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Expat Registration for public vaccination has failed! What can we do?


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Wavehunter: I did ASQ at The Vertical Suite in bkk.  Large 85 sqm one bedroom apartment, 63k baht all included.    Was able to order groceries and food via grab.  Super friendly staff.  Second week was a bit slow, but it is becoming a distant memory now.  With modern tech, there has never been a better time to be quarantined. 


COE was fairly straighforward.  Only hiccup I experienced was not realizing I had to click the upload button for the documents.  This has been mentioned by others.   Quick call to the consulate had me back on track.  They aren't exactly busy, so was a pretty quick process. 

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31 minutes ago, YaiJung said:

Wavehunter: I did ASQ at The Vertical Suite in bkk.  Large 85 sqm one bedroom apartment, 63k baht all included.    Was able to order groceries and food via grab.  Super friendly staff.  Second week was a bit slow, but it is becoming a distant memory now.  With modern tech, there has never been a better time to be quarantined. 


COE was fairly straighforward.  Only hiccup I experienced was not realizing I had to click the upload button for the documents.  This has been mentioned by others.   Quick call to the consulate had me back on track.  They aren't exactly busy, so was a pretty quick process. 

Thanks for your feedback.  Very helpful!  The more I think about a return to the US, the more I'm liking the idea.  It might just do a body good to get away from this looney place for a while, and it would be fun to be on American soil and see old friends, etc... .


So, as for the actual trip itself, you didn't feel any angst being sealed in a metal tune with strangers for 20+ hours and sitting inside airports during long layovers?

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46 minutes ago, WaveHunter said:

It's a pretty ridiculous situation we're facing here as expats; that's for sure.  I think eventually the situation will improve vastly (I mean how could it get any worse LOL)...but it's all a matter of time, and every day we have live like this as unvaccinated people is just creates a sense of frustration and uneasiness that can really get to you after a while.


If I were you, I would not write off travel to Bangkok for jabs if the opportunity presents itself.  Driving services are taking extra precautions, and obviously hospitals are as well, so I think the risk of a trip into Bangkok for this purpose is not that great.


I have to say, after a lot of reflection, that avoiding infection as an unvaccinated person where I live (Jomtien) is not so difficult, and I feel relatively safe by just using common sense actions like practicing good social distancing, wearing a decent mask always while out in public, staying fit, and eating a nutritious diet, and also supplementing with Vitamin D and zinc.


Now I know the later part of what I said might sound silly to some, but exercise, good nutrition, and maintaining proper levels of Vitamin D and Zinc, ALL help maintain a healthy immune response, and lack of any of these things can have a scientifically proven negative effect on immune response. 


In fact, in the case of Vitamin D, a peer-reviewed medical study recently proved that Vitamin D deficiency is associated with Covid cases requiring hospitalization.


So, anyway, I wrote a lot more than I should have, but hope some will find it useful.

You are correct, I haven't written a trip to Bangkok off completely as I have an option to have my BiL drive me in our car direct to Bangkok, get jabbed, turn round and drive home. He did this for me (3 times!) a year ago when I was getting the runaround by VFS UK Passport office, even though it's about 6 hours each way.


Neither have I written off the trip home option - I will hold on till CHristmas and if still not vaccinated will weigh up the travel hoops at that time. The expense is not a worry, but same as Bangkok, flying and airports one more way to get infected. At least if I got home I could get Phizer, best for me I reckon as my identical twin had his many months ago and has been fine.


Agree on the nutrition, and am relieved that around 4 years ago I went from almost 100 kilos down to 80 through keto, which I believe also boosts the immune sytem. Am now hoping to get to 75kg just to be a bit more healthy. My diabetes is in remission, I stopped the meds 3 years ago and my blood pressure is just above normal but still have to take meds for that as it always sits in the pre-high. 3 stents, nothing I can do to get rid of them.


