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Death rates underline importance of vaccination as government aims for November target for red zones


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18 minutes ago, Gsxrnz said:

I'm just waiting for a country (probably not Thailand) to achieve near a 100% vaccination rate.  Then the "news" will be that 100% of all covid deaths were vaccinated. And that will be added justification for further tyranny. They won't admit that the elderly and morbidly sick almost always die with a lower respiratory disease as a complication anyway.


The world's power hungry elites will go full-metal-jacket and appoint Commissar Jacinda Adern (NZ's woke neurotic millennial version of Oedipus' misandrystic overbearing and tyrannical mother) as the WHO Chief Camp Mother, and send us all to bed without our supper for a generation.



Israel is one of the closest now with 70%+ fully vaccination (with Pfizer i think). They are just going through a new massive outbreak of cases, 8000 a day in a population 1/8 that of Thailand. They need Herr Jacinda.

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I will never understand why people are so fixated on death.  It is long term effects after you get sick that you should be worried about.  

So you have a 1. something chance in 100 of dying, the chances of long covid are nearly 25 percent or more.  It is horrible being sick day in day out with no idea how or when you will get better.  

At some point if you survive and are faced with years of those symptoms you have to wonder if it was worth it.  Some people can hardly make themselves a cup of coffee they are so sick.  

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1 hour ago, Scrotobike said:

"through vaccination and infection in red areas"


Does this mean that in Issan it will be herd immunity by infection only - no vaccines (or too few to be fair) - this it must read "through infection  in Issan?

In Sakon Nakhon alone there have been over 200,000 vaccinations, that's around 20% of the population. It should also be noted that local transmissions of the virus are very low. Almost all new cases are 'imported' from the highly infected regions. And I'm sure that will be reflected across the whole Issan region.


The authorities are quite right IMO to concentrate on those highly infested and densely populated regions. Get the virus under control there and infections in the rural areas will fall away by default.


You're quite right of course, herd immunity can only be fully achieved through infections, but once the vulnerable persons have received full vaccination, the impact on them and the all important medical facilities will be much reduced. 


As a matter of interest, which province do you live in and do you know how many vaccinations have been administered there so far?

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2 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

In Sakon Nakhon alone there have been over 200,000 vaccinations, that's around 20% of the population. It should also be noted that local transmissions of the virus are very low. Almost all new cases are 'imported' from the highly infected regions. And I'm sure that will be reflected across the whole Issan region.


The authorities are quite right IMO to concentrate on those highly infested and densely populated regions. Get the virus under control there and infections in the rural areas will fall away by default.


You're quite right of course, herd immunity can only be fully achieved through infections, but once the vulnerable persons have received full vaccination, the impact on them and the all important medical facilities will be much reduced. 


As a matter of interest, which province do you live in and do you know how many vaccinations have been administered there so far?

Sisaket and no one Thai (or my wife) know has had a vaccination, except one of the nurses. Maybe not scientific but factual. 

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Nearly 64 per cent of people who died from Covid in the past 30 days were unvaccinated, underlying the importance of inoculation, the government said on Friday.

Isn't about 64 percent of the population unvaccinated...????

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5 hours ago, smedly said:

Of the 4,656 people who died from Covid between July 25 and August 19:


2,969 or 63.8 per cent were not vaccinated


316 or 7 per cent were vaccinated with one dose of AstraZeneca for more than two weeks before the infection occurs


118 or 2.6 per cent were vaccinated with one dose of the vaccine for more than four weeks before infection


26 or 0.6 per cent were vaccinated with two doses of the vaccine for more than two weeks before infection.


and the omitted  1227 odd or 30% were they vaccinated with sinovac - am I missing something ? - that is a huge number 


why was this left out ?

i pointed this out in a different thread yesterday, it is odd that they don't give a break down for sinovac the same way they do for AZ.  i don't have the sinovac vaccination numbers handy but if 10 million people have recvd one jab, 1,227 deaths isn't a large percentage of the 10mn.  of course more could die but more will receive the vaccine.  but very strange that they leave out the numbers.



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The majority of us have been sitting at home waiting and waiting and waiting for a vaccine to be available. 'Patiently' has been turning into 'impatiently' for many. 


Many people who wouldn't have died from COVID if they had been vaccinated in time, have died. There are a number of those who didn't die who will/are suffer/ing from 'long COVID' as well.  


I cannot understand why there has been so much hesitancy/slowness to acquire enough vaccines as quickly as possible.  And why such a slow rollout?  What's the holdup?


