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People in Thailand reduce alcohol consumption to prevent COVID-19 contraction

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5 hours ago, BritManToo said:

I drink 3x as much since the COVID lockdowns because there's nothing else to do.

Can't go cycling or walking without a mask ...... so I don't bother.

Can't go swimming ........ pools all closed.

Holidays and trips ........ no guarantee of being allowed back, even if I could go in the first place.


I just sit around the house getting drunk every day.

Me too. And watching YouTube or reruns of Lawrence of Arabia and Zulu!

Forced unvaccinated self isolation in this heat is dead boring. 

And no. I don't want to start a new hobby !!

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3 minutes ago, robblok said:

Its ok that the Thais drink less im sure the resident farangs will pick up the slack ????

If it wasn't for the farangs where I live the place would be on it's knee's

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7 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

Thais have generally cut down their consumption of alcohol,


Due to Covid-19 ban, legal alcohol maybe, but what about the "bootleg" lao khao produced in vast quantities like where I used to live among the mountains of Northern Thailand? The biggest local supplier was the Headmaster of a village school in a remote valley, a very interesting and hospitable man who became "distiller" after school hours!


File:Moonshine in thailand.JPG - Wikimedia Commons

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Meanwhile greedy landlords take rent off the bar owners who are going broke

& have paid massive duties & taxes, VAT,  Exice duty on  booze along with being the "cash cow"

for the Government.

Did they even think to help by demanding 20% maximum rent while closed. No.

Stand by the wealthy again,

Another subject but going to be a beauty,, massive duties on fuel will be lost when "electric

which is being pushed by them becomes greater   Oops!!!

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This Wuhan Virus (better known to the properly informed as the CCP Virus) is the biggest damn hoax in my 8 decades of inhabiting this Planet!!!  It has been, and continues to be, used as a weapon to destroy our democratic culture for which so many of our ancestors died fighting!!!  Stupid, Ignorant, Spineless, <deleted>!!  Thank God that I am in my 9th decade and hopefully won't likely be around to have to live in the total <deleted>HOLE that these Marxist Communist leftist lib traitorous bastards are doing their damndest to create!!!  

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15 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

A recent survey, conducted by the Center of Alcohol Studies, shows that Thais have generally cut down their consumption of alcohol, to protect themselves from COVID-19.

What an absolute total and utter load of balderdash. Nothing to do with bars closed and folk having less money of course. One would think people in general would be drinking more, but of curse we all know there’s an agenda. There always is. 

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Did the survey ask if these people consumed alcohol in the home or out at bars if it were the latter then of course due to all bars being closed consumption would have decreased . Personally I don’t see why shutting down bars reduces the risk of Covid especially when you see 100s mingled together whilst visiting the walking street markets 

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On 6/6/2021 at 9:16 AM, BritManToo said:

I drink 3x as much since the COVID lockdowns because there's nothing else to do.

Can't go cycling or walking without a mask ...... so I don't bother.

Can't go swimming ........ pools all closed.

Holidays and trips ........ no guarantee of being allowed back, even if I could go in the first place.


I just sit around the house getting drunk every day.

My mask stays below my chin when I am cycling, and no one, police or not, had better tell me otherwise, I know this is Thailand, and some people are just too stupid to understand this.

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On 6/6/2021 at 9:35 AM, RotBenz8888 said:

I have my doubts about this survey, crisis and unemployment often leads to more drinking. Or maybe people have swapped to drugs? 

How can unemployment lead to more drinking? Do people who are short of money not have more priorities than alcohol, especially those with families.

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12 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

How can unemployment lead to more drinking? Do people who are short of money not have more priorities than alcohol, especially those with families.

Sadly, many prioritize alcohol and drugs while the rest of the family is suffering. 

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22 hours ago, skorp13 said:


Exactly! Also because so many now can't afford it they are drinking home made moonshine which is even worse than lao khao if that's possible ???? . If there is any plausibility to the poll i'm happy to bet it was hand picked.

As George Jones sang ????WWSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS, Hic! White Lightning.???? ????

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On 6/6/2021 at 2:56 PM, Happyman567 said:

business was booming and they have never sold so much alcohol

No kidding. We're near a recycling plant out here in the moo ban. Often we see big trucks laden with cases of Leo headed to the plant. They're all full of empties. Bars or restaurants collect them when the customers are done, they're put back in the cases, and sent to the plant for additional profit. Apparently some bars and restaurants are serving alcohol for those cases to keep coming. There's no stopping the thirty Thais, especially when times are bad.

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