Good luck



Edited by Saltire
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3 hours ago, YaiJung said:

I saw the writing on the wall and took a trip back to the US a couple months ago to get vaccinated.  Had a wonderful few weeks there, a couple of weeks in asq,  and now I am sitting back in my house in Thailand fully vaccinated.  I realize how fortunate we are, as expats who actually have access to vaccines in our home countries.  Millions of Thais don't have that option. 


There has never been a better time to travel, IMO.  Flights are cheap and empty.  ASQ wasn't the most exciting thing I have ever done, but not the end of the world by a long shot.  If you are thinking about going home to get the jabs, and can afford to, just do it.  Or you can stay here, stressing and moaning, while waiting for some <deleted>ty government(Thai or home country) to come to your rescue.  Up to you. 

Travelling is great you are right I had always choice of 30 rows to sleep on going back into Phuket sandbox. 

For those wanting vaccines back home the Phuket sandbox is a great back door freedom re entry. 

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23 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

It is really going to take something a bit radical to make anything happen. 


I'm so ashamed of my own government (the US) for not stepping up to the plate on behalf of its' expat citizens as France did, and now Switzerland is about to do.  Belgium has been discussing it too. 


The US thinks of itself as a leader among nations.  They really should not be dropping the ball on this one...but they are in a big way.  That won't be forgotten by a lot of angry and frustrated expats if they are not quick to do something!


The idea of the US donating millions of vaccine doses to Thailand but not helping to ensure that expats (whose tax dollars helped pay for those vaccine) get their fair share is just disgusting.


This whole plight that expats are facing is disgusting and unforgivable in every way.  All we're talking about is the ability to be registered so we are not invisible to the public rollout of vaccines. 


Is that so unreasonable to expect?  Is there any excuse for Thailand not ensuring that will happen by allowing one registration scheme after another to miserably fail, and still not have one that works?

I'd suggest petitioning the French embassy over here to see if they would like to participate in a media stunt designed to embarrass the UK and US governments.    If they have any spare vaccines they could picture giving 10-20 citizens from both of those countries a vaccine as an example of how it is done.   The French government like nothing more than embarrassing the UK (especially) and US governments and this would be one way to go about it.     

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2 hours ago, Saltire said:

You are correct, I haven't written a trip to Bangkok off completely as I have an option to have my BiL drive me in our car direct to Bangkok, get jabbed, turn round and drive home. He did this for me (3 times!) a year ago when I was getting the runaround by VFS UK Passport office, even though it's about 6 hours each way.


Neither have I written off the trip home option - I will hold on till CHristmas and if still not vaccinated will weigh up the travel hoops at that time. The expense is not a worry, but same as Bangkok, flying and airports one more way to get infected. At least if I got home I could get Phizer, best for me I reckon as my identical twin had his many months ago and has been fine.


Agree on the nutrition, and am relieved that around 4 years ago I went from almost 100 kilos down to 80 through keto, which I believe also boosts the immune sytem. Am now hoping to get to 75kg just to be a bit more healthy. My diabetes is in remission, I stopped the meds 3 years ago and my blood pressure is just above normal but still have to take meds for that as it always sits in the pre-high. 3 stents, nothing I can do to get rid of them.


Good luck



SOunds like you have a good strategy.  I'm also thinking if nothing good happens by the 4th quarter, a trip back to the States for the Holidays would kind of be fun and make the trip more worthwhile..


It kills me how easy it is to get vaccinated in the States now.  I checked the Vaccine Checker site, put in my home zip code, and it showed me that the supermarket 5 minutes from my house that has an in-store pharmacy gives me a choice of Moderna or J&J vaccines with no appointment necessary!  If I want Pfizer, the local hospital 10 minutes away has that.  What a contrast to here in the Magic Kingdom!


And BTW, for what it's worth, I was talking with my hometown doctor in the States the other day about which vaccines he recommended and when I asked about J&J he told me it was just fine! 


All of this talk about it beng much less effective is a bunch of bull!  He said that J&J has a different protocol for rating the efficacy and things like short term side effects (headaches, muscle pain etc) weigh more heavily into the way they rate "effectiveness" so just becuase they say 70% efficacy and Pfizer says 90+%, they are really both the same when it comes to actual protection against the virus!  I did some checking on the web and found that a number of unbiased MD's and scientists are in agreement.


