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2 million more Sinovac vaccine doses arrive in Thailand Wednesday


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On 6/24/2021 at 7:29 AM, wensiensheng said:

That will cover 4 days worth of vaccinations at the 500k per day target rate.


They aren’t running this operation on a day to day basis are they? Cos it sure seems like it.

Yes. That is the issue: insufficient  stocks

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On 6/24/2021 at 6:45 PM, 3NUMBAS said:



Singapore latest to cast doubt over Chinese Sinovac efficacy. Here’s why

  • Singapore has included only Pfizer and Moderna vaccines in its national vaccination program but has allowed private health clinics to administer Sinovac.

Yet another article  suggests  Sinovac is in high demand in Singapore.  Your text  has no context

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On 6/24/2021 at 9:32 AM, RafPinto said:

Well, hope they don't run out of validity because everyone I talk to, they don't want it.

Could probably donate it to another country to look good.

You talk to stupid  people.  Every  educated nurse and doctor  I talked  to at BPH has had it.

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On 6/24/2021 at 11:22 AM, Eric Loh said:


I think the next step will be to treat Covid-19 as endemic as the new normal. The bad news is that Covid-19 may not go away but the good news is that it's possible to live with it and treat it similar to how we treat fluenza. With vaccines, better medicines and better scientific knowledge to combat the virus, we can armed ourselves better and learn to live with it. This normality can only happen if Thailand reached the vaccination target. So all need to play a role. Will have to leave few anti-vaxxers behind and hope they made it eventually. 

I never met  an anti vaxer until I talked  to some thick  gobsh!ťé in Pattaya. He thought swab tests were going to  put.micro chips  in your pineal gland.!!

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10 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

The ill informed hysteria about Sinovac is anti Chinese sentiment. 

Maybe it is but maybe it isn't.  With all of the misinformation floating around, who can really make an objective assessment of that?  There's no question in my mind that if my only option was SInoVac, I'd take it, but there are serious questions about its' efficacy and safety that remain uncertain.

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On 6/29/2021 at 1:11 AM, The Hammer2021 said:

Yet another article  suggests  Sinovac is in high demand in Singapore.  Your text  has no context

Well it only recently began rollout.....mid June and it is a pro-Chinese society. It costs $10 Sing to get too!

Has it been approved there yet even?

“I am from China and I love my country. Of course I will take the Sinovac vaccine,” she said in Mandarin.

Mostly elder Singaporeans and Chinese pursuing it...

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Morning news, two fully vaccinated women catch the Delta variant in Khorat. Not good for Sinovac.


More weird; the government crows about free Sinovac gifts from China, at the same time it makes cash orders for the vaccine, paying a much higher price (for Sinovac) than what it would cost if they had ordered Pfizer or Moderna. That is the Thai government not a private hospital purchase.


Mayhem & madness.

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1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

Well it only recently began rollout.....mid June and it is a pro-Chinese society. It costs $10 Sing to get too!

Has it been approved there yet even?

“I am from China and I love my country. Of course I will take the Sinovac vaccine,” she said in Mandarin.

Mostly elder Singaporeans and Chinese pursuing it...

The reason given is because they trust the Chinese vaccines and not other foreign vaccines. Guess nationalism cuts both ways. 

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55 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

The reason given is because they trust the Chinese vaccines and not other foreign vaccines. Guess nationalism cuts both ways. 

Not so sure that Chinese nationals trust Chinese vaccines. 

Vaccine Scandals in China: Why Do They Keep Happening Over and Over Again?


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1 hour ago, Eric Loh said:

The reason given is because they trust the Chinese vaccines and not other foreign vaccines. Guess nationalism cuts both ways. 

Absolutely, and The Chinese  are Nationalistic.... not allowed to be anything else maybe.

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On 6/24/2021 at 10:20 AM, mikebell said:

Not for Anutin.  Despite inventing Covid in China, the Chinese vaccine is only 50% effective.


I think less than that with the new Delta variant, let's see what A-NUT-IN does now, probably go for a booster of AZ if he hasn't already done so because there is nothing else.

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2 hours ago, Dcheech said:

Morning news, two fully vaccinated women catch the Delta variant in Khorat. Not good for Sinovac.


More weird; the government crows about free Sinovac gifts from China, at the same time it makes cash orders for the vaccine, paying a much higher price (for Sinovac) than what it would cost if they had ordered Pfizer or Moderna. That is the Thai government not a private hospital purchase.


Mayhem & madness.

You have to remember that none of the vaccines have 100% efficacy so the fact that some vaccinated persons are still becoming infected is to be expected. 


