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U.S. embassy in Thailand rejects citizens' appeal for vaccines


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6 hours ago, wealthychef said:


That's exactly what every country should do.  We should vaccinate the whole world for the exact same reason we vaccinate everyone in the country, and not just those that can afford it.  



They want the USA to act like any other modern country and take care of its citizens who pay taxes and expect better treatment.  

Missing the point, they have indoctrinated us to not be like any other modern country. They expect us to be "exceptional".  Meaning the US establishment provides us with nothing but this vague myth of freedom and gun culture then we take care of ourselves.


I'll take that, just give me back decades of tax payments and exclude me from future obligations. Please cancel my social security and return my premiums. I already pay 100s of dollars per month for health care so dont pretend the Walmart jabs were free either.

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Just imagine Little Tu Tu jumping up and down, if Thais abroad were left to last, at the end of the line waiting for their jab. I imagine he'd get THEM all vaccinated, with loads of photo ops, even personally delivering them, his ego would explode. 

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16 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

Which dismally failure do you prefer:

The over 33,000,000 infected Americans inside the USA and over 600,000 Covid death in the USA?

Or the relative few infected and dead people in Thailand and the relative slow vaccination in Thailand?

Now there are still a lot more daily Covid death in the USA compared to Thailand - even compared to the number of citizens. 

Not far apart. The US is averaging 250-350 deaths a day, with a population of 340 million. And dropping. Thailand is averaging 30-50 a day, a day with 69 million people, and seemingly climbing. Not impressive by any standards. The failure here is stunning. 

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13 hours ago, bunnydrops said:

Have you tried to use your medicare card here? When you leave your own country some of those protections you paid for just don't go with you.

First of all, Medicare has nothing to do with the rights of citizenship that are being discussed here.  Secondly, FYI, Medicare actually does protect you overseas under certain circumstances, and you pay into it while you are overseas to maintain coverage.

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On 6/24/2021 at 8:42 AM, Ventenio said:

I've never met a responsible adult in Thailand. 


Of course you have never met my wife who rounded up the ID cards and got the nine lodgers at my home all registered for the vaccine.


On 6/24/2021 at 8:42 AM, Ventenio said:

Also never met a person who flew home for the vax. 


Of course you don't know my pal Jimmy who's headed back to Scotland next week to get his first shot either.


On 6/24/2021 at 8:42 AM, Ventenio said:

I personally flew around the world 10 times to not be around people. 


So you tell us but why do sociopaths blend in so easily here?


On 6/24/2021 at 8:42 AM, Ventenio said:

I'm also on the internet and give advice from my high horse.  


We've noticed already. What color is it?



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4 minutes ago, bkk7 said:


not everything in life is a choice bud. sometimes people have to leave their home country for job opportunities, or for family, etc. and for Americans who still pay taxes, this is a slap in the face when even France and China can get their acts together. and the US is sending vaccines to Thailand - they'll just be eaten up by VIPs so the US isn't willing to make sure Americans get fair access. so yes, we should demand our home countries provide access when we still pay taxes, other countries that are supposed to be "worse" can provide for their citizens and our home country is sending vaccines here that will be used by elites.

For American expats who presently pay US Federal income tax (which most do in fact pay while living overseas), it is especially a slap in the face when you consider that vaccines that are about to be donated to Thailand by the United States were paid for with OUR taxpayer dollars; donated to a country that is currently discriminating against foreigners in the public vaccination rollout.

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21 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Your logic completely eludes me.  Thailand's rollout policy discriminates against expats; in my case, an American expat.  As far as I'm concerned THAT is unethical.


My country (the United States) is about to donate vaccines to Thailand.  As a citizen whose tax dollars helped pay for those vaccines that will be delivered to Thailand, just how is it unethical for me to expect that I will receive my share of those vaccines that I helped pay for?  How is it unethical, when thailand has all but made it possible for me to even register for vaccination?


This has nothing to do with "jumping the queue"!  It has to do with providing expats with a FAIR position in the queue, that is currently being denied!  Why do you find that so hard to understand?  Are you one of those people that don't like being confused by the facts?



Love hearing this "my taxes paid for that".

Maybe 150 million taxpayers in the USA, therefore your share of the vaccine would be less than a single drop.

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Looks like the German ambassador just copied the American letter and told his citizens to lump it, too.  But I must say that the German ambassador was at least more honest and upfront than the American charge. And at least the German called out some people, which the little limp **** at the American embassy weaseled out of doing.


Edited by John Drake
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31 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Your logic completely eludes me.  Thailand's rollout policy discriminates against expats; in my case, an American expat.  As far as I'm concerned THAT is unethical.


My country (the United States) is about to donate vaccines to Thailand.  As a citizen whose tax dollars helped pay for those vaccines that will be delivered to Thailand, just how is it unethical for me to expect that I will receive my share of those vaccines that I helped pay for?  How is it unethical, when thailand has all but made it possible for me to even register for vaccination?


This has nothing to do with "jumping the queue"!  It has to do with providing expats with a FAIR position in the queue, that is currently being denied!  Why do you find that so hard to understand?  Are you one of those people that don't like being confused by the facts?



Claiming that being a taxpayer in your homeland entitles you to equal treatment in another country is what eludes most of us. Despite obviously not knowing the meaning of the word, your suggestion that your nationality somehow bestows greater personal right outside of your homeland could also be seen as unethical.