So, my plan is to get the J&J which provides full immunity after 28 days, whereas Pfyzer would require more time.  BUT, he suggested I could also later get 1 shot of Pfizer as a booster, to provide extra protection against variants. 


He said it probably would not be necessary but since he deals with patients all the time, that's what he did, and in his opinion, he felt there was nothing risky in mixing 1 shot of J&J and then a month later one shot of Pfizer. 


Just thought I'd throw that out for for what it's worth, even though I'm sure the anti-vax trolls on this forum will have a field day with me for saying this LOL.!

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20 minutes ago, James105 said:

I'd suggest petitioning the French embassy over here to see if they would like to participate in a media stunt designed to embarrass the UK and US governments.    If they have any spare vaccines they could picture giving 10-20 citizens from both of those countries a vaccine as an example of how it is done.   The French government like nothing more than embarrassing the UK (especially) and US governments and this would be one way to go about it.     

The French might have made a rod for their own back. Expats in other places will rightly demand equal treatment to those living in Thailand. Getting expats vaccinated here is quite straightforward, getting it to expats in some of their former colonies; Africa in particular; might be a different matter.

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1 hour ago, WaveHunter said:

All of this talk about it beng much less effective is a bunch of bull!  He said that J&J has a different protocol for rating the efficacy and things like short term side effects (headaches, muscle pain etc) weigh more heavily into the way they rate "effectiveness" so just becuase they say 70% efficacy and Pfizer says 90+%, they are really both the same when it comes to actual protection against the virus!  I did some checking on the web and found that a number of unbiased MD's and scientists are in agreement.


So, my plan is to get the J&J which provides full immunity after 28 days, whereas Pfyzer would require more time.  BUT, he suggested I could also later get 1 shot of Pfizer as a booster, to provide extra protection against variants. 


He said it probably would not be necessary but since he deals with patients all the time, that's what he did, and in his opinion, he felt there was nothing risky in mixing 1 shot of J&J and then a month later one shot of Pfizer. 

Bravo! It always amazes me that what something somebody throws out there quickly gets spread around and becomes the goldenBS! What you say about JJ vs Pfizer can similarly apply to Sinovac vs AZ - or Sinovac vs the rest, period. If folks do a bit of research and/or get advice from their trusted medical professional the way you do the whole world would be in a much better place than we are now (at least we can learn to live - instead of die - with Covid, but oh no...)


Inspite of lockdown, one still can learn a lot from plenty of medical webinars available on Youtube, all it takes is a bit of concentration because those lectures go deep. One example with the Delta (or any other) variant: It's not more "transmissible" - viruses don't transmit, they don't have legs or wings; people do - truth is it can escape/hide better from (certain) vaccine(s) but it neither kills better nor hurts more. Then start your argument from there.

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22 hours ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

Stop talking tripe 


I, an many others have been able to register and get vaccinated by official channels.

just because you failed to register, doesn’t mean the whole system is a failure 

You are extraordinarily fortunate and must have worked the system!

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1 hour ago, champers said:

The French might have made a rod for their own back. Expats in other places will rightly demand equal treatment to those living in Thailand. Getting expats vaccinated here is quite straightforward, getting it to expats in some of their former colonies; Africa in particular; might be a different matter.

Getting expats vaccinated here is not straightforward. It depends on location and availability. Thais also don't have a straightforward route for the same reasons.

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10 minutes ago, malibukid said:

i have contacted CNN and made them aware of the discrepancy here in Thailand and other countries for U.S. expats living abroad. 

Yes there have been countless incidents of explicit, blatant discrimination based on not being Thai, even targeted at extremely aged, multiple medical condition expats. In my view this is a human rights issue and I don't understand for the life of me why any expat, including especially privileged ones can defend that. No need to check your sense of ethics at BKK. 

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30 minutes ago, malibukid said:

i have contacted CNN and made them aware of the discrepancy here in Thailand and other countries for U.S. expats living abroad. 