The fact is, statistically, the number of vaccinated people being infected fall with the acceptable range based on the "less than 100% efficacy" nature of all vaccines.  What's more, almost all vaccinated persons that have become infected are suffering life-threatening events, rarely require hospitalizations, and so far no deaths have occured.  Most cases are actually asymptomatic.


All of this recent hysteria about Delta variants and the inability of current vaccines to deal with with these variants is more media-hype than science-based fact.  I mean, just look at the numbers instead of the media hype.  Numbers do not lie.

Edited by WaveHunter
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4 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

You have to remember that none of the vaccines have 100% efficacy so the fact that some vaccinated persons are still becoming infected is to be expected.  The fact is, statistically, the number of vaccinated people being infected fall with the acceptable range based on the "less than 100% efficacy" nature of all vaccines.  What's more, almost all vaccinated persons that have become infected suffer no life-threatening events, rarely require hospitalizations, and so far no deaths have occured.


All of this recent hysteria about Delta and the inability of current vaccines to deal with it is more media hype than science-based fact.  I mean, just look at the numbers instead of the media hype.  Numbers do not lie.

Maybe you should watch this news report that 4MyEgo posted  earlier


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On 6/24/2021 at 3:48 AM, RichardColeman said:

Think Thais should look at what is happening now in Indonesia with Sinovac - 350 Doctors infected with Covid 19 after Sinvac vaccines. Waste of money, 

20 dead, Thought Sinovac was supposed to not only stop serious illness but also death after vaccination

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6 minutes ago, club said:
On 6/23/2021 at 11:48 PM, RichardColeman said:

Think Thais should look at what is happening now in Indonesia with Sinovac - 350 Doctors infected with Covid 19 after Sinvac vaccines. Waste of money, 

20 dead, Thought Sinovac was supposed to not only stop serious illness but also death after vaccination


27,420,000 people in Indonesia have had at least one dose fo the vaccine (10.1%) of the population, 13,180,000 people have had a second does (4.9%).


There are approximately 2800 hospitals across Indonesia with hundreds of thousands of healthcare workers (nearly a million) most of whom have been vaccinated as frontline workers. 


As mentioned by ‘Club’ in his post above, there have been deaths, 20 vaccinated healthcare workers have died (I have read reports of 10).


The outbreak has taken a horrible foothold in the district of Kudus which has 5,000 healthcare workers. 

350 of healthcare workers are reported to have contracted Covid-19....


In complete contradiction to what was written by RichardColeman - any vaccine, even Sinovac has been extremely helpful and effective already, not perfect, but effective. 


IF RichardColeman wants to point out that an imperfect vaccine is a waste of money I’d ask him which he would prefer; Exposure to Covid-19 having taken the Sinovac vaccine or without? Becuase, this is the question these Doctors face in Kudus and areas of overwhelming outbreak where as medical personnel coming into contact with people carrying SARS-CoV-2 is a certainty. 



An additional point: Sinovac was reported as being 100% effective against severe symptoms and death. This is obviously no longer the case. It was reported that all the other vaccines were 100% effective against severe symptoms and death, this is also unlikely to be the case - It would appear that in some patients the Delta variant can evade the vaccines, this has started to become more notable in areas of recent outbreak such as Indonesia which have relied on Sinovac because no other vaccine has been made available to them.


With the major growing outbreaks occurring in poorer countries which have yet to make any significant inroads into vaccinating its population it can also be noted that it is these poorer countries use Sinovac because wealthier Countries (mostly in the West) have secured the ‘other’ vaccines, Sinovac is the only option. 



I am certainly no fan of anything Chinese, but it does seem that some posters ignore balanced facts to direct criticism. The reality is a lot more people would be dying without Sinovac. 


IF Thailand can secure alternative more effective vaccines that would be great, this remains not to be the case, in the mean time Sinovac is not a waste. 








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2 hours ago, 4MyEgo said:

Why bother, hasn't Thailand heard ?



Perhaps you should look at actual statistics and scientific facts about vaccines such as their anticipated efficacy rates, instead of believing in media hype that only cherry picks numbers.  Despite such dire predictions from these news stories, the efficacy rates for SinoVac seem to be holding true.


All of this current media hype against SInaVac is more about sensationalism than about the actual science-based truth.


The fact is that NO vaccine has 100% efficacy, and when you take that into account (which none of these stories ever do), the whole picture changes dramatically.


The actual fact is that NOBODY knows for certain how any of the vaccines are really stacking up yet with the new Delta variants, but many news stories would have you believe it is the end of the world!  Why?  Because they are more interested in getting clicks to sell advertising, than they are in simply reporting the facts honestly.


Edited by WaveHunter
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1 hour ago, Tony125 said:

Maybe you should watch this news report that 4MyEgo posted  earlier



This report verges on media hysteria and is quite misleading.


