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Its the first time I'm worried about living in Thailand. Might be better off leaving for the motherland.


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2 hours ago, Skallywag said:

I am confused. 1000's of people in America, UK, Europe, everywhere have been dying every day for the last 16 months from Covid-19. 

Why is this woman different?

I would suggest that as she is a foreign student, no one would know her history, but state what they have stated and that is enough, i.e. a 38 year old woman with no comorbidities or underlying conditions has died from Covid 19.


When they do actually find out, if ever, will they retract that statement, I doubt it because it suits the narrative. 

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1 hour ago, Doctor Tom said:

Gosh, where to start.   I am none of the things that you mention.  I served my country in the Military for 12 years before entering academia at Cambridge University, first as a student, then as a  researcher.  I then moved to MIT and then Cal Tech  in the US to sample a very different culture and one that I enjoyed, then to Asia.  I mention this to show that I am nether uneducated. nor lack some level of talent in my field of expertise.   My dislike of the UK is broad based, from its poor and expensive infrastructure, to its moaning people, its poor investment over many decades in almost every area of life, its liberal elite that have way too much power and influence, its poor NHS that cannot cope, and provides care that is reduced to the lowest common denominator and yet sucks in billions more each year, its poor and inefficient management ethos, its self serving and arrogant political class.  I haven't got around to the weather, as its a cliche to say its terrible, but like most cliche its basically true. I am not a moaning Brit, far from it.  I am well adjusted and quite happy to spend my time in a country where the things that frustrated the hell out of me in the UK,  don't exist, or don't bother me half as much, mainly because I have no emotional or cultural connection to this country, its just the place where I live right now. I find it infinitely preferable here to the UK in almost all aspects. Oh, and I don't frequent bars in Pattaya, or anywhere else for that matter, I just go there to shop. 

I suspect most of the background education is made up .I was a Cambridge undergraduate and none of this vague jogging between various elite universities rings true.Not a hint of what his profession is.12 years in the military - in what capacity and rank?  Never mind - anyone can be anyone on an anonymous forum so let's move on.No time to deconstruct a Walter Mitty.


The key and illuminating quotes are his dislike for "the liberal elite that has too much power", the "self serving and arrogant political class" and the contempt for the NHS. So what one wonders are the politics of this fellow?


Still I appreciate the comic relief of someone who finds Thailand preferable to the UK in almost all respects -  not itself a foolish sentiment, but utterly ludicrous from someone who purports to dislike a self serving and arrogant political class.

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17 hours ago, Doctor Tom said:

Depends very much on where your 'motherland' actually is. Some are worse than here, not many any better.  As for the UK, my so called motherland, I would rather stick needles in my eyes than go back to that basket case of a country, covid notwithstanding. 

I don't understand this talk of home. If you come to Thailand and live here in Thailand is your home. For me is the only place I have no other home. I was born in Sri Lanka went to England during the war returned to Sri Lanka afterwards. When things got bad I came to Thailand my parents live in Portugal. I hate being  asked where am my from. Many Thais and foreigners ask me this question. I have no answer. So if another country is your home what are you doing in Thailand are you a tourist just here for a short visit or what. ?

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4 hours ago, Harry Om said:
5 hours ago, Skallywag said:

I am confused. 1000's of people in America, UK, Europe, everywhere have been dying every day for the last 16 months from Covid-19. 

Why is this woman different?

She's "different" as she's the first (?) woman under 50 to die of Covid in Australia since the pandemic began, so it's getting massive media.



That and getting milked for all it's worth by the politicians who mishandled and still continue to mishandle Australia's pandemic.

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17 hours ago, Johnny Mac said:

Why start a new thread just to say this?? This could just be posted on one of the many covid threads already running?

Needed some attention ????

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15 hours ago, Heng said:

I mean if you can't buy food 3 days in a row, you might start to think of other ways of acquiring it.... stripping public power cables, petty theft, maybe graduate to burglary... ????


