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Thailand’s slow procurement of jabs and revival of ‘vaccine diplomacy’

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30 minutes ago, mfd101 said:

Um, there's plenty to criticize in Oz (as in any country) including on matters covid, but to suggest that effective (mostly) lockdowns and no covid deaths this year in Oz makes Thailand look wonderful is a strange perception.

My point was the lies that the government tell the people, not the fact that they have 0 deaths this year. 

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

I think most get it,  but I have never met and I doubt any Thai women would word a question like that.

You need to expand your sample of Thai women beyond whatever you know now. Maybe meet some based on intelligence?

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1 hour ago, HaoleBoy said:

Why not write directly to US Senator Tammy Duckworth since she touted the US giving Thailand the free Pfizer vaccines?


I wrote her an email and when I went on the website you had to have a US a address and phone number.  Maybe I read it wrong.  I still have it saved if anyone can point me in the right direction.  

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

My sister lives in Melbourne but is currently stranded in the UK, despite being an Oz citizen, they won't let her back as in lockdown. Amazingly, no one has died of Covid this year!!! 

That's untrue. With the increase in cases in Oz recently, there have been a number of deaths. There were 6 on August 7 alone as the graph below shows.





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3 hours ago, b17 said:

I paraphrased what she said, which was "why don't farangs write a petition to the US embassy about not receiving the promised doses of Pfizer?". Can you assist me in answering that question, assuming that it is of greater importance than my wife's grammatical abilities?

My wife is always asking me to write to Bozo about anything she doesn't like about the UK, Brexit frozen pensions vaccines expat voting rights etc. I tell her that I have many times but I just get refered to my local MP who is a typical young Tory who parrots back the Ministry drivel from the relevant dept repeatedly so much that I can almost write the response myself. When I ask her why doesn't she do the same about lack of vaccines for Thais especially in Chonburi she says it's a waste of time as once they have your vote they do nothing and say nothing until the next 'election'

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4 hours ago, b17 said:

Last night, just before I completed watching the 322nd sheep jump over the fence, my Thai wife tapped me on the shoulder and asked me a question about this forum. 

"If the US government has earmarked a certain percentage of the 1.5 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, why hasn't anyone started a petition to get the benefactors to pressure the recipients to come clean on their commitment to sharing the vaccine with the foreign residents of Thailand?"


I had no answer. Do any of you?

Phizer jabs are being done in medpark, i thought the USA donation was without conditions

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1 hour ago, LivingNThailand said:

I wrote her an email and when I went on the website you had to have a US a address and phone number.  Maybe I read it wrong.  I still have it saved if anyone can point me in the right direction.  

Try using Twitter then and retweet Sen Duckworth's initial tweet back to her  @SenDuckworth

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8 minutes ago, HaoleBoy said:

Try using Twitter then and retweet Sen Duckworth's initial tweet

Thanks, good idea but I have no idea how to twitter or tweet.  I was thinking of using my old US address and phone number.  It's only been 6 years.  Hey, the house is still there. I did live there. And I have a VPN so I'll use Illinois as my location so it might get through.  It's worth a shot.

I also wrote the US Ambassador in BKK.  He has a fancy title, Chargé d’Affaires.  What a loser.  He told me that I could wisk back to the US and get a single shot and wisk back using the Phuket Sandbox.  I had to EXPLAIN to him all the steps it took, how long it would take and how much money it would cost me.  

On a completely separate subject, sort of, they are saying 80% of the people coming in on the Phuket Sandbox are return residents or people visiting family.  I personally know 3 separate people that are going to Europe and returning via the Sand Box.  They have to stay at a hotel for 14 nights just a few streets away from their houses.    Don't get me going.  


Thanks for the idea.  I'll see what I can do.

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11 hours ago, Jonathan Fairfield said:

According to the TDRI, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Israel and Brazil all achieved their procurement targets by using a variety of channels, and not relying on a single government-appointed vaccine committee as in Thailand’s case.

Says it all.... self appointed military leaders have have no right to be in government.

Edited by metisdead
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4 hours ago, b17 said:

Last night, just before I completed watching the 322nd sheep jump over the fence, my Thai wife tapped me on the shoulder and asked me a question about this forum. 

"If the US government has earmarked a certain percentage of the 1.5 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, why hasn't anyone started a petition to get the benefactors to pressure the recipients to come clean on their commitment to sharing the vaccine with the foreign residents of Thailand?"


I had no answer. Do any of you?

Waste of time, because it would be a case of more lies to cover-up the first lies.

The truth will never get out.

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4 hours ago, Neeranam said:

That country is a joke, and makes Thailand look wonderful. 


My sister lives in Melbourne but is currently stranded in the UK, despite being an Oz citizen, they won't let her back as in lockdown. Amazingly, no one has died of Covid this year!!! 

Absolutely disgraceful that she can't return home.  The stranded Australians should be putting together a class action to sue those mongrels in government. If they deliberately hold Australians out of the country in order to "safeguard the masses" then they should have at least offered financial support for said stranded Aussies in order to show them some form of compassion and care. Some of those families are under immense financial duress. It would be easier to get home via Kabul at the moment. 

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Amazing how this group, ThailandDevelopment Research Institute, came up with the obvious so fast………..I can’t imagine a more interesting and intellectual group of people that I would enjoy meeting with????????????


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53 minutes ago, LivingNThailand said:

Thanks, good idea but I have no idea how to twitter or tweet.  I was thinking of using my old US address and phone number.  It's only been 6 years.  Hey, the house is still there. I did live there. And I have a VPN so I'll use Illinois as my location so it might get through.  It's worth a shot.

