "deporter in chief" by having far more illegal immigrants deported than Trump?  https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2012/12/24/167970002/obama-administration-deported-record-1-5-million-people  Doesn't that make the Republicans the party of open borders?
The borders were controlled before ICE, arguably better than now.  Before supporting the elimination of ICE I would like to know what would replace it, but I don't see its elimination as the end of the world, or border security.

Yes, I think border security has gotten worse under Trump.

I remember when President Obama debated Romney and when immigration came up, the station cut to the pundits that (of course) were talking about how bitchin’ President Obama was and they were making a point about how many people were being deported in the last four years.

They put up a graph, and the graph showed about 20 years of deportation statistics. Deportations started increasing significantly after the 9-11 disaster and continued to rise significantly all the way until halfway through President Obama’s first term and then leveled out and seemed to decline slightly.

I remember wondering why they even showed the graph, because clearly (to anyone that could read a graph) the deportation numbers had nothing to do with anything the administration had done.

Anyways, I think that was the night Romney lost the race. Not because of that, but because he was weak.

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

But hippies and Vietnam protesters weren't told to go back to where they came from.


As for no evidence Trump is a racist:


1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before


And no, they weren't welfare recipients. The Justice Dept sent teams of couples to test whether the Trump properties were discriminating against black people. Teams of white couples and teams of black couples with identical financial status were sent to Trump properties to try and rent. Repeatedly black couples were told that the apartments had already been rented. Guess what the white couples were told?

I said racist remark. You cannot find an overtly racist remark Trump ever made. I can supply you a few from Hillary, Biden and Obama if you like.


You have to go back to the sixties to find a hint of racism from Trump? 60 years ago? A time when the democrates wouldn’t vote for the civil rights bill.  Dude, everyone was racist back then.   

Edited by Guitarzan
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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

But hippies and Vietnam protesters weren't told to go back to where they came from.


As for no evidence Trump is a racist:


1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before


And no, they weren't welfare recipients. The Justice Dept sent teams of couples to test whether the Trump properties were discriminating against black people. Teams of white couples and teams of black couples with identical financial status were sent to Trump properties to try and rent. Repeatedly black couples were told that the apartments had already been rented. Guess what the white couples were told?

What do you think Love it or leave it means?  Get out of America if you don’t like it. Right???? 

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But hippies and Vietnam protesters weren't told to go back to where they came from.
As for no evidence Trump is a racist:
1973: The US Department of Justice — under the Nixon administration, out of all administrations — sued the Trump Management Corporation for violating the Fair Housing Act. Federal officials found evidence that Trump had refused to rent to black tenants and lied to black applicants about whether apartments were available, among other accusations. Trump said the federal government was trying to get him to rent to welfare recipients. In the aftermath, he signed an agreement in 1975 agreeing not to discriminate to renters of color without admitting to discriminating before
And no, they weren't welfare recipients. The Justice Dept sent teams of couples to test whether the Trump properties were discriminating against black people. Teams of white couples and teams of black couples with identical financial status were sent to Trump properties to try and rent. Repeatedly black couples were told that the apartments had already been rented. Guess what the white couples were told?

Yeah, that was back when he was a Democrat.

Assuming it’s exactly how you describe (unlikely), he could have been just trying to protect his investment. Clearly back then (and perhaps today) blacks moving in would have driven the rents down.

Wouldn’t make it right, wouldn’t make it not racist.
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"Moscow Mitch" is trending on twitter.  https://www.newsweek.com/moscow-mitch-trends-twitter-mcconnell-russia-election-interference-1451274
McConnell is afraid the Republicans can't win a fair election.

Yes, the article proves that the only reason nothing was done during the previous administration was because “Moscow Mitch” stopped it.

It’s time to appoint a special prosecutor (perhaps Ilhan Omar?) to open a new investigation.

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7 minutes ago, bendejo said:

There is also some unpleasantness about McConnell making a deal with Rusal to build an aluminum plant in his state to bring up his cred for his own 2020 re-election.

The US press has turned a deaf ear to this scandal.



Is there any question as to why he is so open to foreign interference in US elections?  I thought they hang people for this this kind of stuff.  The US is hitting bottom: corrupt WH, corrupt Senate, compromised Justice Dept, and treason with foreign actors all around.  And during the Cold War it was the GOP saying it would be the Dems/left who would sell out the country.  Well, surprise surprise!  The US is going full-fascist, and selling out to a bigger fascist.  Great again, baby!



Sayin' and doin' aren't really the same thing. Yeah, they'd love to invest in these places if they could be sure the EPA would roll over, but that ain't necessarily so. Most John Grisham novels are instructive here. And of course the tort lawyers will be all lined up.



