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Give up dairy

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As usual, a mixed balanced diet is the best. Milk is natural and nutritious in moderation. I eat the Makro no added sugar, low fat Yolida yogurt twice a day on fruit. Also almond, soya, walnut milk, which is good but processed. You should also think of reducing processed foods, which might be the basis of sounder judgement that one based on individual foods.

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You don't need to give up, just reduce. These things needn't be either all or nothing. In any event, dairy is not the only thing to be concerned with. Processed meat, too much alcohol, red meat and the dreaded word, 'exercise'.

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Gave it up long ago. Been vegan for 31 years and never missed it at all. Much easier now, 3 decades on. Plenty of good substitutes available, if you have the need. Many items can be ordered or prepared without...or with substitutes. You can do it, no prob. 

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Milk isn't for human consumption as it can have bad effects on even a body that isn't allergic to it. I still use cheese because I love cheeseburgers and lasagne but it's only a few times a month. I was born lactose intolerant but used milk when I was older, and probably still have some kind of allergy to dairy. Even those that don't have bad reactions to it can have problems . Here is but one link..................https://www.peta.org/living/food/reasons-stop-drinking-milk/

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7 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Milk isn't for human consumption as it can have bad effects on even a body that isn't allergic to it. I still use cheese because I love cheeseburgers and lasagne but it's only a few times a month. I was born lactose intolerant but used milk when I was older, and probably still have some kind of allergy to dairy. Even those that don't have bad reactions to it can have problems . Here is but one link..................https://www.peta.org/living/food/reasons-stop-drinking-milk/

Peta site is a bit bias IMHO. Anyway i do think your right that there are people who can't handle it. As Dutch guy I can handle it always been dairy around in the Netherlands. I now use it a lot for my protein shakes. Without milk they just taste worse. I tried with water but its just <deleted>.


Never had a problem from dairy so as long as i don't i wont stop. But everyone is different.

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I wonder why you would want to do that unless you want to become totally vegan or are lactose intolerant. 


  That's difficult in Thailand because there vegetables are notoriously saturated in chemical pesticides. and pretty filthy in general.  Unwashed hands handling everything.

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1 hour ago, robblok said:

Peta site is a bit bias IMHO. Anyway i do think your right that there are people who can't handle it. As Dutch guy I can handle it always been dairy around in the Netherlands. I now use it a lot for my protein shakes. Without milk they just taste worse. I tried with water but its just <deleted>.


Never had a problem from dairy so as long as i don't i wont stop. But everyone is different.

Yes, a lot of people can't handle milk, and some, like me, eat cheese and yogurt but who knows if it's right with me without a specific allergy test? I use soy and almond now and don't have any troubles

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1 minute ago, fredwiggy said:

Yes, a lot of people can't handle milk, and some, like me, eat cheese and yogurt but who knows if it's right with me without a specific allergy test? I use soy and almond now and don't have any troubles

I done allergy tests and i have been without milk for months too. No difference, so i know it does not affect me. I would never take soy because of the estrogen problems. (but that is your choice and mine is different) 

Edited by robblok
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13 minutes ago, robblok said:

I done allergy tests and i have been without milk for months too. No difference, so i know it does not affect me. I would never take soy because of the estrogen problems. (but that is your choice and mine is different) 

Soy isoflavones aren't the same as those in humans. The people who have problems are those that use soy as a mainstay in their diets, meaning too much soy. Soy doesn't affect estrogen levels in a normal diet.

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On 7/17/2021 at 10:31 PM, Sparktrader said:

Giving up dairy hardly means a boring life.

I am 77 and since I settled in Thailand in 1987 I never consumed any dairy products....I am still happy and in good health

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5 minutes ago, fredwiggy said:

Soy isoflavones aren't the same as those in humans. The people who have problems are those that use soy as a mainstay in their diets, meaning too much soy. Soy doesn't affect estrogen levels in a normal diet.

Question is what is normal, i just don't touch it just like you don't touch milk. Personal choices. I think the fact that we even discuss this means that we already eat healthy otherwise. Why else nitpick over things like this. I know my diet is pretty good.