The truth here is that like a lot of countries in Asia that re not china or Russia there is a shortage of supplies of vaccines.


Also I can tell you that people using thaivisa did get through and registered for the 500.


Personally I think that if people want to get the visa and are so worried and keep talking about well if i go home to the XXX I can get the vaccine.  Then the only advice I have is don't let the door hit you on the way out.


This is a SARS virus and like any virus including things like the flu there are always going to be mutations.  Remember that the vaccines were rushed in order to meet the requirements of Coronavirus Covid 19 version 1.  


Since then there have been at least 4 variations and I am pretty sure there will be more if I was going to bet on it.


As each variant happens the companies that make the vaccines have t go back and retest and reformulate the vaccine to include that variant.


I am Canadian and if I wanted to go back to Canada I could probably get the vaccine but then I would have to go back to Canada and go through all the Canadian gov't BS and quarantine and everything and the costs would kill me.  Also talking to people in Canada they are not sold on the fact that the vaccines are going to stop another wave.


Edited by Jai Dee
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1 minute ago, khunjeff said:

Completely false.


Intervac initially accepted registrations only from staff of embassies and international organizations whose names had already been provided by their employers; it then opened up for people over age 60 and those with certain serious health problems.


They announced that the site would open to all foreigners on June 14, but that never happened. It was discovered that the site was leaking data, and it closed (before ever opening for registrations) for repair. When it came back online, it had a message saying that it would reopen once more vaccine was available, which it never did.


Instead, it switched to a notice saying that people over 60 and those with medical conditions would have to register with Phyathai 2 or Samidivej. As expected, those sites crashed and then announced that they were fully subscribed, since in fact only 100 slots a day were ever made available.


If you managed to get a vaccine, good for you. But please don't rewrite history and claim that other people's inability to get one somehow stemmed from their own laziness.



If I recall correctly, the part with the /expatriates NEVER worked at all!

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45 minutes ago, watthong said:

Bravo! It always amazes me that what something somebody throws out there quickly gets spread around and becomes the goldenBS! What you say about JJ vs Pfizer can similarly apply to Sinovac vs AZ - or Sinovac vs the rest, period. If folks do a bit of research and/or get advice from their trusted medical professional the way you do the whole world would be in a much better place than we are now (at least we can learn to live - instead of die - with Covid, but oh no...)


Inspite of lockdown, one still can learn a lot from plenty of medical webinars available on Youtube, all it takes is a bit of concentration because those lectures go deep. One example with the Delta (or any other) variant: It's not more "transmissible" - viruses don't transmit, they don't have legs or wings; people do - truth is it can escape/hide better from (certain) vaccine(s) but it neither kills better nor hurts more. Then start your argument from there.

Yeah you make some pretty good points.  Most of the information people pick up about vaccines comes from news sources that do a poor job of fact checking and prefer to lean towards anything (right or wrong) that will attract viewers.  Rarely is the truth spoken, and so it's up to the individual to do their own search for the truth, which isn't really that hard to do through Google Search BUT most people are just too lazy or too trusting of their favorite news commentator and accept whatever they hear without questioning it.


I agree that YouTube can be am amazing source of good information if you choose wisely.  One such person is Dr, John Campbell who started up a channel from scratch, and begin posting daily updates back when the pandemic first started.  He now has over 1 million devoted followers and his briefings are incredibly informative, completely backed up with science based links to research that he refers to, and he is one of the most unbiased and transparent people you could find. He deals with complex medical talk in a very easy to understand way, and he's just a very likeable and well spoken guy.


I love how this guy has an opinion on most topics he discusses BUT he always leaves it up to the viewer to decide for themselves what is right or wrong and gives them plenty of science-based links to facilitate that.  His channel is at https://www.youtube.com/user/Campbellteaching


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4 minutes ago, khunjeff said:

Completely false.


Intervac initially accepted registrations only from staff of embassies and international organizations whose names had already been provided by their employers; it then opened up for people over age 60 and those with certain serious health problems.


