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Inoculation of French nationals aged 55+ in Thailand begins Wednesday, June 23


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Well, talk about efficiency! It was just talked about yesterday and put in place today. Wondering, I read that they ordered 10,000 doses. If all willing French nationals above 55 get their dose, would it mean they would distribute to younger French people if there are doses left over?

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Brilliant well done France shows in can be done if envelopes and red tape are bypassed and their is care for your citizens.




Pinnochio........you could do it for your people 60 million single shot vaccines rolled out inside six weeks then open the country!!



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21 minutes ago, BKKTRAVELER said:

 If all willing French nationals above 55 get their dose, would it mean they would distribute to younger French people if there are doses left over?

I have read that this vaccine is rather for old ( more than 55 ) , and not for women under 50 years old

not the best, but 65% effective for normal covid and 85 % for serious covid ( hospital etc ... ) 

I am registered at BH in Bangkok, 30 of june ( very easy to register, Thai government should take lessons for their 90 days or Covid registration system ) 

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Just now, Aforek said:

I have read that this vaccine is rather for old ( more than 55 ) , and not for women under 50 years old

not the best, but 65% effective for normal covid and 85 % for serious covid ( hospital etc ... ) 

I am registered at BH in Bangkok, 30 of june ( very easy to register, Thai government should take lessons for their 90 days or Covid registration system ) 

I wasn't aware, it makes sense then. Thanks for the answer 

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Wonder how long it will be before some drone from the Spin Machine pipes up and claims this is all part of the co-ordinated plan and aren't they to be congratulated for arranging it ????  Talk about embarrassing!


Hats off to the French Govt on this one.

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Just got an email from the US Embassy this morning. Said sorry, we were not doing any overseas jabs. But we're welcome to hop on a plane and go get jabbed over there.


I'm just a teacher, started late this month because of the Covid cases, and thus only half salary. ☹️

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