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Foreigners online slam "ridiculous" booze ban - no drinking from 6pm Saturday to 6pm Sunday


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8 hours ago, petermik said:

TIT...live with it..:thumbsup:

I recall from history that earlier in the US, alcohol was also banned on election days. If I remember correctly, in part to keep from handing out bottles of booze to get people to vote for your candidate.

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6 minutes ago, wwest5829 said:

I recall from history that earlier in the US, alcohol was also banned on election days. If I remember correctly, in part to keep from handing out bottles of booze to get people to vote for your candidate.

Still is in some states....Also, some year around dry territories....

People seem to do just fine....

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My take is what is the point of the ban?

Forget foreigners how does it affect Thais?

If they partake of a drink do they forget to vote, mark the wrong square because they are drunk????

Does the tout of a candidate not supply the grog after the voter has ticked the right box???


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46 minutes ago, ronaldo0 said:

Can’t buy booze for 24 hrs , 7-10 hrs of which you would be sleeping through usually and people act like it’s the end of the world ! ????

I am now told it is all day Saturday, not just from 18.00.

Anyone else heard this.? 

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9 hours ago, webfact said:
Foreigners online slam "ridiculous" booze ban - no drinking from 6pm Saturday to 6pm Sunday
File photo for reference only
Foreigners living in Thailand have been taking to social media to slam this weekend's alcohol ban due to local elections.
The sale and distribution of alcohol and even parties with alcohol are banned from 6pm Saturday to 6 pm Sunday for the Provincial Administration Organisation elections. 
Foreigners, of course, have no right to vote. 
Weddings and parties can go ahead but they must be dry, reported Sophon Cable TV in Pattaya saying that violators will go to jail for six months or be fined 10,000 baht. 
When the ban was announced earlier in the week many foreigners went online to say it should not apply to them. English language print media in Thailand is reporting that the elections will be a "damp squib" with many Thais not even bothering to vote.
D.R. on facebook asked angrily: "What the #### is having a beer got to do with putting an X on a ballot paper?"
Y.A. called it and other government measures against drinkers a "ridiculous war on alcohol" adding: "Farang can't vote and should be exempted from this foolishness". 
Many clicked "Like" to those suggestions. 
Mr M chipped in: "Why should people on holiday.....be subjected to (this)?"
M-san suggested it was a "ridiculous law".
Taking Pattaya as an example there are just 228,140 registered voters in Bang Lamung district. 
Many will say just those might be banned from drinking, not visitors on a potentially busy pre-Christmas weekend that could provide much needed income in these disastrous economic times caused by the pandemic. . 
Others think that even stopping registered voters is a waste of time. 
Some people went online to say that there will be queues for alcohol before the ban. 
Others felt it would be ignored but Pattaya's police and those in other areas of the country have been told by RTP chiefs to strictly enforce the law. 
Meanwhile non-drinkers or those with well stocked fridges told the complainers to "get over themselves - this is Thailand". 

Drink at home if you can’t do without for 1 day 

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4 minutes ago, Thaifly88 said:

Drink at home if you can’t do without for 1 day 

I dont drink at home. I only drink out. What a stupid thing to ban drinking out, like banning farangs drinking in bars can change an election.

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39 minutes ago, herwin1234 said:

Another quality farang. 


"common  sense" what are you talking about?  Out of free will you choose to live here yet you make zero effort to understand or respect anything here, and wrongly label your own ignorance about another culture as "they donthave common sense" and "stupid ban".


Facts are Thailand , just like China, has managed the covid crisis excellent and thanks to their "common sense" like "politicians making decisions based on science" (sounds like common sense to me!!) and citizens who use their common sense and follow up on medical advice like wearing  a mask, YOU sir, are now BENEFITTING from this Thai common sense and living in a chaotic-free almost covid free country. YOUR OWN COUNTRY most likely is still reeling and gasping from the covid crisis bc it LACKS COMMON SENSE.


maybe it is you, and not the Thais, who lack "common sense".

Not really 

Just didn't do extensive testing 

Removed the blanket FREE testing on mass being done in the ???????? USA

Made it too expensive for the average Simcha to get.

Just hidden statistics. 

Back to the basement 


Rationalization at its best!

Edited by maprao
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I have to agree with posters here who say TiT so falangs should simply get over it and live with it as we should be polite guests here.  However I must say personally I find this law is way over the top and unneccessary. 


Surely it is easy to do what they do in almost all other democracies and of couse ban any drunken voters from entering the voting stations to vote.  So it is so much more sensible for it to be a legal condition of voting that you are not over say the driving alcohol limit when going to vote. Not difficult as folk can vote first and then they can go and have drinks and live life normally after voting.  It is so easy surely and IMHO a no brainer. That way it also does not impinge on others who either cannot vote or simply do not want to vote and does not put off much needed tourists either.  Also the rather OOT total alcohol ban has adverse fininancial implication to bar/club owners and shops who sell alcohol and of course intolerable ruining of normal parties and celebrations like weddings etc. 


Personally I drink very little and mostly at home or at a freinds home when I do , but I really do not like to see folk being so unnecessarily restricted in this way as it seems so pointless.  As I said I am purely a guest here so of course not my business how Thais run their society and is this democratically what the majority of good Thai people want as an alcohol banning law?? However that does not stop me making what I think is a sensible and I feel popular suggestion and easy solution for all.

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If you do not like the rules of the country you have chosen to visit or live in then get yourself out of it.   Amongst many others, the two prime issues you are demonstrating are your disrespect for the Thai people whose country you are in and your disrespect for non-Thais who wish to make it their home.   So .. ! (I will leave the ThaiVisa powers that be to replace to ..)

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I remember some years ago when they were still shutting the bars for the kings birthday they had a General Election in December.

The weekend before the election the bars were shut for 2 days for Pre Election voting then the following weekend the bars were shut again for 2 days for the election proper.

I remember some bar owners ranting about  it saying how bloody ridiculous shutting the bars for 5 days in a peak tourist month. The bar girls were nun to happy either.

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9 hours ago, webfact said:

.R. on facebook asked angrily: "What the #### is having a beer got to do with putting an X on a ballot paper?"

I think sobriety tests should be compulsory at voting booths given some of the crazy people elected and motions voted for in the last 4 years or so!!

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1 hour ago, djayz said:

 In the words of Joseph Stalin "Those who cast the votes decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything", which begs the question: what difference does a clear head make?  


A question for the law makers I guess.


doubt any vote cast makes any difference in Thailand, elections are run and done before anyone votes !!

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The ban is just anmother unnecessary and sensefree restrictiuon of citizens' freeedom



"violators will go to jail for six months or be fined 10,000 baht"

and this is completely out of relation.

Beating up an innocent victim is probably cheaper.

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3 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

The ban is just anmother unnecessary and sensefree restrictiuon of citizens' freeedom



"violators will go to jail for six months or be fined 10,000 baht"

and this is completely out of relation.

Beating up an innocent victim is probably cheaper.


You are American ?

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I still can't believe that people get angry over these posts, just stock up and ride over the rivers of Bull dung coming out of the marmite motorway of the goons in charge....... (At the moment )  .......  Imagine how much tea money the coppers are losing at the moment, how long do you think that can go on for ?     Not much longer.....

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