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Thailand’s vaccination program is about to run into another roadblock


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48 minutes ago, webfact said:

According to the source, even if millions of vaccines were suddenly available the country does not have the capacity to inoculate more than a set number per day creating a vaccination bottleneck.

 Wonder, will this be the official excuse when the wheels come off the whole project next week?

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Not unexpected. The UK has about 4x the numbe of nursing staff per head of population than Thailand. About 200K jabs were given yeasterday. My wife was doign about 100 a day at Bang Sue station. It's not a fast process as it requires a medical check first, the jab, then sitting around for 30 mins to check for adverse reactions. I'd be happy to see 500K jabs a day - but then doses will beome limiting if they can only supply 10M a month. 

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There are many things to worry about at the moment. Having too much vaccine and not enough nurses to do the jab, isn’t one of them. By the time they have too much vaccine they can train an army of nurses. It’s going to be a while.



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5 minutes ago, DavisH said:

Not unexpected. The UK has about 4x the numbe of nursing staff per head of population than Thailand. About 200K jabs were given yeasterday. My wife was doign about 100 a day at Bang Sue station. It's not a fast process as it requires a medical check first, the jab, then sitting around for 30 mins to check for adverse reactions. I'd be happy to see 500K jabs a day - but then doses will beome limiting if they can only supply 10M a month. 

Perhaps better not to have made such ridiculous promises of administering 10 million a month then eh

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1 minute ago, wensiensheng said:

Very true. Talking a first world game and providing a 3rd world experience is par for the course.


Udon Thani got approx 1.5% of the vaccine supply it needed. Dismal indeed.

Yes I heard that too from our local medics but they were not in the least surprised as they have been brought up to understand and accept that Isan in General, apart from one province maybe, is of little concern to them. It is really concerning to me and others that they just seem to accept it. In fact they are so pessimistic they don't actually think they will have adequate vaccines for all groups until middle of next year.

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51 minutes ago, Dmaxdan said:

There are plenty of veterinary surgeons here...

Ours grabs the cat by the scruff of her neck and jabs her between the shoulder blades....she might need a little retraining as that probably won't go down well with the wife.

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40 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:


“Udon Thani Hospital announced the postponement of vaccination appointments already booked for 246,000 elderly people and people with underlying medical conditions until further notice. The province has received only 3,600 doses of AstraZeneca.”

Hmm, 246,000 candidates for first tranche of vaccination based on clinical need, 3,600 doses?


You will need more than a pretty nurse holding a ping pong bat with a sign ( and despite all that protective clothing she was very pretty - I do like living here) to cover up the sheer scale and inevitability of this cluster****!


Maybe we should, as the old  joke goes, rename Khun Anutin to "Khun Excocet"?


You can see and hear him coming from a long way off, you know that he is going to cause terrible damage, and there is the cubed root of sod all you can do about it!

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50 minutes ago, Forza2002 said:

What a total cluster<deleted>... The Govt has had a whole year to plan the vaccine roll-out from June, what the <deleted> have they been doing? Typical Thailand, corrective reaction due to <deleted> poor planning. The Govt obviously aren't aware/practice the Six Ps of Planning – Prior Planning & Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. No doubt there were numerous committees set up this past year to discuss the vaccine roll-out with meetings at luxurious hotels and nice 5 star buffets, but the net result had been a resounding failure by the looks of things.... 

Actually it is the 7 Ps don't you know: Prior Planning and Preparation Prevents Poor Performance Prayut!

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CP Group could come to the rescue, with their resources (money) & vaccines (Sinovac). From memory there are ~12,000 7-11's in Thailand. Put 1 nurse & assistant in each store for an hour or two everyday. 20 jabs * 12,000 = 240,000 per day, SORTED... 

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Almost as bad as Arden's (pathetic0 vaccine  rollout in New Zealand. 


Just remember the good news ..... when you guys do get vaxxed, you'll be receiving less than the optimum dose (12 does a vial instead of 10).

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2 minutes ago, Forza2002 said:

CP Group could come to the rescue, with their resources (money) & vaccines (Sinovac). From memory there are ~12,000 7-11's in Thailand. Put 1 nurse & assistant in each store for an hour or two everyday. 20 jabs * 12,000 = 240,000 per day, SORTED... 


Plus you can grab a cheezy sausage on a toothpick at the counter on your way out.  https://www.live-less-ordinary.com/7-11-food-in-bangkok-thailand-cheap/

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1 hour ago, webfact said:

According to the source, even if millions of vaccines were suddenly available the country does not have the capacity to inoculate more than a set number per day creating a vaccination bottleneck.




Simply amazing that the regime is focused on registrations. Blah-blah-blah, that's all we hear about, registrations.


Next up they'll run out syringes. Then oops, not enough reliable cold storage. Then mass vaccination sites will become clusters.


All this has been done before in other countries. Why repeat the same mistakes?


Again, thank goodness they never had to defend the Kingdom.








Edited by mtls2005
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4 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:
1 hour ago, webfact said:

According to the source, even if millions of vaccines were suddenly available the country does not have the capacity to inoculate more than a set number per day creating a vaccination bottleneck.




Simply amazing that the regime is focused on registrations. Blah-blah-blah, that's all we hear about, registrations.


Next up they'll run out syringes. Then oops, not enough reliable cold storage. Then mass vaccination sites will become clusters.


All this has been done before in other countries. Why repeat the same mistakes?


Again, thank goodness they never had to defend the Kingdom.


Thanks goodness we have the submarines to protect us. Money well spent by the Govt... 

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1 hour ago, smedly said:



maybe they will reuse syringes if they run out and if they run out of needles - saving face is number 1, saving money is also high - the more saved allows budget flexibility 


Couldn't they just get people to suck the vaccine out with a straw like in a Yakult bottle ?



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Possibly a 3rd wave later this year with the more infectious Indian variant which seems to affect under 40's,  and a shortage of vaccine.


I hate to say it, but there may come a time when we will all be glad to even get the Sinovac shot.


Edited by phetphet
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3 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


Couldn't they just get people to suck the vaccine out with a straw like in a Yakult bottle ?



Or even use Yakult as the vaccine, but put in a vile vial with AZ handwritten on the outside.  The placebo effect 

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A troll post containing misleading scaremongering information has been been removed.


DO NOT post rubbish of this sort unless you are looking for a holiday, some people people will believe it and this is how rumors start

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10 minutes ago, phetphet said:


Possibly a 3rd wave later this year with the more infectious Indian variant which seems to affect under 40's,  and a shortage of vaccine.


I hate to say it, but there may come a time when we will all be glad to even get the Sinovac shot.


3rd wave?  Have you missed the current 3rd wave we are in now here in Thailand?

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