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Neighbor takes over land that does not belong to him . What to do ?

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4 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

1905872515_landnear12rai.png.f3eb3a6aee86e1b8d6a1492b65e56996.pngWhat happened really is that the owner died quite a long time ago , nobody did ever show up or took care of the land . The Neighbor decided to ' jump on the occasion' and take over ... That's why she had the trees cut to make a soi .

The Kamnan told me they are in the process of buying it , but the names have not officially changed yet ... ?

Believe it or not , I do not because the owner died and no heirs are known ... so from whom do they buy it ...?

They will occupy it for ten years , do a little work etc , and then claim it as theirs .

It is a nice piece of about 35 rai , ( I remeasured it by google earth ) and worth quite a lot I think ... I let them do it , I do not want to create trouble , I just want to walk there .

I got a lever now , if they want to make problems for me , I'll make problems for them , too . A few years ago , the said neighbor came up to me and asked me to help her please as she was losing a 12 rai plot ( nor sor 3 kor ) to the bank .

I helped her and bought this 12 rai plot for a good price , she thanked me a lot for this .

I have a good reputation her on Koh Kho Khao island , I helped a lot of people by giving jobs ( and income ) to them , but , from the beginning , I made it clear that I would not do anything illegal , or buy land without good papers ( Chanote or nor sor 3 kor ) . We had our dog poisoned just after arriving here , they did that without reason , just to teach the farang a ' lesson ' .

Originally on this island there were only 2 family names , that is why all the women are ugly here , and many are mentally disturbed it seems . 555

But the island is still beautiful and not densely populated .

After our dog died ( in my arms ) I decided to do something for the suffering creatures and adopted a lot ...

Now we take care for 18 dogs in 2 different properties here , and we help feed and neutralize the rest of the many strays left on the island . Our dogs , at least the ones who stay with us are not aggressive , they bite nobody , just ignore strangers .


So, you fed the snake and now it's turning on you. 20:20 hindsight should be teaching you something.


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40 minutes ago, EricTh said:

I thought foreigners aren't allowed to buy land. How did TS manage to?


I've bought land numerous times.          How i do it is indeed a mystery  

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On 6/12/2021 at 7:59 AM, nobodysfriend said:

I was just used to cross this land for 5 yrs already , until a  ' thief ' tells me that she does not want me to do this anymore .


You have verified that she is a thief and she has no legal rights to this land?


You had no rights to cross this land without permission at any time. Just because you did it for 5 years, doesn't make it right. It just makes it wrong for 5 years.


I concur with previous comments, keep out of it. It does not concern you. The welfare of the trees on someone else's land is not your concern at anytime. Nor would it be in your home country, unless there was an equivalent to a preservation order on them. 


Complain in the house, but keep it to yourselves. If a Thai person wishes to stir the pot, then that is their decision.



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On 6/12/2021 at 7:48 AM, nobodysfriend said:

Yes , I have probably no legal right to even cross this property as it does not belong to me .

But , at least , I do not cut the trees . The neighbor who takes it now , does a lot of damage and does not have the right to do this either .

I have been crossing this property for 5 yrs now . Nobody ever was there to complain about this . Until now .

Until you know who's land it is I wouldn't cause any problems.  It sounds as the two of you unfortunately don't get along and didn't even before the land grab.

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On 6/12/2021 at 8:27 AM, ThailandRyan said:

Place a call to the Government hotline and dime her off.  Tell them there is illegal cutting of trees and I am sure someone in a official capacity will come on by,  Not anyone can have a chainsaw, although they are readily available from my understanding.

Plenty of chainsaws on lazada.  Pretty sure I have seen them in stores too.

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On 6/11/2021 at 6:28 PM, nobodysfriend said:

I went to the land office some yrs ago and was told the name of the owner . ( Not a relative of the one who takes over ) . I am sure that it is still the same name ( of the now deceased ) that is registered . But I will go and check again .


Sounds like she's borrowing land from a dead friend - that's perfectly legal in Thailand.

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Seems to me you are determined to get involved no matter what anybody says and you are basically on here looking for ammunition to use against them.


It's a matter for you at the end of the day but I no longer believe all this is just about ' walking your dog! '  There is more to it.


If you are busying your time up looking at Google earth for boundaries etc, you have a bee in your bonnet. Make sure it doesn't come back and sting you.

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On 6/12/2021 at 7:59 AM, nobodysfriend said:

I was just used to cross this land for 5 yrs already , until a  ' thief ' tells me that she does not want me to do this anymore .

You have no idea if it is a thief, if the last owner died then it will be in the name of family members, it is privately owned and it is their right to cut all the trees they want.

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10 hours ago, rwill said:

Plenty of chainsaws on lazada.  Pretty sure I have seen them in stores too.

Oh you can but one but you can be fined if using it and not approved.  That is the other side of the coin.  Bet you did not see that now did you.


Thailand Electrical Saw Law | Thailand Law Forum - Thailand Legal issues, Law News and Selected Laws (thailawforum.com)

Section 4: All persons are prohibited from owning, manufacturing or importing chain saws unless they have received a license from the Chain Saw Registrar.

Any person who holds a license to modify the chain saw is not allowed to increase power exceeding that which is specified in the license unless they have permission from the Chain Saw Registrar.

Obtaining a permit and permission shall follow the rules and conditions as set by Ministerial Regulations.

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10 hours ago, rwill said:

Plenty of chainsaws on lazada.  Pretty sure I have seen them in stores too.

You can use a chainsaw up to I think 12'' over that you need a license to use it. It is possible to buy the small one and then buy the longer chain guard separately to fit.

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6 minutes ago, brianthainess said:

You can use a chainsaw up to I think 12'' over that you need a license to use it. It is possible to buy the small one and then buy the longer chain guard separately to fit.

I listed the regulation in my post above yours.  I bought one when I lived outside of Wang Sam Mo, and was promptly dimed off to the local plod.  They showed up and were going to fine me unless I got rid of the saw.  Sold it to a farmer I knew who had a license as he cut the wood I used to build a pole barn. Paid me what bought it for. Sucked but oh well.

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13 hours ago, tonray said:

It's not a case of someone abusing a child or an animal...it's a 'possible' case of someone squatting on another's land. Huge difference in getting involved here and ruining your own existence for nothing. You're not saving anybody...just screwing yourself

Yes of course. But these words of wisdom were certainly not written with Thailand in mind.

A land of selfishness, and emotional stability of 5 year old kids...

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14 hours ago, rumak said:


WOW....   now i know who that man is !   Good work Andre .

Tiananmen's tank man: The image that China forgot - BBC News




Now,  your next mission,  if you choose to accept it ,  is .............................


Well, if that is where you take your inspiration, I will just take a bow and let you show your courage this time around...

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On 6/11/2021 at 5:48 PM, nobodysfriend said:

Yes , I have probably no legal right to even cross this property as it does not belong to me .

But , at least , I do not cut the trees . The neighbor who takes it now , does a lot of damage and does not have the right to do this either .

I have been crossing this property for 5 yrs now . Nobody ever was there to complain about this . Until now .

In the States, if you have been using a right of way for a certain period of time you can not be stopped in the future. Is that true in Thailand?

I know you are only a farang but at least you have a Thai wife.

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