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Tales of Woe ! .....What tales have you heard ?


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In Patong I was the guy who listen to my freeride talking to her numbel one who was working on a cruise ship and was going to merry her as soon he retired. I didnt hang out to long with her, but she was a stunning innocent looking girl with the sweetest smile that could lie you straight in to face. However she was fun, and I never know if they made it, but she always talked about her bf is like this, and do like this, and finely I just left her. Her next toyboy was a Iraq vet that just entered town, and played with him. Me and her lived in the same building at the time, but if he knew the whole story or she tried to con him, Im not sure, because she start talking about marrying him just after a week or two, and then I left for Krabi and never see her again. I guess he had some money to spend after his leave, and new life experience. 


She was maybe 33 years old, me 36, and the new Iraq vet was maybe 25 and the numbel one was 57, and will be about 73 years now. 


I did not feel much for the guy who left his finance in Patong, paid her salery and rent, did not work since she quit her job after meeting him at Rock City where she worked, and believe she would stay faithful waiting for him at her best age and in Patong? 





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30 minutes ago, Stevemercer said:

I've heard quite a few tales of woe from Thai ladies recently.


One I have heard 3 times now is that their western boyfriend (living overseas and previously sending money) died of Covid. A relative gets in contact with the girl to tell them the sad news. The boyfriend (typically elderly) disappears from all social media.


The Thai girl is heart broken, but also a little suspicious and checks around with some of her friends living in that country. Lo and behold, the old man (boyfriend) is not dead, but it's just a ruse to get rid of his Thai girlfriend and stop sending money (particularly when the prospect .


I sometimes think I should open an investigative service for Thai ladies who want their overseas boyfriends checked out, and to get an assessment of their real worth!

This one I have heard several times over the years.

They try to call the guy and a family member answers and gives her the bad news.

Dies in a car accident, cancer, heart attack, etc.

I am not buying all of it, but many of them seem too.


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6 minutes ago, OneMoreFarang said:

In a way I think it's nice to know that Thais don't only scam farang. They do it just the same with other Thais. And obviously there are also all those farangs who have fantastic investment choices for the new arrivals. ???? 


Apart from that here is a full book of tales. I guess most of you know it but just in case there is anybody out there who didn't read it until now. It's know as the the best non-fiction book about Thailand.




This book is indeed well worth reading.  Not a true classic (yet) like ''A Woman of Bangkok'' but still ranked way up there.

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6 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Moral of the stories? Most Thais I deal with I have found to be honest. OTOH I find it difficult to trust foreigners here.

I agree,

Thais have stolen almost nothing from me, white folk got 2/3 of my assets.

But really, best not to trust anyone beyond the occasional 500bht you don't mind losing.


When I first came here a Thai (street) hooker used to talk to me to help practise my Thai.

One day she rolled up looking like she had caught leprosy, came out with a story about getting sick, needing medicine.

Can I lend her 500bht, no I says, have it as a gift, doesn't hurt to hand out the occasional gift to people in need.

only ever once per person though.

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3 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

I find trust to be vastly over rated.

There's rarely any need to trust another person, and I've never been proven wrong.

Those I trusted stole from me, those I didn't trust didn't.

I trusted a woman in Australia with a financial agreement which was to her benefit. When our relationship started , she was one month away from being evicted.

She reneged on the agreement, and stole $300,000 from me I had entrusted to her.

I agree, trust is over-rated. Nowadays, it's  qualified trust after testing.

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Two Tales of Woe.


1) A group of us fresh out of uni were brought over to Asia and housed in Thailand. One of the lads sparked up a relationship with a local bar girl. He was laid off soon after (not because of his relationship with a bar girl). 6 months later we are told she is pregnant with his (my friends baby and its twins !). She’d lost touch with him but needed some money for hospital etc. My previous colleague ignores the request, we ignore the bar girls periodic requests to contact him. She was indeed pregnant, 6 months later we are told the twin boys have blonde curly hair, contact our previous colleague the mum needs money. Soon after we ‘bump’ into this girl in the street, she’s with a 100% Thai baby, no twins !!!... 


2) Another work colleague a much older guy in his 70’s told me his tale of woe. He’d hooked up with an ex BG, bought the house, bought the pickup, kicked him out, moved the brother in. No surprises there so far. He (my colleague) obviously stopped paying. The pickup was sold. Then the relationship with the ‘brother' turned south. My colleagued then moved back in, bought another pickup. I lost track of the story after this (moved to a different company). 

The guy was clearly heading for a second fall but couldn’t be told. 





These are the only two I know of. 


Of course, my Wife has a Brother - he’s a top lad, doting uncle to my Son and there are loads of family photos of my Brother in Law and Wife throughout their childhood. !!... Of all of my Western friends in Thailand, they are all in good relationships with women of a similar status, call it a similar social-educational-economic level. No drama’s just a good life. In fact, my in-laws have become friends with some of my friends in-laws as over the years as we have ended up round at each others houses, having parties etc or out for dinners etc... 


I suspect most of these stories of woe stem from a relationships between westerner and those Thai female of a particular socio-economic demographic from a specific geographic region of Thailand - While generalisations bastardise the reputation of good people the stereotype is simply too strong to ignore. 






Edited by richard_smith237
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10 hours ago, CharlieH said:

Any of us that have been here awhile have heard many different stories of the tricks and scams that have been tried and some that succeeded. The common one is "the brother" or cousin in reality being the Thai boyfriend of husband, 


Well here is a story in my locality. Feel free to add yours and maybe the poor unsuspecting newbies that come amongst us may be a little bit better prepared.


A local woman advertised on the jnternet, gained the attention of a man from the UK. He wasnt retired, in his late 40's and still working etc. He travelled back n forth and the relationship developed.

She had told him she couldnt get married until he could provide a home for her as her tamily wouldnt allow it. So they then began to search for land in and around her village. Miraculously a nice plot was available. Construction begins and she is control as he continues to fly back n forth.

Various issues during construction that require more money than expected. Next the NEW Fortuner appears. This she said she needed with so much running around to do and easier to get him from the airport etc.


The rather elaborate 2 stoery 4 bed house is completed, very big and elaborate party is held to celebrate the new home. After a few weeks he goes off back to work again. This is when the handyman/driver is taken on. She claims she needs help as he is not there to help with things like gardenwork and other jobs around the property she cant do on her own. The man also collects the guy from the airport and plays chauffer, and all round assistant.

The house is now fully furnished and kitted out, nice new Fortuner on the drive. Job done.

Monthly payments of 60k flowing in to her whilst he continues to work and travel back n forth.


Around 6 months later, he wants to arrange the Wedding, fly his relatives in from abroad big party etc.

He begins to make arrangements etc, asks her to take care of local arrangements , monks etc a Thai village Wedding in the grounds of the shimy new home.


A few months go by, he returns again, met by the driver in the fortuner. When he gets to the home, she tells him, she has changed her mind, the relationship wont work and he has to leave ! Naturally he is devasted and in total disbelief at what he thought was a new life has just exploded in his face.


Now comes the truth of the events and what he didnt know.


The land was actually owned by her Mother ! He had paid 3x over the rate for it.

The builder and crew grossly overpriced were all relatives.

And you guessed it, the driver was in fact her Thai husband.who moved in when it was done and stayed at her mothers when he visited with there 2 kids !


He lost the lot ! Everything in her name.

8 million on the land and house build.( couldve been done for 2.5)

The Fortuner was bought cash..


So, there is a tale of woe and how love can blind a guy. 


What tales of woe (nievety) do you know ? 



The old saying "A fool and his money are easily parted" comes to mind

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