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Suspended jail terms and fines for monks caught drinking at Chiang Mai party


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30 minutes ago, 2long said:

15 days in jail SUSPENDED for a YEAR, is hardly a punishment OR a deterrent, is it? ????????????????

IF this happened to the farangs drinking everyone would cry foul. Nobody has been send to jail for breaking covid rules why should these monks be send to jail ?


I mean this went already further then just a fine.

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Well, the men of the cloth are supposed to have no money whatsoever. That would make the fining of Baht 10'000 for the Covid-rule-breaking plus a Baht 2'500 booze charge obsolete due to impossibility of collection. 

The 15 days jail corresponds to studies in the solidarity cubicle in the temple (กุฏิ) but wondering, if all this will put them back on track. 

Alternatively they will get defrocked (what a word) and can carry on their illegal activities without spiritual fears in the next or after-life! 


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2 hours ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Why on earth do they become Monks, when they want to live and behave like normal men?  It's not compulsory!!!!!!!!!!!

Too lazy to work: better wear a saffron robe and allow yourself some good time occasionally.

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3 hours ago, 2long said:

15 days in jail SUSPENDED for a YEAR, is hardly a punishment OR a deterrent, is it? ????????????????

15 days in jail suspended for a year and given a fine that they can't possibly pay...

talk about getting let off.

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3 hours ago, prakhonchai nick said:

Why on earth do they become Monks, when they want to live and behave like normal men?  It's not compulsory!!!!!!!!!!!

Beats working or not as the case maybe, and sleeping in a shop doorway.

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During my early morning walks i quite often see poor people donating food and sometimes money to the monks.The fines in this case of abuse will come from the donations of often misguided people who believe  monks in Thailand live a monastic life .

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I've witnessed monks in Chaingmai having a cigarette outside pantip plaza and pulling out bundles of cash whilst purchasing the latest smart phones.

I've also seen women leaving a temple in the early hours.

My ex stopped practicing Buddhism after her brother did 6 months at a temple and told her what went on!

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59 minutes ago, Dont confuse me said:

I've witnessed monks in Chaingmai having a cigarette outside pantip plaza and pulling out bundles of cash whilst purchasing the latest smart phones.

I've also seen women leaving a temple in the early hours.

My ex stopped practicing Buddhism after her brother did 6 months at a temple and told her what went on!

Lots of monks smoke.  You can be an addict as long as what your addicted to doesn't make you feel too good.  The fact that they are nicotine addicts imho is the primary issue.  But the Sangha leaders don't push the issue.  They leave it to the individual abbots at monasteries to sort out.

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5 hours ago, EricTh said:

Authentic Buddhist monks are not supposed to drink alcohol nor eat meat.

The former is true and will get you de-robed and kicked out.
The latter is not true at all.  Most Thai Buddhist monks in the Theravada traditions eat whatever is given to them.  The precepts are against taking life, there is nothing in the precepts about eating meat that is offered on alms rounds.
Tibetan monks?  That's a different story.  Many non-meat eating monks in the Northern Vajrayana tradition.

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7 minutes ago, connda said:

The former is true and will get you de-robed and kicked out.
The latter is not true at all.  Most Thai Buddhist monks in the Theravada traditions eat whatever is given to them.  The precepts are against taking life, there is nothing in the precepts about eating meat that is offered on alms rounds.
Tibetan monks?  That's a different story.  Many non-meat eating monks in the Northern Vajrayana tradition.


Animals must be killed in order for them to be eaten so the monks are indirectly killing them. Vietnamese, Malaysian, Singaporean Buddhist monks don't eat meat.



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4 minutes ago, EricTh said:


Animals must be killed in order for them to be eaten so the monks are indirectly killing them. Vietnamese, Malaysian, Singaporean Buddhist monks don't eat meat.



Just saying the saying Buddhist monks don't eat meat is painting with a broad brush.  It depends on the tradition.  Historically, even Siddhārtha Gautama Buddha ate meat.  The Theravada tradition has no rules about meat consumption. Sect of the Mahayana and Vajrayana do.  Most Vietnamese Buddhists are Mahayana.  There are Theravadan monks in Vietnam, and they will eat meat.  It has to do with tradition and not geography.  Just saying...

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15 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, the men of the cloth are supposed to have no money whatsoever. That would make the fining of Baht 10'000 for the Covid-rule-breaking plus a Baht 2'500 booze charge obsolete due to impossibility of collection. 

The 15 days jail corresponds to studies in the solidarity cubicle in the temple (กุฏิ) but wondering, if all this will put them back on track. 

Alternatively they will get defrocked (what a word) and can carry on their illegal activities without spiritual fears in the next or after-life! 


I think quite a few go in and come out alot richer than when they entered the temple.

They aren't supposed to do many things but even here in the depths of Isaan, you see them openly smoking, driving, spending money in the local village shops etc etc.

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16 hours ago, Dont confuse me said:

I've witnessed monks in Chaingmai having a cigarette outside pantip plaza and pulling out bundles of cash whilst purchasing the latest smart phones.

I've also seen women leaving a temple in the early hours.

My ex stopped practicing Buddhism after her brother did 6 months at a temple and told her what went on!

Yes. Not all monks are the same. 


"Thailand's 'jet-set' monk sentenced to 114 years in prison" 



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2 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

Yes. Not all monks are the same. 


"Thailand's 'jet-set' monk sentenced to 114 years in prison" 



Smoking is not on the list. When they wrote down the rules (2000+ years ago) smoking was not discovered yet. You can avoid the money rules by using a credit card (plastic) or by putting it in an envelope.


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