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Covid-sniffing dog unit makes official debut


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Photo Credit: EngineLife and Chulalongkorn University


By Pear Maneechote


Thailand’s first Covid-19 sniffer dog team made its official debut to the public and press Thursday after a team at Chulalongkorn University demonstrated the dogs’ ability to screen patients.


The Rot Dom Wai (รถดมไว), which in English translates to the Dog Olfactory Mobile Vehicle for Viral Inspection, is a mobile laboratory equipped with sterilization equipment and devices to hold samples for the dogs to sniff. The vehicle is now ready to be deployed.


“Dogs are 50 times more capable of smelling than humans, that’s why we came up with the research,” Professor Dr Kaywalee Chatdarong, the associate dean for the Research and Innovation at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine at Chulalongkorn University and the head of the research project, said earlier this year.


Full story: https://www.thaienquirer.com/28693/covid-sniffing-dog-unit-makes-official-debut/


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2 hours ago, Thujone said:

It's astonishing that Rot Dom Wai translates as the Dog Olfactory Mobile Vehicle for Viral Inspection.

So much info packed into that small phrase.

Maybe the BMW could bring the RDW around for a sniff.

With a 10% positive rate, that dog will either soon become a super spreader or succumb to the virus.

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52 minutes ago, Credo said:

No, it won't happen.   Once the dog gets the virus, he'll lose his sense of smell and it will be back to the soi for him.


Besides, we don't need a covid dog smelling are asses in the shopping center. What next?

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Apparently they only work until 4:50 PM.


But there are a few important operational limitations, the kind only revealed when you move dogs out of the laboratory. According to a Thai researcher: “5pm is their dinner time. When it is around 4.50, they will start to be distracted.”  “So, you cannot really have them work anymore,” the researcher said. “And we cannot have them working after dinner either because they need a nap.”



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Interesting they can do this with dogs, but the idea is not Made in Thailand. Now if they can do this for Covid 19, then is it possible to do it for them to sniff out lying dishonest and corrupt people? If can I bet those dogs would never ever be allowed to visit a certain new government building in Bangkok.

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Seems completely looney, yes, I understand this is being tried in other countries, still doesn't make it "scientific".


What does Covid smell like? 


And what is the application? 


And what are the ramifications on the public?


And what happens when a dog barks at you? You have to submit for a test? Then what?


Seems Thai "researchers" have way too much time on their hands.


Seems you can teach stoopid.



Pro-tip: carry durian at all times, both to test your sense of smell (poor man's Covid test) and to throw off the pooch.



And what's next? Get these bad boys out of storage...





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Why do they need a "mobile laboratory equipped with sterilization equipment and devices to hold samples for the dogs to sniff"?  Taking samples, getting them to the sniffing place, and taking the results back, is going to cause a lot of delay.


Why not just walk the dogs past the suspects as they do with drug dogs?  Instant response and the guilty infected can by locked up quarantined faster.

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11 minutes ago, DefaultName said:

mobile laboratory equipped with sterilization equipment


Yeah, just use a plastic bag to pick up the dog poop like regular folks.



But you know, corruption. Didn't see anyone making much on the hounds, so queue sole-source, no-bid vehicle-cum-laboratory. Oh, and throw in a lampost or a dozen, for the dog to pee on.





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7 hours ago, ezzra said:

Interesting to note that of all the word's many, many countries who has serious Covid problems Thailand is the one to train Covid's sniffing dogs...

I think the idea came from outside, UK but one. Perhaps Thailand having such a high rate of dog ownership we should train them all including soi dogs and train them to bite non mask wearers round up quarantine breakers and herd them all into the Phuket plague island. They could also sniff out HiSos Military and assorted Officials who have jumped the vaccine queue.

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