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PM orders Thai authorities to seek Interpol’s help to apprehend Red Bull scion


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I must admit I do sense there is an ulterior motive, behind this which isn't good and pray that it is seen through by all, but!!!! And my but is,  that the officers family will see some kind of justice for the death of there son, father, husband friend, and fellow officer, so go get him and while your getting him perhaps you should also arrest and sentence all those that have lied throughout this whole debacle.  Oh and yes one more thing I know that the family have been paid not shore how much but multiply this another 100 times. Thinking of his family as it brings it the pain back.

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5 hours ago, bobbin said:

It's time for Vorayuth to take one for the team..


Less than 10 years sentence. Plead guilty gets 50% commuted. Special privilege confinement. Conjugal visits. Early parole.



We all know he will never come to any harm but what about the loss of face, not only to him but the whole family, that would be painful.


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16 minutes ago, Jenkins9039 said:

Ok, so why hasn't Yingluck and Thaksin been brought back yet?

Not sure about Thaksin but Yingluck was not charged with an offence that would come under common law. If I remember rightly is was something to do with not performing her duties correctly, that would not be a criminal offence in many countries. In order to be extradited it has to be a recognised common law such as murder, theft, drug smuggling, kiddy porn or something like that where every country would recognise the crime. 


In the case of the Red Bull idiot he killed a policeman with his car whilst under the influence, that is a criminal offence in any country so it should be simpler, but then again this is Thailand we are talking about and he is very, very rich. When it comes to Thailand and lots of money it is terribly corrupt.

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20 minutes ago, tomauasia said:

The picture here is of Thailand's most hated PM IN HISTORY. He has no hope of reelection so his turning white night now.

He even took money from the family for COVID. Let's just say his retirement maybe cut back. LOL

you could be right, populist policy and action is a dodgy politicians ammunition when things dont look good for retaining power. 

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4 minutes ago, NRGF said:

We all know he will never come to any harm but what about the loss of face, not only to him but the whole family, that would be painful.


When I said take one for the team, it's the family that I'm talking about..


There is loss of face and Big loss of face. When it looked like the pay-offs would suffice, the extended family was ok with the status quo. Now that it's becoming a cause celebre (sp) it is starting to hurt.


He has to fall on his sword.

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6 hours ago, KhunKenAP said:

Just hold the trial if is a no show and found guilty pass a lengthy sentence. The go for the Red Notice on a convicted criminal, before another statue of limitations passes. Quit screwing around.

We know that won't happen, he may even come to trial where he will be confronted by a judge 'who understands'.

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Prayut:  "hi is that Interpol?  so sorry to disturb you but would you mind putting that Red Bull fella back on your list?  got to be seen to be doing something this end"

Interpol: "of course Sir!  he'll be back in the queue at number 57,561 same as he was years ago. Wink, Wink, Nod, Nod gotcha Sir!" 

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6 hours ago, dcsw53 said:

What happened, did the brown envelopes stop ?

Maybe, and maybe... Could be that since the dropping of the charges and subsequent mysterious death of the witness from the past, that things have got a little heated behind closed doors. 

Add in that the people protesting at present are quite on to things, and one is they do not like the Red Bull Brat running around Scott free. 

They are not happy with the constitution or the govt. 


The PM is being very cautious how he deals with students, my feelings are that the moment the govt starts arresting student's and the spokesman, all hell will break loose and this may spark a cue. 

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5 hours ago, connda said:

Oh wow!  Another Red Notice that will be ignored by Interpol.


The inquiries into the Red Bull affair found that the Thai police officer who finally posted the Red Notice was shortly thereafter transferred. The Red Notice was then withdrawn by the Thai police without any public notification. Who was the then Chief of Police on whose watch this all happened?

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2 hours ago, GAZZPA said:

I have not heard that Interpol is corrupt? Are you sure? Of course there can be corruption anywhere but fundamentally I would think Interpol cannot be paid off to turn a blind eye,, at least I hope so.

It is very interesting to read up on the history of Interpol. 

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6 hours ago, ezzra said:

What i want to know, had it been just a joe shmo that ran the policeman down would this saga also take 8 years to finally see the light and issue a APB on him? why did it take so many times to open and close, yes guilty, not guilty to finally come to this that he's guilty? what is wrong with the Thai police?...

What is wrong with the Thai police? Check  one of the lists.  There is an alphabetical list and there is a numerical list based on year,  month and a numerIC sequence based on case numbers.  Which do you prefer??? ???? 

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8 hours ago, RotBenz8888 said:

He's probably hiding in the safest country in the world where no one will ever find him.... Thailand. 