They announced that the site would open to all foreigners on June 14, but that never happened. It was discovered that the site was leaking data, and it closed (before ever opening for registrations) for repair. When it came back online, it had a message saying that it would reopen once more vaccine was available, which it never did.


Instead, it switched to a notice saying that people over 60 and those with medical conditions would have to register with Phyathai 2 or Samidivej. As expected, those sites crashed and then announced that they were fully subscribed, since in fact only 100 slots a day were ever made available.


If you managed to get a vaccine, good for you. But please don't rewrite history and claim that other people's inability to get one somehow stemmed from their own laziness.



Nope, you are completely wrong 


take a look here for other people on the forum who were able to use /expatriates link to get vaccinated 



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4 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

If I recall correctly, the part with the /expatriates NEVER worked at all!

No that’s completely untrue, as you can see from other people here who used to to get vaccinated 


Thousands of people have been vaccinated using that site 



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6 minutes ago, FridgeMagnet1 said:

No that’s completely untrue, as you can see from other people here who used to to get vaccinated 


Thousands of people have been vaccinated using that site 



You're conflating issues!

I never said intervac never worked!

For jabs in BANGKOK in Bangkok it did for a while. 

We were promised that the system would be expanded nationally so most people outside Bangkok stupidly believed their empty promises. 

It never was expanded and based on current news, it never will be. 
I'm still skeptical that the new extension part /expatriates actually ever did work regardless of that report. People doing reports aren't infallible you know.

I was checking that multiple times daily when they did add the /expatriates part and I don't recall that part of it EVER functioning at all. 

It's academic now. Intervac isn't doing any registrations any longer -- only pointing to some hospital sites. 

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Just now, Jingthing said:

You're conflating issues!

I never said intervac never worked!

For jabs in BANGKOK.

We were promised that the system would be expanded nationally.

It never was and based on current news, it never will be. 
I'm still skeptical that the new extension part /expatriates actually ever did work regardless of that report. People doing reports aren't infallible you know.

I was checking that multiple times daily when they did add the /expatriates part and I don't recall that part of it EVER functioning at all. 

It's academic now. Intervac isn't doing any registrations any longer -- only pointing to some hospital sites. 

This is the problem in a nutshell:


The site did work for some people and a number of them, including myself were able to register and get vaccinated.



But that doesn’t fit your narrative so accuse people of lying about it.

not sure why I, and others would lie about getting vaccinated using that site..



very, very strange behaviour 

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Just now, FridgeMagnet1 said:

This is the problem in a nutshell:


The site did work for some people and a number of them, including myself were able to register and get vaccinated.



But that doesn’t fit your narrative so accuse people of lying about it.

not sure why I, and others would lie about getting vaccinated using that site..



very, very strange behaviour 

I never for one second said that nobody was vaccinated from intervac.

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On 7/12/2021 at 11:17 AM, Jingthing said:

All I can think of is to contact our home country representatives and try to prove to them that the situation for us here is almost impossible and getting our embassies to help at this point is completely justified. 

Forget it!  I have canvassed my local MP (Tory), Angela Rayner (Lab) and 8 different media outlets.   I set out to all in the clearest of terms the problems we are all facing here.   The only response I got was that there was no media interest because the UK general public have their own concerns and (not in somany words) if we were that worried we could always go home to the UK and the NHS would resolve the problem.


So that's what I'm doing.

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Just now, Havenstreet1940 said:

Forget it!  I have canvassed my local MP (Tory), Angela Rayner (Lab) and 8 different media outlets.   I set out to all in the clearest of terms the problems we are all facing here.   The only response I got was that there was no media interest because the UK general public have there own concerns and (not in somany words) if we were that worried we could always go home to the UK and the NHS would resolve the problem.

Yeah, probably not.

Another tactic that I have been trying is that it's my feeling especially for American expats that we're of no interest to politicians back home as we're not there. But some of us have connections back there that might be politically connected. So asking them to advocate for them might be more powerful. 

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On 7/12/2021 at 1:05 PM, WaveHunter said:

It is really going to take something a bit radical to make anything happen. 