Sinovac has an efficacy of 50% against contracting the Covid-19 and is saving the lives of people who would otherwise suffer serious symptoms when contracting Covid-19, however, the Delta variant has shifted the goal posts. 


This efficacy figure of 50% may be pre-Delta-variant.... i.e. the Delta variant may be able to evade the Sinovac vaccine, and also other vaccines. 


I would like to see the efficacy figures for the ‘other vaccines’ (Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, Sputnik) against the Delta Variant B.1.617.2 so that we can see a balanced reporting.



IF other vaccines can be produced quickly enough and disturbed to the areas which are currently receiving the Sinovac vaccines, then great - but this is only useful IF those other vaccines are effective against the Delta variant. 


Edited by richard_smith237
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6 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

Perhaps you should look at actual statistics instead of believing in media hype. 


For a minute there I thought you were going to provide me with that. 


Oh, I get it, you got Sinovaxed ????



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29 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:


This report verges on media hysteria and is quite misleading.


Sinovac has an efficacy of 50% against contracting the Covid-19 and is saving the lives of people who would otherwise suffer serious symptoms when contracting Covid-19, however, the Delta variant has shifted the goal posts. 


This efficacy figure of 50% may be pre-Delta-variant.... i.e. the Delta variant may be able to evade the Sinovac vaccine, and also other vaccines. 


I would like to see the efficacy figures for the ‘other vaccines’ (Pfizer, Moderna, AZ, Sputnik) against the Delta Variant B.1.617.2 so that we can see a balanced reporting.



IF other vaccines can be produced quickly enough and disturbed to the areas which are currently receiving the Sinovac vaccines, then great - but this is only useful IF those other vaccines are effective against the Delta variant. 


There's no question that the big Western vaccine makers have considerable economic interests in downplaying competing vaccines.  That has been particularly true with Pfizer, who has mounted a very aggressive public relations campaign particularly against the Chinese vaccines.  it all boils down to dollars!


I was just watching a video report today on YouTube which was very telling about the current situation of the Delta variant in relation to vaccines.  It was incredibly objective and backed up with a lot of science-based facts and statistics.  I would urge anyone who is really trying to look beyond media-hype for a true understanding of the situation to watch the ENTIRE video objectively and with an open mind, instead of just accepting media hype as their primary source of information.


The titel is kind of a clickbait hook but the information is exactly the opposite of what you'd expect from the title.  It is well worth watching.

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35 minutes ago, 4MyEgo said:


For a minute there I thought you were going to provide me with that. 


Oh, I get it, you got Sinovaxed ????



I did provide you with that in my next post (see video that I posted that followed).  That video is well worth watching if one is really looking for facts instead of media hype becuase it is very objective and backed up solidly with complete statistics (not just cherry picked one for sensationalism), and is a science-based explanation, not just sensationalistic hype.

Edited by WaveHunter
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2 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

You have to remember that none of the vaccines have 100% efficacy so the fact that some vaccinated persons are still becoming infected is to be expected. 


The fact is, statistically, the number of vaccinated people being infected fall with the acceptable range based on the "less than 100% efficacy" nature of all vaccines.  What's more, almost all vaccinated persons that have become infected are suffering life-threatening events, rarely require hospitalizations, and so far no deaths have occured.  Most cases are actually asymptomatic.


All of this recent hysteria about Delta variants and the inability of current vaccines to deal with with these variants is more media-hype than science-based fact.  I mean, just look at the numbers instead of the media hype.  Numbers do not lie.


How much protection you get from one shot of the Pfizer, AstraZeneca, and Moderna vaccines, according to the best available data





Delta cases are spiking in highly-vaccinated countries, but with fewer deaths and milder government responses





World Health Organization Urges Vaccinated People to Continue Wearing Masks Due to Delta Variant of COVID




AstraZeneca, Pfizer vaccines effective against Delta COVID-19 variants-study




New study:Moderna effective against Delta variant


Edited by Tony125
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On 6/24/2021 at 4:48 AM, RichardColeman said:

Think Thais should look at what is happening now in Indonesia with Sinovac - 350 Doctors infected with Covid 19 after Sinvac vaccines. Waste of money, 


I would not be surprised if the vaccines were the source of some of the infections. 


Not hard to imagine that an actor who may have deliberately created AND spread the virus would deliberately export defective vaccines. 

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The solution to the concerns about Sinovac lack of efficacy was to get the MoPH to announce some fake news about Sinovac having 91% efficacy against the alpha without divulging methodology or having their results verified by experts outside Thailand.  No mention of efficacy against the delta. 


Against the delta variant the efficacy of Sinovac is realistically more likely 30% or less.  Many of the hundreds of Indonesian medical professionals who got the delta after being fully vaccinated with Sinovac had to be hospitalised.

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