Still waiting for 'the facts' BTW.

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18 hours ago, placeholder said:

Well, it's about earned income. If you earn less than somewhere a figure somewhat in excess of $100,000 then you're not liable to pay income tax on that. Unearned income is taxable and Social Security can be if your earned income reaches a certain level.

I earn nothing in Thailand. My income from is from SS and pension, based in USA. It really doesn't matter where the income comes from, here or there. What matters is I pay taxes at same rate as if I were living in the USA. I pay US taxes which help pay for vaccines. I should get benefit of shots ahead of donating to other countries and "hoping" they will give shots to everyone regardless of nationality or status, just as the USA is doing. Many are I am sure, but Thailand is not. We are lower than fleas on a soi dog

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16 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

80 million doses by end of June, not 50 million.  Also, I think you are missing what was "written between the lines" of that recent email from the Embassy.  I suggest you re-read it and consider what the real meaning of that email really was becuase it actually gives cause for some optimism about the current plight of American expats here in Thailand, not pessimism.  Diplomatic missions like an embassy often have to say things in round-about ways.

Ozzy Osbourne (Crazy Train," The media sales it, and you live the role!"

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16 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

80 million doses by end of June, not 50 million.  Also, I think you are missing what was "written between the lines" of that recent email from the Embassy.  I suggest you re-read it and consider what the real meaning of that email really was becuase it actually gives cause for some optimism about the current plight of American expats here in Thailand, not pessimism.  Diplomatic missions like an embassy often have to say things in round-about ways.

No optimism,  its saying they are donating the vaccine to countries, and the countries are expected, not that they will, to include the citizens of the donating country equally to receive  the vaccine.  This already is not happening. as many of us are searching for sources to be included  in the roll out, often being told to pay, which I am willing to pay, but quicly the allocation of vaccines  for local non locals runs out extremely fast; however the local nationals still are signing up and not being turned away.  The email say its citizens  will get the vaccine with the local nationals  which is lip service because  we know its already not happening 

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1 minute ago, AquaThai said:

Ozzy Osbourne (Crazy Yrain," The media sales it, and you live the role!"

I'm sure your remark was intended to be a personal insult disguised as a pithy response but frankly it's lost to me.  Surely you can do better.

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23 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Very encouraging news!  I've been sending emails to my state senator and representative.  So far, no reply but on the premise that the "squeaky wheel gets the grease", I'm not letting up.


Those politicians would not be doing this unless their expat constituents  were pressing them, so we should all do the same becuase, right now,  it sounds like it may be our only option to get vaccinated in a timely way.


With the US donated vaccines soon to be shipped to Asian countries, NOW is the time to get government action on our behalf, hopefully in the form of a stipulation that donated vaccines are contingent on expats being vaccinated with them. 

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41 minutes ago, AquaThai said:

No optimism,  its saying they are donating the vaccine to countries, and the countries are expected, not that they will, to include the citizens of the donating country equally to receive  the vaccine.  This already is not happening. as many of us are searching for sources to be included  in the roll out, often being told to pay, which I am willing to pay, but quicly the allocation of vaccines  for local non locals runs out extremely fast; however the local nationals still are signing up and not being turned away.  The email say its citizens  will get the vaccine with the local nationals  which is lip service because  we know its already not happening 

A lot of optimism if you read between the lines, and if you consider how the US government is beginning to react to the difficulties associated with US expat vaccinations, like this article for instance:  US senators call for vaccinating Americans who are living abroad.


There is no question that foreigners are being ignored, if not actually being discriminated against in the public rollout.  Most expats are finding it impossible to even register, let alone receive an appointment date. 


The Embassy has not yet come out and said it, but US government officials are growing more aware of the plight of expats.  That combined with the expected US donation of millions of doses to Asian countries including Thailand, makes it entirely possible that conditions for those donated vaccines might include stipulations that expats be vaccinated with them.


You can look for reason to be pessimistic if you wish.  I prefer to look for reasons to be optimistic.  I mean, our own home government is FAR MORE LIKELY to treat us expats more fairly and effectively than the Thai government has managed to do so far.

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8 minutes ago, Tony125 said:

Good idea for all expats (US and otherwise) to call/email your representatives in home country and explain that Thailand doesn't have a resonable timetable of getting us vacccines and we would appreciate some service on their part.  I already have a shot of AZ but sure would like to get a shot of Pfizer for second shot.

Oh and Pfizer storage at supercold temps not required in new update;


FDA Authorizes Longer Time for Refrigerator Storage of Thawed Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine 


https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-brief-fda-authorizes-longer-time-refrigerator-storage-thawed-pfizer-biontech-covid-19-vaccine#:~:text=today%2C the U.S. Food and,for up to 5 days.

I'm doing that myself and everyone else should too! You may not get an immediate reply, but those emails are actually read by staff members contrary to what most people might think, and if enough are received, actions are often taken.


If all we do is whine and complain on this forum instead of taking some action, we have only ourselves to blame for what we're going through. 


It's such a simple thing to make your voice heard to your own US Senator and Representative.  They all have websites with email contact pages.  It takes perhaps 5 minutes to fire off a message.  So....JUST DO IT ????


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