This is almost certainly the truth, and it's equally likely that Prayuth knows this, making this whole announcement today even doubly embarrassing and empty.

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49 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

They tried that before I believe,then he went into hiding somewhere that no one can find even interpol.

Although he's known to have a residence in Singapore and was last seen with his mother, on global TV, strolling down the pit lane and in the Red Bull garage at the Abu Dhabi F1GP.





Here he is at his London pad.


Charges have been dropped against Vorayuth Yoovidhya, pictured leaving a house in London in April 2017.


My services are available to the RTP for a small fee.



Edited by polpott
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3 hours ago, Jenkins9039 said:

Ok, so why hasn't Yingluck and Thaksin been brought back yet?

Different sort of crime.   Red Bull Boy actually killed someone.    The Shinawats were accused of "crimes" by their enemies - and many of these accusers know that if they were subjected to any kind of scrutiny, they would readily be exposed as actual criminals themselves.   There's also no international pressure to repatriate them to face trial - the international community would probably side with the Shins, as they were at least democratically elected.  Besides, the junta don't want them back anyway - they'd be far more dangerous back in thailand than they are safely stashed away abroad.

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8 minutes ago, GooEng said:

Different sort of crime.   Red Bull Boy actually killed someone.    The Shinawats were accused of "crimes" by their enemies - many of whom if subjected to any kind of scrutiny, would be exposed as actual criminals.   There's also no international pressure to repatriate them to face trial - the international community would probably side with the Shins, as they were at least democratically elected.  Besides, the junta don't want them back

Also, if any attempt to extradite them was made, they would claim that the charges were politically motivated, which they were, and no country would proceed with the extradition.

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8 hours ago, KhunKenAP said:

Just hold the trial if is a no show and found guilty pass a lengthy sentence. The go for the Red Notice on a convicted criminal, before another statue of limitations passes. Quit screwing around.

This sounds reasonable and should be done - if the law allows. And the trial and sentence should happen within less than a month. 

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Lots of huffing and puffing, but as of about 20 seconds ago, there were 11 Thai nationals with Interpol red notices, and shock horror, the Boss wasn't one of them.


These people play the long game. Last time we went down this road, indignation made them issue a red notice, which was then quietly removed after the peasantry quieted down.


Same will happen this time, nothing will happen, he'll be photographed in some high end location, but Thai authorities will never seek extradition.


It's a sad but rather predicable lakorn.


I wish I wasn't so cynical, but been there, done that, got the tee shirt!

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If the spoiled boy’s mother was arrested and jailed for aiding and abetting a fugitive, one would assume the sniveling little twit would finally come forward to save her the punishment... or maybe he would let mommy rot in jail. Either way some justice would be served.

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9 hours ago, johng said:

They did  but  something went wrong  maybe they sent the request in written in Thai  ?


It got lost amongst a pile of rather large Brown Envelopes.

It's only happening now because PM is trying to win Brownie points because of the anti-govt protests

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9 hours ago, KhunKenAP said:

Just hold the trial if is a no show and found guilty pass a lengthy sentence. The go for the Red Notice on a convicted criminal, before another statue of limitations passes. Quit screwing around.

I don't know whether Interpol will act in the case of somebody tried "in absentia". I am pretty sure that the UK for example ( or for that matter most western countries) will extradite someone on that basis.


Extradition is by no means a certain matter. The Red Bull family can afford the best of legal teams. The first question his defence will raise is why has the whole business taken so long. The various shenanigans surrounding the case up 'till know will give them plenty to work on. Thailand (the RTP) will have to submit evidence that would convince a court of his guilt, again in the face of stiff legal opposition. 

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9 hours ago, colinneil said:

Wow so he has finally woke up, seeking Interpols help should have been done years ago.

It never happened before, because those responsible for doing it were to busy extracting money from the family.

It was. There was a red notice. What are you talking about?

Edited by dinsdale
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3 minutes ago, dinsdale said:

It was. There was a red notice. What are you talking about?

Do you not remember a red notice being issued and withdrawn because of 'interpretation' issues? Maybe I'm wrong but that's the way I remember it. Not denying huge amounts of money was handed out and I would say is still being handed out in this land of corruption.


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10 hours ago, colinneil said:

Wow so he has finally woke up, seeking Interpols help should have been done years ago.

It never happened before, because those responsible for doing it were to busy extracting money from the family.

Actually, I believe the main hurdle was the request to interpol had to be presented in English, this resulted in the delay - or so the story goes - - - - only in Thailand. 

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