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Govt poll: Most Thais want to get vaccinated - but more than half are not happy with vax quality


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6 hours ago, webfact said:

And less than one percent want a Sinovac jab.

Such a shame the government can't give the public what they want, but as usual dictate what they will get.

This will come back one day to haunt the government.

I've never heard so many Thais openly criticise the government as they do now.


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6 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

No wonder I received an email from a government ministry yesterday, asking me if I were willing to be inoculated with Sinovac "in the very near future". I declined with thanks.


Since Thais don't want it, are they pushing it on foreigners now?

Wow,your special !  No sarcasm!  At least they were considerate enough to call you !

Good for you ! 

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Preparedness to be vaccinated was highest the following provinces; Phuket 80.2%, Trang 80%, Ranong 78.8%, Buriram 73.3%, Chonburi 71.8% and Nonthaburi 71.2%.

As those in tourism locations get their shots, the elderly and vulnerable upcountry get ignored. 
Money trumps public health.

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certain levels of high superstition and poor education will produce such strange statistics.........

”quality” of vaccine ? ridiculous question for any non- scientist......( 99..9 %)

only availability, effectiveness & risk matters......any rational person would take Sinovac (if no other option)..... survey conclusion is that over 99% locals are not rational.......?



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27 minutes ago, connda said:

As those in tourism locations get their shots, the elderly and vulnerable upcountry get ignored. 
Money trumps public health.

Hey, don’t feel left out. The elderly farang in Phuket can’t get their shots either AND they are trapped in Phuket with a bunch of tourists on the way.


there’s always someone else worse off than you. In my case I could be a migrant worker locked in a factory behind razor wire.

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54.6% said they were prepared to get vaccine supplied by the government but 12.5% wanted Pfizer, 3% Moderna, and 2.5% Johnson and Johnson. 


Only 0.9 wanted Sinovac.


and nobody was quoted as criticising AZ/SB, naturally

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when will this government realize and come to terms that their vaccine preparedness was a complete fiasco... they put all their "eggs" on the Chinese basket and here is the "laughable" result    555

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3 hours ago, GreasyFingers said:

And where do the ordinary Thais get their information. Would it be facebook, the most reliable provider on earth.

Up my way all news/information  comes via the local market or the old lady who sells fish in the streets.  Six months ago they were all planting 6 ganja plants because they "knew" a new law had been passed irregardless of what the TV was saying.  The cops had to work with the poo yai ban making announcements over the village speakers denying ganjas legalisation and threatening to arrest people caught gowing it.



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Most dont want Sinovac? Lol. 

Sad part is in Phuket foreiners working have been given the tomorrow at this place at this time you will get the jab or you can leave the island. And Sinovac is the only option. 

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Most Thai’s... Most people in fact have gone though life in ignorant bliss happy to take whichever drug and whichever vaccine is prescribed to them.


Has anyone ever suggested to their doctor that they don’t want xx drug, they want xx drug instead. 

Or they don’t want xx brand of vaccine, they want xx brand of vaccine instead, either for themselves or their child ????


Suddenly there is mass vaccine hysteria and the layman has become hysterically paranoid about vaccines they no nothing about and are insufficiently educated to understand. 






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17 hours ago, webfact said:

54.6% said they were prepared to get vaccine supplied by the government but 12.5% wanted Pfizer, 3% Moderna, and 2.5% Johnson and Johnson. 


Looking at the efficacy figures of the vaccines if given a preference many may chose Moderna or Pfizer especially when considering efficacy against variant B.1.617.2


But... beggars can’t be choosers and any vaccine is better than none. All vaccines have proven effective against death from Covid-19. 


Thus, if given the luxury of choice later on, in 6 months or even a year, fine, chose Moderna or Pfizer or whichever newer better vaccine has been released then...


But for now the bottom line is: Sinovac is better than no Sinovac for many who become exposed to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. 



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