I'm so ashamed of my own government (the US) for not stepping up to the plate on behalf of its' expat citizens as France did, and now Switzerland is about to do.  Belgium has been discussing it too. 


The US thinks of itself as a leader among nations.  They really should not be dropping the ball on this one...but they are in a big way.  That won't be forgotten by a lot of angry and frustrated expats if they are not quick to do something!


The idea of the US donating millions of vaccine doses to Thailand but not helping to ensure that expats (whose tax dollars helped pay for those vaccine) get their fair share is just disgusting.


This whole plight that expats are facing is disgusting and unforgivable in every way.  All we're talking about is the ability to be registered so we are not invisible to the public rollout of vaccines. 


Is that so unreasonable to expect?  Is there any excuse for Thailand not ensuring that will happen by allowing one registration scheme after another to miserably fail, and still not have one that works?

Speaking as your fellow American living in Thailand, I couldn't agree with you more. I have nothing but utter contempt and loathing for America for many reasons, and that's why I retired early, sold everything I owned and left with no plans what-so-ever to go back for any reason.


I laugh every time the American government accuses another country of human rights abuse, yet they abandon us during a global pandemic. You and I both paid taxes into the Medicare system, but US policy does not permit providing for the healthcare of US citizens living abroad even though we paid for it. Funny how the American government is willing to provide health care for "non US citizens" living abroad, isn't it?


What is currently happening to all foreign nationals that reside here is segregation and racism. The American government response is to reward them with free gifts...

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On 7/12/2021 at 1:05 PM, WaveHunter said:

It is really going to take something a bit radical to make anything happen. 


I'm so ashamed of my own government (the US) for not stepping up to the plate on behalf of its' expat citizens as France did, and now Switzerland is about to do.  Belgium has been discussing it too. 


The US thinks of itself as a leader among nations.  They really should not be dropping the ball on this one...but they are in a big way.  That won't be forgotten by a lot of angry and frustrated expats if they are not quick to do something!


The idea of the US donating millions of vaccine doses to Thailand but not helping to ensure that expats (whose tax dollars helped pay for those vaccine) get their fair share is just disgusting.


This whole plight that expats are facing is disgusting and unforgivable in every way.  All we're talking about is the ability to be registered so we are not invisible to the public rollout of vaccines. 


Is that so unreasonable to expect?  Is there any excuse for Thailand not ensuring that will happen by allowing one registration scheme after another to miserably fail, and still not have one that works?

Switzerland? They assist very few Swiss to get vaccinated, and it is only done in BKK. And traveling to BKK during these 'uncertain' times, no thank you! The French so far seem the only Nation that really cares for their citizens, well done!

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"what can we do?"


Nothing much:


If we lived in a different culture we would form  a group, parade outside the main vaccine giving outlets(which are for Thais only) and hold up posters saying in bold capitals:



Going down on one knee in protest...


However if we did that we would be singled out as trouble makers and eventually deported...with a lot of our so called embassies supporting not us but those throwing us out...


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On 7/12/2021 at 12:01 PM, internationalism said:

if online activity, petitioning is fruitless, do form a line at bang sue station and hospitals, where vax is done, invite also thai, who can't get vax.

Bring placards in thai and english "who stolen my vax, who eats my tax", invite local and international media, do life broadcast. 

there are hundreds of groups on fb in english, thousands in thai.

I think a sit-in at Phayathai2, Bumrungrad, Samitivej & Bang Sue with posters (great slogan, BTW) alerting the media would get the ball rolling.


During the state of emergency, it might also get you arrested, of course. Oh well, Corrections offers Sinovac!

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On 7/12/2021 at 12:01 PM, internationalism said:

if online activity, petitioning is fruitless, do form a line at bang sue station and hospitals, where vax is done, invite also thai, who can't get vax.

Bring placards in thai and english "who stolen my vax, who eats my tax", invite local and international media, do life broadcast. 

there are hundreds of groups on fb in english, thousands in thai.

Going to Bang Sue station is fine if you live in Bangkok... however most of us Expats don't.

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