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Nurse made money transfers to herself as Covid patient lay dying in coma in private hospital


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These type of heartless crimes are happening all over the world where hapless hospital's patients and home care residents have been taken advantage of as some care givers just can't help themselves to just give care and not commit embezzlement...

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20 minutes ago, Mickeymaus said:


Sure. Password must be minimum 16 characters long, contain small letters, capital letters, numbers, special characters, not be any recognised name, nor sequence on the keyboard or in alphabet, and must not be used anywhere else. You must not write any of them down, and it must be replaced every week for security reasons with something that does not have any characters in common with previous password. No password can be reused for at least 5 years.


Practical? Not really. But we're close to getting to the above point so something else will need to be done.


Btw - check https://haveibeenpwned.com/Passwords

You can download list of passwords that crackers will try first to break into your account.

You can also on the same website enter your email address to see if your password has already been leaked.


So passwords are not really the answer. For fingerprints you would still need to be there, alive, in coma or deep asleep (many sensors don't only check fingerprint but also whether there is heartbeat), to login in your name. Passwords can be used remotely.


Personally I use multi-factor authentication for everywhere I can. And yes, fingerprints are part of it.



Verify at: http://verify.CompTIA.org

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54 minutes ago, jackdd said:

The article says that she had the PIN, so not much to do with the security of fingerprints

"The poster thinks that the dying man's finger was used to scan an app and make the transfer"


Sounds like it was fingerprint for the banking app, and PIN for phone access. 

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1 hour ago, tomazbodner said:

I guess for a nurse, facial recognition, iris scan or even DNA sample would not be much of a hassle.


What would you suggest?

I got finger print scanner to open my phone, but a pin code as extra security on my Kasikorn app. Seems to do the trick.

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How many  families do I know of who were busy draining their dying rellies account while the poor sod was in hospital, or   non compos  mentis whilst in a nursing home...Even  happened in my own immediate family.  Some  people are just  vultures.

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Well, no surprises here. 

At least they should name the culprit with photos and details to really ensure, that she gets the message of what terrible act she did. It is not about the amount but the terrible character and mind set this woman has. 
It is theft; irrespective of robbing a bank or an unconscious patient = theft is theft. Put her in the slammer and demote her to never ever work as a nurse again! 

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7 hours ago, tomazbodner said:

I guess for a nurse, facial recognition, iris scan or even DNA sample would not be much of a hassle.


What would you suggest?

You don't know the ways to secure a phone? How about using a PIN - but don't give it to a nurse.

Edited by Bangkok Barry
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26 minutes ago, tomazbodner said:
1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

You don't know the ways to secure a phone? How about using a PIN - but don't give it to a nurse.

Now how come nobody ever thought of that possibility...

Now how come nobody somebody ever thought of that possibility...

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9 hours ago, Mickeymaus said:

A good example how insecure fingerprint scanners can be. 

Fictional spy movies have been using dead people's finger prints, heads removed for retinal eye scanners, and other body parts for decades.   Anybody see the myth busters episode where they were able to get a finger print from a surface, then make a copy of it, enhance it a bit, and then just using that were able to successfully use the finger print on a device.

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