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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

"She has made many anti-Semitic remarks, and was forced to apologize.  Look them up, I'm not gonna do that for you."


You call a member of Congress a racist, refuse to back up your accusation, then challenge the skeptics to prove you right.  I see no point in debating someone who operates at your level.


U.S. lawmaker apologises after House leaders condemn comments as anti-Semitic



There were, I think, at least a couple of similar incidents.


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11 hours ago, bendejo said:

'go back' to 'fix' countries they came from


He gave the same advise to Sweden yesterday:

We do so much for Sweden but it doesn’t seem to work the other way around. Sweden should focus on its real crime problem!

Yeah a real laugh this one. US which locks up more people than any other "advanced" nation, saying Sweden should focus on it's real crime problem. Attempting to interfere with the judiciary is a crime in most countries. Thus Trump is demanding criminal activity by Sweden to suit himself, no surprise there.


But right on topic the big question is WHY are all these people leaving the Tropical areas for more Northern (Or southern) countries. Quite apart from the fact that we have bombed many out of their homes (to please the Israelis and Saudis among others), the real issue is climate change. The people in the Sahel and central America can no longer grow their crops, or take care of their animals. There is bound to be more immigration, even if we invest in helping these countries to adapt to make life more tolerable. We (USA and UK in particular) have exploited these poor countries for decades, centuries in some cases, maybe it's payback time. 


Maybe Canada and Siberia can take advantage of the warmer climate - who knows.

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2 hours ago, mogandave said:


Yeah, that was back when he was a Democrat.

Assuming it’s exactly how you describe (unlikely), he could have been just trying to protect his investment. Clearly back then (and perhaps today) blacks moving in would have driven the rents down.

Wouldn’t make it right, wouldn’t make it not racist.


So what?  What do you want to do about it?  Don't you think society as a whole was enlightened?  That goes for everyone.


Racist, racist, racist, everyone one you disagree with is a racist. White man bad. No-one can see through this BS?  

For the record, Thais are extremely racist. You are probably married to a racist if you live in Thailand. Asians are the most racist people Ive ever met, and you know what, I don't have a problem with that. 

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1 hour ago, bristolboy said:

Given the Trump adminstration's record so far the EPA, it's pretty close to a sure thing that it would roll over and let Rusal scratch it's belly. If it were to be stopped, more likely it would be the courts which have consistently ruled against the EPA.

Yeah, that's possible, even likely.  But maybe not forever if he gets a second term. Still, the Tort lawyers will feast on whatever happens in a decade or two.

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59 minutes ago, BobBKK said:

To be fair to her anyone who even thinks of criticizing Israel is labelled 'anti-semitic' when it could be merely anti-Zionist (as some Jews are too).


Your blanket assertion is neither factual nor fair.

The point was that whether she made these comments was questioned, hence the link. If you, and others, with to argue (and of course, derail the topic) as to the content - go right ahead.

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12 hours ago, heybruce said:

You need to back up your comments if you want anyone who doesn't already agree with you to take your posts seriously.  Serious people don't make a bold claim then tell anyone who questions it to find the proof themselves.

My comments are esaly verified on the World Wide Web. But , as soon as I get a chance ( lots of work today) I’ll do your homework for you and post links. 

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3 hours ago, johnnybangkok said:

Typical GOP/Fox news cherry picking of the actual events. The “people should be more fearful of white men” was in response to a question about terrorism in the US when she (rightly) said that if you are talking about the protection of American citizens then you should be more worried about “white” terrorists as they have caused more terrorism in the US than any other group. 

This is fact, but as usual, the right wingers take 8 words out of context and spin it that’s she’s anti-white. 

Please get out of your echo chamber and try and look at matters more objectively. 

Here ya go!  The actual interview sounds nothing like you describe. In addition Omar's spin that White people should be more feared that Islamic Jihadist's is racist based on the fact White people are the majority in the US. Amazing how you can squeeze a comment by Trump as racist,  yet on the other hand you defend Omar's remarks as non racist. Simply brilliant on your part. 

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23 minutes ago, candide said:

"Just to be abundantly clear, here is her full, unedited comment, in response to the prompt, "A lot of conservatives, in particular, would say the rise of Islamophobia is a result not of hate, but of fear":

Answer:"I would say our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country and so if fear was the driving force of policies to keep America safe, Americans safe inside of this country, we should be profiling, monitoring, and creating policies to fight the radicalization of white men."


You know what's great about Omar? This would be the second time that I'm aware of that she cries about being taken out of context, only to have her full statement be actually WORSE than the original. 


She's a gift to the Republican party and the right in general. 

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