I also wrote the US Ambassador in BKK.  He has a fancy title, Chargé d’Affaires.  What a loser.  He told me that I could wisk back to the US and get a single shot and wisk back using the Phuket Sandbox.  I had to EXPLAIN to him all the steps it took, how long it would take and how much money it would cost me.  

On a completely separate subject, sort of, they are saying 80% of the people coming in on the Phuket Sandbox are return residents or people visiting family.  I personally know 3 separate people that are going to Europe and returning via the Sand Box.  They have to stay at a hotel for 14 nights just a few streets away from their houses.    Don't get me going.  


Thanks for the idea.  I'll see what I can do.

The response is typical of the embassies and not particularly helpful. 



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6 hours ago, b17 said:

Last night, just before I completed watching the 322nd sheep jump over the fence, my Thai wife tapped me on the shoulder and asked me a question about this forum. 

"If the US government has earmarked a certain percentage of the 1.5 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, why hasn't anyone started a petition to get the benefactors to pressure the recipients to come clean on their commitment to sharing the vaccine with the foreign residents of Thailand?"


I had no answer. Do any of you?

What influence or rights do we as foreigners really have? Zero. 

The only thing that could happen that may be effective is if the US government themself placed pressure on the recipient to comply with the agreed conditions. 


Perhaps with some very stern but diplomatically worded warnings of future assistance being throttled down.  


However, I am not sure if Thailand are particularly bothered by negative consequences, when China is their main buddy.  

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5 hours ago, Misty said:

The only people saying some vaccines were set aside for foreigners were Thai officials.  The official US position has always been that the US vaccine donations have no strings attached.  I've not seen any statement from the US embassy here or elsewhere suggesting anything different.


Whether or not there was some "winking and nodding" at high levels that suggested differently, I wouldn't know.

Correct, the US has stated repeatedly that its vaccine donations are made without conditions. It's a virtual certainty, though, that the set-aside for foreigners was brought up orally by the US side during preliminary discussions, but that they chose to omit it from any formal statements or agreements, presumably so that the Thai side can plausibly maintain a public facade that they are in complete control of the program. The idea that the Thai Government, of its own volition, decided in a spirit of kumbaya generosity to reserve doses for foreign residents is clearly laughable.

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So what can Thailand do with millions of unused SinoVac doses?

1.  Return them to China, and ask for money back?

2. Relabel them as a western vaccine?

3. Sell it as an elixir cure all?

4. Add it to som tam for extra kick?

5. Use it as a benzene additive?

6. Rat poison?

7. Give it to expats in Isaan?

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13 hours ago, b17 said:

Last night, just before I completed watching the 322nd sheep jump over the fence, my Thai wife tapped me on the shoulder and asked me a question about this forum. 

"If the US government has earmarked a certain percentage of the 1.5 million doses of the Pfizer vaccine, why hasn't anyone started a petition to get the benefactors to pressure the recipients to come clean on their commitment to sharing the vaccine with the foreign residents of Thailand?"


I had no answer. Do any of you?

Ask her why no one except few youngsters dont pressure this unelected government for vaccine failure?

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9 hours ago, Geoffggi said:

It is not surprising that the likes of Anutin are wanting immunity from prosecution ............ 

His family are major investors in Sino Thai. They are immensly rich. He will not be successfully prosecuted by anyone.

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8 hours ago, b17 said:


Wrote her like 5 times, before and after she came here to Thailand no response. Also emailed Biden, and many people from congress. One reply Rand Paul, he agreed it sounded unfair but said he would try to find out more info about the policy. He never got back to me. 

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1 hour ago, Isaan sailor said:

So what can Thailand do with millions of unused SinoVac doses?

1.  Return them to China, and ask for money back?

2. Relabel them as a western vaccine?

3. Sell it as an elixir cure all?

4. Add it to som tam for extra kick?

5. Use it as a benzene additive?

6. Rat poison?

7. Give it to expats in Isaan?

They will use it with the first shot Sinovac and second AZ that they are doing now, One jab of that stuff is useless

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9 hours ago, HaoleBoy said:

Is Brazil, a country of 211 million people, an economy of comparable size to Thailand?

Yes, it's based on GDP per capita. Brazil is 8,717.19 USD. Thailand is 7,806.74 USD. Not dissimilar.

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6 hours ago, club said:

This letter from the Embassy pretty much says its a Biden administration policy or USA policy not to send vaccines to ANY (9 million) American citizens living outside of USA. Then The Ambassador Michael Heath says in the letter that Americans that want American vaccines could fly home if they want . 4th paragraph down. This clown has a lot of nerve saying that and i have sent him 6 or 7 emails that lets just say are not very nice. Wont change anything. The USA is offering thousands of vaccinations to illegal aliens crossing the Mexico Southern border, But refuses to help tax paying Americans like us   https://th.usembassy.gov/a-message-to-american-citizens-in-thailand-from-charge-daffaires-michael-heath/?fbclid=IwAR36rvlsjrHfD_5zY0bqkD0Y9L0aRuPMgmp5vZKy4lYOGbckqhpC3Vvvljc

Nothing confusing about it Khunjeff, just read the letter from the Embassy. If your still confused after reading, cant help you

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6 hours ago, chilly07 said:

I tell her that I have many times but I just get refered to my local MP who is a typical young Tory who parrots back the Ministry drivel from the relevant dept repeatedly so much that I can almost write the response myself. 

Well at least you get an answer. My MP is a Lib Dem (jumped ship from the Tories some years ago), and she quite simply doesn't answer. I know she received the email as I got the automated response.

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