These delays in acquiring enough vaccines has also financially devastated far more livelihoods due to extremely prolonged lockdowns.  Lifelong hardship and misery is the reality for many now who won't be able to recover.  


I see that protestors have expressed extreme anger and made various accusations.  And the government has also given their reasons.  What is the truth?


I think most of us would concur, that we are not ready to die, so please can we have the vaccine ASAP to reduce the chances of a premature death?  


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5 hours ago, Gsxrnz said:

I'm just waiting for a country (probably not Thailand) to achieve near a 100% vaccination rate.  Then the "news" will be that 100% of all covid deaths were vaccinated. And that will be added justification for further tyranny. They won't admit that the elderly and morbidly sick almost always die with a lower respiratory disease as a complication anyway.


The world's power hungry elites will go full-metal-jacket and appoint Commissar Jacinda Adern (NZ's woke neurotic millennial version of Oedipus' misandrystic overbearing and tyrannical mother) as the WHO Chief Camp Mother, and send us all to bed without our supper for a generation.



As a segue, talking of Jacinda; Yep, she's not as virtuous as she makes out to be.  She's all for virtue signaling when it suits.  Case in point: the mosque massacre in NZ from a crazed gunman.  Jacinda wore a Hijab and did a lot of hugging. Ok that's fine.  

But when it comes to the growing evidence of mass genocide on an industrial scale, organ harvesting, rapes of women and children - in Uighur concentration camps, she refused to talk about it.  No Hijab wearing this time.  Reason is because NZ has done well from trade embargoes and massive tariff hikes against Australia and CCP controlled China.  Money talks, human lives come last.  Hypocrisy supreme.  

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6 hours ago, petermik said:

It`s not rocket science is it...pity they didn`t think of this many months ago...

It's even more "not rocket science"... that the WHO itself... doesn't know what is "herd immunity" for Sars-Cov2 !



"The proportion of the population that must be vaccinated against COVID-19 to begin inducing herd immunity is not known."


Difficult to make it clearer...


Link : https://www.who.int/news-room/q-a-detail/herd-immunity-lockdowns-and-covid-19


I guess the thai authorities didn't receive the memo (published end of december 2020).


Last but not least, after we reach 158 % of the thai population vaccinated (dogs included)... perhaps we will look at Israel (and other countries) and ask them what they think about "herd immunity"....


It seems that the plan... doesn't work quite well, against a virus that mutates/recombines very quickly...

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4 hours ago, Scrotobike said:

Sisaket and no one Thai (or my wife) know has had a vaccination, except one of the nurses. Maybe not scientific but factual. 

I live in Sisaket too, and got my first AZ jab on june 8th and will get the second on 31th august. I know several other foreigners who also got vaccinated and in my amphur there are thousands of Thais who have been vaccinated. My wife got the jab the same time as me and she says that more ten thousands have been vaccinated here.

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The Thais can only blame their lame government for not getting the vaccines. Sure they wear off and do not stop transmission and may not be viable against new strains, but they seem to keep most out of the hospital. It’s a sad state of affairs but Thailand has already shot themselves in both feet and if they don’t wise up soon and let the vaccinated in they’re doomed. 

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10 hours ago, Gsxrnz said:

Not really.  I have what Kiwi's call Jacindaphobia.  The most distasteful side effect of the condition is that the mere sight of her image makes you want to run off and slam a car door on your personal appendage.

Now thats taking it to far.

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9 hours ago, Scrotobike said:

Sisaket and no one Thai (or my wife) know has had a vaccination, except one of the nurses. Maybe not scientific but factual. 

In Khonkaen i know many Thai and Westerners and i have my over 60 Pfizer confirmed on the 12 Sept with 4 others that i know all Pfiser. 

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28% of Thai people have had at least one jab (August 19).  36% of deaths are among the vaccinated.


Seems like the headline is telling us something about the jabs?


More likely, I think it says something about the folly of doing any analysis or making any decisions based on numbers put out in support of a narrative.



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I hope that all Thais including the children will have had their 2 shots of a COVID vaccine by the end of 2022.

   Right now the hospitals are way too full of sick people, and it is hard on the staff, who must be burning out

like they are in other parts of the world.  It is not easy being a doctor or nurse, when you work all the long

hours and see so many people dying by them selves, in the manner that most do when they get in contact

with the CIOVID virus, as well as what ever other illness they had.  As for the poster who does not like

the New Zealand leader, do you live in NZ? Do you have respect for any one, and please do not be looking in the

mirror, as you don't count. 


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