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“Skip online learning” campaign launched Monday


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The “skip online learning” twitter campaign, launched by the anti-establishment “Bad Students” movement, to reject the online teaching being applied in most schools across Thailand during the COVID-19 pandemic, is trending on social media today (Monday).


The movement is urging students to skip online classes, from today until Friday, in protest against the online teaching method which, it claims, is ineffective and discouraging for many students who may not understand the lessons being taught and cannot ask their teachers for explanations.


It also claimed that many students are not ready for online learning, implemented about four months ago, due to the lack of learning tools, while several teachers themselves are not fully prepared as well.


Full Story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/skip-online-learning-campaign-launched-monday/


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Students strike against online schooling

By Pear Maneechote




Thai students went on strike Monday to protest against having to learn online from home on their first day back at school in a campaign led by prominent pro-democracy youth movement Bad Student. 


With the slogan and hashtag #ไม่เรียนออนไลน์แล้วอิสัส (no more online learning, you animals), netizens and young people throughout the country protested against the disruption that online learning and COVID-19 have caused to their mental health and well-being, as well as their academic achievements.


“Would you please take care and responsibility for the kids’ mental health?” the campaign wrote. “We skip our lessons to teach you one,” another slogan of the movement said.  


Full story: https://www.thaienquirer.com/32268/students-strike-against-online-schooling/


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23 minutes ago, zzaa09 said:

Not much difference between online or in class learning, to be honest.

True but still having to pay school fees for unoriginal content while my missus bears the brunt of being 24 hour caretaker plus teacher of multiple subjects, when that is not even expected of teachers in a school environment is extracting the urine in my opinion 

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The choices are limited.  I think that with the new term starting in a month  they can open the schools and start teaching again in class.


I agree that students need to learn in a classroom but really did the government have a choice.


We are no different than a lot of other  countries that had to go to the online lessons.  It is a fact of life.



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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

It also claimed that many students are not ready for online learning, implemented about four months ago, due to the lack of learning tools, while several teachers themselves are not fully prepared as well.

Only several?

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2 hours ago, simon43 said:

Could you recognise a picture of General Yamamoto?  Hitler is an irrelevance to them..




Interesting point you make, but do you have any reason to believe that most Thais would recognise Yamamoto?


Also, Yamamoto was only one of several Japanese commanders involved in WW2. The likes of Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill were the leaders of their countries.



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8 hours ago, ThaIrish Sean said:

Although I agree online learning is terrible, is it any worse than the so called education Thais get in the state system?

When my staff could not identify Adolf Hitler in a picture, that was a sad reflection on the education system.

I bet they could identify anything in Thai history for the last 500 years... 

World knowledge is a mystery to most.

I showed my students a world atlas, the facial expressions was astonishing.

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4 minutes ago, nkg said:


Interesting point you make, but do you have any reason to believe that most Thais would recognise Yamamoto?


Also, Yamamoto was only one of several Japanese commanders involved in WW2. The likes of Hitler, Stalin, Roosevelt and Churchill were the leaders of their countries.



Field Marshal Phibun was quite an admirer of the Imperial Japanese and their way throughout the late 30s into the 1940s

He had the occasion to have Yamamoto visit a couple of times in this era. 


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12 hours ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Ugh, where to begin. I can't speak for all Thai govt schools, but as far as mine goes out here in Issan, the lessons nor teaching aren't the problem. We've been doing everything we can.

Thanks for your post. Enjoyed first hand report from personal experience.

Easy for blokes like me with no kids. 

I think the younger ones are missing out the most, if it's even possible to rank this bad situation.

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12 minutes ago, patman30 said:

so this is why the teacher has said there is no skool this week

about time and good if teachers are speaking up
online learning is abysmal

Perhaps they'll take this real learning experience back to their respective teaching situations. 



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8 hours ago, ThaIrish Sean said:

Although I agree online learning is terrible, is it any worse than the so called education Thais get in the state system?

When my staff could not identify Adolf Hitler in a picture, that was a sad reflection on the education system.

they don't even know Thai history, or pretty much anything out of their province


show them a video of Bangkok, most won't be able to identify it


on a positive note, whilst most don't show up for online learning, they do show up when there's a test

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It’s all so visible for all now - Thai online is just as bad as attending a Thai school. 

“Can’t ask the teacher for explanations” ?? They don’t anyway - they sit there and copy from the board. Lol 


Great to see that the students do learn something at an early age - to make excuses. 

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5 hours ago, remobb said:

Now the students logging in is something else. Many students sign in then do not respond when asked a question (are they really there?) I have had students telling me they are out with their parents???

Yup, my experience has been much the same. It's as if they leave their phones on the table, then go do something else. I keep teaching for the few who remain engaged. The old "starfish on the beach" story.


Having to work for their parents is a frequent excuse. Yes, we get that Covid has taken its toll financially, and thus they now want the kids helping out in the shop. Yet I've seen a few of such children in their parents' food stalls, still diligently filling out their notebooks.

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13 hours ago, ThaIrish Sean said:

Although I agree online learning is terrible, is it any worse than the so called education Thais get in the state system?

When my staff could not identify Adolf Hitler in a picture, that was a sad reflection on the education system.


Who is this ?? -


I would like to make the point that while it is shocking to a Westerner that Thai’s may not be able to identify Hitler, perhaps there History education was of subject matter closer to home. 


That said, how many Thai’s could identify the Character below? - not many would be my guess, so that throws my idea out of the window. 


Yes, the Thai education system is a shambles - these ‘Bad Students’ campaigners are doing the right thing by protesting for better education and education reform, they do need a better name though. 


Screenshot 2021-09-07 at 12.52.10.png

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19 minutes ago, richard_smith237 said:

I would like to make the point that while it is shocking to a Westerner that Thai’s may not be able to identify Hitler, perhaps there History education was of subject matter closer to home. 

I doubt many Thais could identify Saloth Sar, Brother Number One or Pol Pot either. 


The ones I have spoken to know next to nothing about what went on across the border.

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I sat behind an 11yo nephew to watch an online "lesson" the other morning.

I asked him "what is this lesson?"......he didn't understand the question,  so his mother piped up "it's an English lesson"  

Well the teacher was a Male Thai and I couldn't understand a word he was saying! (Albeit cast on a smartphone)


Ive lived in SE Asia and East Asia for decades and very used to listening to weird accents speaking English. 

But this guy was a shocker. 

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