In times of loads of training and trying to lose weight i use protein shakes (more protein for lower cals). But I really dislike the taste when i make it with water. Plus most protein that has high values in essential amino acids is made of dairy anyway. 


But i think most things in diet are personal. Some people love low carbs, i need carbs in my diet (not high but enough). We all do different things and if your at a level where you mind your diet your probably ahead of the rest already.


I try to eat as much whole foods as possible (protein shakes just to reach the 1.5g per kg of bodyweight that is recommended for those that lift weights a lot). I don't eat much red meat at all. Mainly chicken (yes risky too)

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Almond milk is fine. 

While it consumes 10% of CA's water supply, all you antis have never bothered to check where the run-off from watering almond trees go.  Most of it is channeled back to reservoirs or seeps back into local aquifers.  With better methods and technology, almond trees uses 1/3 less water than 10-years ago.  And no, CA almonds are not full of chemicals or pesticides.


Dairy cows and beef industry OTOH, creates a lot of contaminated waste water which needs treatment, but is often allowed to pollute streams & rivers on the way to the ocean.   Then there's the methane...

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On 7/18/2021 at 2:41 AM, RJRS1301 said:

Neither soy nor almond give milk, milk comes from mammals.

Hard to "milk" either of those plant products.

(6,098 litres) to produce 1 litre of almond milk,” says the Sustainable Restaurant Association's Pete Hemingway.

628 liters of water are required to produce one liter of cow milk.3 Feb 2020, and you get to eat the cow as well or it is used for other products


Yeah, and on top you get all the antibiotics the cow enjoyed to have her lifetime. 

It will save to see a doctor ????

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IF you wait some years, we wil not have cows anymore and therefor no more milk, butter, cheese.

At least not from cows. SO enjoy while you can.

All due to climate change, they say cows causes a big part of it and have to be cut down in numbers.

They are working on that fast. The time will come, you ll have to pay big time for a glass of milk, cheese, butter and even the meat from a cow. Only rich people could afford it then, as with many other things.

Your car on petrol? Out. Using gas to cook? Out.

i would say, almost 9 billion people, cut in that and limit birth. Back to lets say 5 billion. That would be a good step to get climate change down.


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We are lucky to be able to buy fresh milk straight from the farm,making our own yogurt

and cream cheese.

Tastes great and we make a lot of shakes with fresh stuff out of the garden.


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On 7/17/2021 at 5:41 PM, RJRS1301 said:

Neither soy nor almond give milk, milk comes from mammals.

Hard to "milk" either of those plant products.

(6,098 litres) to produce 1 litre of almond milk,” says the Sustainable Restaurant Association's Pete Hemingway.

628 liters of water are required to produce one liter of cow milk.3 Feb 2020, and you get to eat the cow as well or it is used for other products


Milk from plants has been used for at least 800 years.


  • n.
    A whitish liquid containing proteins, fats, lactose, and various vitamins and minerals that is produced by the mammary glands of all mature female mammals after they have given birth and serves as nourishment for their young.
  • n.
    The milk of cows, goats, or other animals, used as food by humans.
  • n.
    Any of various potable liquids resembling milk, such as coconut milk or soymilk.
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6 hours ago, scoupeo said:

Soymilk is cheap and good, i still wonder why anybody with half a brain and respect for animals life is drinking cow milk...

I think I have at least half a brain yet I don't drink milk. But I do eat cheeseburgers and steak, along with wild game meat. God, if you believe in him, put a lot the animals here for us to eat. It's just that cow milk was originally for calves, and not humans. There are many other sources for the nutrients that come from cow's milk. I'm a hunter, and you might not think I have respect for animal life. Quite the contrary, I've always had pets, and respect all life, with the exceptions of those that intentionally hurt other innocent people and animals, meaning pets and not those that are here for consumption. Some eat any animal they can get their hands on, and pets, and that's strange anyway.

Edited by fredwiggy
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17 hours ago, xtrnuno41 said:

i would say, almost 9 billion people, cut in that and limit birth. Back to lets say 5 billion. That would be a good step to get climate change down.

Reducing human numbers is IMO the best solution- less people, less consumption, pollution, environmental destruction etc. So, it seems strange to me that none of our so called leaders on climate change seem to mention population reduction as a solution.

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