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Foreigner criticized after taxi attack over 10 baht - claimed driver took a detour


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Two wrongs don't make a right.  I use to have fun haggling over ten Bht They would say Mai di I would say ok you died go to walk away they would say OK  you buy. Then I would give them the 10 Bht back. On a serious note I alwys tipped never had problem . But alway agree price BEFORE-HAND. If you don;t like walk away. Simply Don't forget to smile

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  There is some conflicting information between the OP and the link. The OP states the argument was over a 40 baht fare and a 50 baht charge, while the link states 40 baht    and 70 baht.  https://www.brighttv.co.th/news/cheat-fare   If this foreigner regularly took this route and the fare was usually 40 baht, I can understand them challenging the 70 baht charge, if the taxi driver had deliberately padded the fare by taking a longer route. The driver claims he had to take a detour, which increased the fare, but maybe he didn't and was caught. The only unsubstantiated information about the incident comes from the taxi driver and spectators, not the foreigner.  Most poster's have referred to the foreigner as "He", but the link says "She" and from the picture I would agree. 

   How would you react if something similar happened to you? There have been posters on this forum that have ranted and raved about being charged the regular price at checkout, while because of an employee error, an expired "sale" price sticker was still displayed on the shelf.

    If they were given back to much change would they give it back or say nothing? A persons true character is revealed, if one chooses the latter and not the former. I try not judge people I have not personally met, but sometimes their words or actions do that for me.





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12 hours ago, ukrules said:

Yes, I've sees this many times over the years. If someone is ripping me off I tend to make a noise, pay them if it's not overly high and then don't use them again. If I get a fair bill and what I ordered that's where the tips come in.


I'm known to be quite a generous tipper by everyone who deals with me on a regular basis and believe me, this policy always more than pays off in the long run.


I've been doing this for decades even though I come from the UK where tipping is not (or wasn't) generally much of a thing - this policy works well everywhere.


I don't go over the top, to me it's pocket change but I know it makes a difference to service people.


When I order something online from a local store, even something like a sandwich, the delivery people all know me well, I'm the guy who buys them a cheap lunch for good service - and surprisingly enough I always get good service - they tend to go the extra mile when I place an order.


It's people like you that give foreigners a good name.

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10 hours ago, Tony125 said:

Same here, I usually tip even if going short distance on motorcy or regular taxi. Has beeen repaid as I have been waiting sometime in the rain and taxi has pulled over for me without me waving them down and with Thai standing around me becuase they recognise me as the guy who always give them a tip. Even in resturant, cashier and waitress know I tip so when they had lockdown and had to call for take out had a waitrees in Foodland follow me into their supurmarket and said if you want something Tony just tell me and we will bring it over to  you when you finish shopping.

And, she followed you home ?

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As soon as he went a different / longer way, I would have just had him stop right away, pay him the meter fee, exit and get another taxi.  When I lived in Taipei, the driver always had to pay the first 50-70nt (same baht approx) to the taxi company.  So if myself or me/my buddies were boozing and the driver took a longer route/turn, we just had him stop right there.  Sometimes, if he did a quick turn, he would owe the company $$ and he definitely lost with us as we were usually going from one end of the city to the other.  I am not sure how they do it for sure there in BKK, but that's what I would have done.  Ask to stop, pay, no confrontation and they lose/or hopefully lose what they love most......$$.


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12 hours ago, Mac Mickmanus said:

Taxi drivers often know the quickest way to go , rather than the shortest way to go , like avoiding traffic lights and traffic jams 

That's right.  Taxi drivers don't want to keep you in the car that long.  They want to get you to your destination and then get a new fare as quickly as possible.  They make more from each fare with the automatic 35 baht then with a longer period of time spent in the car.  

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This expat is just a cheap Charlie, who was being a jerk over 10 baht.

  I have had many drivers tell me that they took a bit longer because of a few

reasons, most being construction, and one, the drive pointed to lots of smoke,

rising up from a fuel truck fire. I have paid extra tips for the drivers honesty and

  good explanations. It is ignorant to be cheap, but there are people all over the 

world that are.  I have met a few grumpy old expats in Bangkok and other places

who did not have many friends, and they were ignorant enough that they did not understand

why.  Sad state of affairs.


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4 hours ago, mushroomdave said:

As soon as he went a different / longer way, I would have just had him stop right away, pay him the meter fee, exit and get another taxi.  When I lived in Taipei, the driver always had to pay the first 50-70nt (same baht approx) to the taxi company.  So if myself or me/my buddies were boozing and the driver took a longer route/turn, we just had him stop right there.  Sometimes, if he did a quick turn, he would owe the company $$ and he definitely lost with us as we were usually going from one end of the city to the other.  I am not sure how they do it for sure there in BKK, but that's what I would have done.  Ask to stop, pay, no confrontation and they lose/or hopefully lose what they love most......$$.


