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Brit dad stuck in Thailand with cancer needs £88,000 a year to continue fight in the UK


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Andy Tracey was diagnosed with stage four pancreatic cancer last March (Image: Andy Tracey)


EXCLUSIVE: Andy Tracey, from Clapham, has found a 'wonder drug' that could extend his life by up to four years - but it is not available on the NHS for his type of cancer so he needs to pay £88,000 a year


By Lorraine King


A Brit stuck in Thailand after being diagnosed with incurable cancer is trying to raise funds to extend his life in the UK.


Andy Tracey was trying to enjoy a well-earned break when he started suffering crippling stomach pains so sought medical help.


After undergoing several tests, he was given the devastating news that he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer on March 21 last year.


Medics in Thailand gave him just months to live.


Due to the pandemic, the 59-year-old was unable to fly home to be with his family and friends so was forced to stay in Thailand where he had an operation followed by 12 rounds of chemotherapy.


Full story: https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/brit-dad-stuck-thailand-cancer-23759663



-- © Copyright Mirror 2021-04-27


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2 hours ago, sweatalot said:

The only treatment he needs is palliative. Reduce symptoms and give him dignity for the short rest of his life. I heard about quacks in BKK and phuk who promise healing and make lots of cash. But that one case that I know of has not been healed. Without operation and chemotherapy he would not be alive any more (if he still is, did not hear from him for a few months)


He should be grateful for the op and chemo that he got in LOS - I guess that's why he is still around. Life expectancy less tan 12 months means without the treatment that he got..

Some years ago a very famous man decided not to follow doctor's advice in relation to pancreatic cancer. It might be that he made a life or death decision. He was , also, probably correctly, perceived as a very clever man.

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2 hours ago, Thomas J said:

I thought Great Britain was one of those panacea health care for everyone countries?  Oh wait, it says the NHS doesn't cover the drug for his type of cancer.  

Additionally, I lost my closest personal friend two years ago from Pancreatic Cancer.   While I can not fault the man for wanting to try, pancreatic cancer is curable only if it is found at a very early stage and can be removed surgically.  Once it has metastasized the chemo slows its growth but does not cure and it extends ones life by a matter of months.  The typical pancreatic cancer patient lives for just over 1 year.  You had such celebrities as Steve Jobs, Michael Landon, Patrick Swayze, and recently Alex Trebek all of whom had the resources to go anywhere and be treated with the best available treatment.  Their treatment gave them months not years.  

It would seem that Steve Jobs refused some treatment that his doctors had recommended, which would have given him a better chance?!

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1 minute ago, Andrew65 said:

It would seem that Steve Jobs refused some treatment that his doctors had recommended, which would have given him a better chance?!

I am not aware of that, however people with stage 4 pancreatic cancer  have generally a very short time to live even with aggressive chemotherapy. Note 5 year survival rate is 1%. 

https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/pancreatic-cancer/pancreatic-cancer-prognosis#:~:text=Stage IV pancreatic cancer has,about 1 year after diagnosis.

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He had just two choices not including the one he took. Stay in the UK  or fly to Australia and live out is last 9 months if he is lucky. He would of had free  medical in Auss.

99% with any pancreatic cancer passway with a year 

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

After undergoing several tests, he was given the devastating news that he had stage 4 pancreatic cancer on March 21 last year.

Look I am sure we all have some sympathy for the guy, but most of us that went back to the UK were returning on that date - not flying out. This guy flew out - whilst wanting to enjoy a last few months/year - knowing full well that the world was about to shut down and potentially strand him. 





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8 hours ago, faraday said:



What about UK citizens then?


Why not get the pharmaceutical companies to reduce the price.


i think the issue is that UK has nto yet approved it for use in metastaic panceretaic cancer.


it was originally developed for us in certain types of breast and ovarian cancer and it is used approved for use in the UK, under the NHS, for those conditions.


it was approved for use in metastatic pancreatic cancer in the US only in December 2019, so quite recent.


From the article, the UK is in the process of reviewing the data and considering whether or not to expand usage to pancreartic cancer.



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32 minutes ago, RichardColeman said:

Look I am sure we all have some sympathy for the guy, but most of us that went back to the UK were returning on that date - not flying out. This guy flew out - whilst wanting to enjoy a last few months/year - knowing full well that the world was about to shut down and potentially strand him. 





Her was diagnosed in Thailand 

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5 hours ago, zoltannyc said:

Such a stupid headline like somehow he would be better off in UK. In fact the headline should read as:

Brit dad receives life saving cancer treatment and medication in Thailand, which not available by UK NHS.


I didn't read anywhere in the post that he is receiving "life saving" cancer treatment and medication in Thailand, just 12 rounds of chemo and that Medics have given him only months to live. No one is knocking his treatment here in Thailand from my understanding.


The above said, it is good that he has medical insurance as Simon43 pointed out as it's usually the other way around with a GoFundMe page, otherwise that could may have shortened his life, that said, when most of us leave our home lands and become X-pats because of the way our governments change the laws to their advantage, albeit we still remain citizens, the governments look at us as outcasts as we no longer contribute to the economy by way of paying taxes, so place unfair restrictions upon us, e.g. no medical treatment until we re-establish residency back in the country, or have a 6 month restriction on medical treatments that they will pay for from the date you return, plus take away our voting rights, pretty clever and of course is absurd IMO.


Anyway, I wish the guy all the luck in the world to get back to the UK with said money, to receive treatment that may extend his life for 4 more years. Can't put a price on that, but we all know what the reality is.

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