Edited by malibukid
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1 hour ago, Doctor Tom said:

None of that is any of your business and calling me a liar just shows your own ignorance.   For my part, any alumni of my university that I know of would not conduct themselves as you are doing.  I  don't debate or interact with such people.  



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The process of moving your whole family to (I presume) the UK will put you all through a lot more stress, expense & possibly heartache than staying put.

The UK had 22,000 new cases yesterday & 129,000 deaths so far after all the vacconation still not good. The grass is not always greener on the other side of the fence

You will have a chance of being vaccinated this year unless you are in an area with little or no known Covid.

Shut your business down if concerned & stay home & safe. Look after your family, don't expose them to being dragged half way around the world to a strange place at this time & with  winter coming

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So I am in Sisaket - in the high risk group - wondering where or even when to get a vaccine. Tried to get a Moderna. Currently I am travelling as little as possible. Shop in the early morning. Contacted the hospital with my medical records. No luck there.


Just wondering with deep sarcasm.

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18 hours ago, Nickelbeer said:

UK is heaven compared to the USA.  Count your blessings.

Please , anyone who wants a shot can walk in to any large pharmacy and pick what they want. Anyone landing or transiting thru various US airports can get a shot there. No need  to be a citizen or even visiting USA. Most people coming down with covid now are unvacccinated .

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1 minute ago, Tony125 said:

Please , anyone who wants a shot can walk in to any large pharmacy and pick what they want. Anyone landing or transiting thru various US airports can get a shot there. No need  to be a citizen or even visiting USA. Most people coming down with covid now are unvacccinated .

Correction. Most people being hospitalized are unvaccinated. Vaccine does not stop you from contracting the desease.

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3 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

What I dont understand is why the Thai government didnt have the intelligence to pre-pay and mass order the vaccines back when western countries were doing this last yr. Absolutely useless bunch....


Because that would have required a demonstration of leadership, courage, vision, a plan of action, and actually caring about the health of the people. None of which these clowns possess. They even had the arrogance to pass on the COVAX program. Now, they are expressing regret. Now. What goons. What simpletons. The fact that the Thai people allowed the army to assume power, and maintain power all this time is a scary thing to ponder. They must figure out a way to get rid of these toxic creatures, and the sooner, the better. 


Covax was created last year to ensure Covid vaccines were made available around the world, with richer countries subsidising costs for poorer nations.

The scheme hopes to distribute enough vaccines to protect at least 20% of the population in 92 low- or medium-income countries - starting with healthcare workers and the most vulnerable groups.



You have been very vocal about this now... Hindsight is 20/20. If you were truly as concerned as you are trying to appear, I would have expected these posts over a year ago.

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14 minutes ago, mikebike said:

Correction. Most people being hospitalized are unvaccinated. Vaccine does not stop you from contracting the desease.

The vacccines protect most from contracting the virus  and others from having serious effects


Delta variant is dramatically spreading among unvaccinated Americans







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27 minutes ago, crazykopite said:

“Basket case of a country”please enlighten me . I bet if you had a very serious illness you would be back on the first flight to get all your free medical care !

No I would not. The waiting lists for NHS treatments are horrendously long, especially now , with covid taking over the service.  I would pay privately.  

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What is it with so many members talking of their 'mother country'? Why are so many members reluctant to say where they are from? It smells deeply of paranoia, but why exactly? Do they have a deep distrust of other members? Are they afraid that if they reveal where they come from something bad will happen to them, their identity will somehow be compromised and be taken advantage of?


If we knew where the OP's 'mother country' is, we'd know whether that place had better or worse figures when compared to Thailand. As he/she mysteriously prefers to not reveal where they come from it is impossible to say with any certainty whether they are better off here or there. Most countries, until very recently, have suffered far, far worse than Thailand with the virus. Many still have far higher figures of those infected.


Thailand might well catch up a little, even a lot, but whether that should lead to upping sticks and jumping from one frying pan to another is doubtful. That is an extreme move, leaving a country in light of a virus that, despite the effect on some, affects only a very, very tiny percentage of the population. Even taking into account the 'hidden by the government and hidden by social media users' numbers.


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