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Farangs who don’t wear face masks should be kicked out of Thailand says health minister


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17 hours ago, transam said:

Don't worry, Mr. Highranker, the farangs are just going to stay away, your outburst will aid that.. ...????

Yes leaking this statement from the Thai government to the MSM globally will incur so much damage. TAT better find a bunker to hide.

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17 hours ago, Beggar said:

This is correct. VERY many Farangs do not use a mask. Are they too stupid or immortal? And as hard as it might sound - such ignorant and naive tourists pose a danger to others in Thailand. 

When you say Farang are we talking White,Black,Brown,Yellow, I sometimes have a problem of determining who is a farang these days due to to so many mixed races living in Thailand sometimes I even think the Thais get confused I’m assuming you are talking when you make your remarks about all farangs Indians , Chinese, Japanese, Nigerian, Korean, German, Russian, English, Scottish , Dutch the list is never ending . Often when you read the IO arrested 50 Farangs the majority come from immediate neighbouring countries Laos, Cambodia, Burma very few are European. I have chose to stay indoors meaning the Thai economy is not getting my money I must have saved myself 8/10,000 baht already if I have to go out it’s to stock up on food but the bars and restaurants I have banned myself from going to while this virus is about and my Chinese neighbours are also keeping a very low profile.

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17 hours ago, Beggar said:

Who is WHO?! I think in the meantime everyone should have understood that in respect of the Corona virus we are not talking about a cold or a runny nose. We need to stop it as soon as possible and not lean back and watch what will happen. I see the proactive stance of the Thai government as a positive approach. Of course it is free to you to say "Don't worry". Let it be your personal experience and don't blame others. 

The world health organization,That very fact you don,t even know this makes your statement even more laughable.....

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7 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You're confusing the Thai government with the Thai people.

The first does not in any way represent the second.

If they did, they wouldn't have needed all the tanks and guns to be in charge.

Well the government is composed of Thai people. It's just the government has ability to express what they think of farangs-in a different way. And maybe those in government are more aware of what a certain segment of foreigners think of them. Can you imagine what some of the English literate Thais think when reading the constant stream of condescending comments by farangs-on the internet. 

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Is there a video clip of him saying this, and a credible translation of what he has been reported to have said?


I'd like to see a more detailed analysis before joining the outrage mob (many of whom I guess haven't seen the source footage or speak good Thai)

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7 minutes ago, martin3 said:

The world health organization,That very fact you don,t even know this makes your statement even more laughable.....

Of course I know for what WHO stands. But if you read my messages you would have known this. And if I write "Who is WHO" then I simply mean that the WHO is not that important. Important is what the individual countries do. 

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5 minutes ago, Beggar said:

Of course I know for what WHO stands. But if you read my messages you would have known this. And if I write "Who is WHO" then I simply mean that the WHO is not that important. Important is what the individual countries do. 

And if the next Thai brain titan wants people to walk on just one leg to avoid infection we'll see you jumping down the road?

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Given this outburst it seems even more likely that, if there are any deaths due to nCoV19,


the first few will be DWF (Dirty White Foreigners)

there will be no Thai or Chinese deaths




Walking in the park this morning, observed ~ 125 people, 65% Asian, masks seen: One (1)



I wonder what the reaction might be if there were a regional medical emergency among remote, indigenous, state-less peoples? Suspect the authroities would lock it down lickety-split?






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But isn’t it lovely for the healthy here with no exposure to Chinese tourists or taxi drivers who now must fear groups of Thais calling police on us for not wearing masks in public...


Or worse we must now be fearing groups of  angry Thais in masks will surround westerners without masks and corral them with sticks  brooms, shopping carts etc because they fear we are all Typhoid Mary’s.

While awaiting ‘isolation teams’ of untrained police and ambulance crews, who are getting paid by the numbers they round up...


This man needs to be hounded from office, and sent to an inactive position at Tourism Authority Of Thailand.


Edited by animatic
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