Any  passenger who wants to get a 10 Baht discount seems to like money more than the driver

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22 hours ago, robblok said:

Some people are just incredibly stupid and cheap. They seem to think they are superior and can do as they please. 10bt is nothing not worth the trouble. What the taxi driver did was wrong but foreigners like that will be in trouble when given enough time.


I seen guys like that too think they know best think everything is a scam and the Thais are the enemies. Utterly useless people still violence is a step too far. But its almost unavoidable if you behave like that.

So true. I understand that frustrations can build up. Occasionally I lose it too, warranted or not, but restrain myself in public. I fully realize that there would be days (or weeks!) like that in my home country too.


For some people here though it becomes a daily aggravation that consumes their composure and poisons their day. That's probably a sign that it's time to start over in another country. That's one reason I'm here now.


Life is too short to spend in a foul mood. Don't sweat the small stuff, and most of it is small stuff.

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Another example I had a taxi driver who lives near my soi in Bangkok take me to Mochit. I was in a hurry and it was dark, so I gave him 100 baht and 20 baht tip.  Next day he came down to my wife's store and gave her 400 baht. He said he thought I had given him the usual 100 baht but he saw it was 500 baht bill so came back to give  me the change.  She gave him 100 baht for being honest.

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22 hours ago, Zack61 said:

Maybe 10 baht was the the straw that broke the camel's back. May have been at the back end of a day that kept going wrong for him. Under normal circumstances you wouldn't think he'd bother with all the rigmarole.

But how many people wait for  10 Baht change when they've handed  over 100 Baht for goods, the goods being 90 Baht

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On 9/13/2021 at 4:29 PM, Zack61 said:

Maybe 10 baht was the the straw that broke the camel's back. May have been at the back end of a day that kept going wrong for him. Under normal circumstances you wouldn't think he'd bother with all the rigmarole.

Years back in Bangkok I often wondered when a farang I was aware of would get beaten up. He was always very rude to taxi drivers, restaurant staff, staff in bars etc.


The only time I travelled in a taxi with him (and several others) he sat in the front seat and yelled the destination, driver said mai khowchai (I don't understand), farang then abused driver because he couldn't speak English.


Another farang strongly told the farang in the front to stop his abuse them politely told the driver, in Thai, the destination.


All the time to the destination the rude guy in the front sat with his long right arm (he was a quite big guy) around the drivers head support and banged his fist hard against the side of the heat support on the drivers door side.


He banged the side of the head rest so hard it made the headrest shake. The driver sat very forward with one eye on the farang and obviously afraid of the situation.


I refused all further invitations to join this guy in any transport, eating in restaurants etc.


Later he was deported for long overstay.

Edited by scorecard
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On 9/13/2021 at 2:24 PM, ezzra said:

So he can speak the lingo meaning he has been here for quite a while and he STILL think it's a good idea to start an argument over 10 baht? he may speak the language but he learned nothing of living and assimilating in this country and to let go when letting go is the best thing to do...

This is called keen yow, cheap Charlie, how do you think he’s stayed in no more smiles so long.

40 baht bowl of fly lice tukwan.

 Never tipped, stay in fan loom, never use fan, no pay fi because not use. I know this guy  but he stays in Sakon Nakhon, might be his brother.

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On 9/13/2021 at 12:27 PM, ukrules said:

Yes, I've sees this many times over the years. If someone is ripping me off I tend to make a noise, pay them if it's not overly high and then don't use them again. If I get a fair bill and what I ordered that's where the tips come in.


I'm known to be quite a generous tipper by everyone who deals with me on a regular basis and believe me, this policy always more than pays off in the long run.


I've been doing this for decades even though I come from the UK where tipping is not (or wasn't) generally much of a thing - this policy works well everywhere.


I don't go over the top, to me it's pocket change but I know it makes a difference to service people.


When I order something online from a local store, even something like a sandwich, the delivery people all know me well, I'm the guy who buys them a cheap lunch for good service - and surprisingly enough I always get good service - they tend to go the extra mile when I place an order.


If you are nice to people, people will be nice to you - as simple as that.

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Well, the cabbies are at it again. 

I had an incident taking a taxi for a B37 trip around the corner, as it was raining cats and dogs. The meter read B37 and I gave the driver a 100 Baht bill and told him, that 50 Baht change would be OK. 

He turned around and said, that he had no change whatsoever. As I heard that before, I told the driver, that he had three options:

  • look oncemore for change in the car (ashtray, door pouch etc.)
  • drive around the block until the meter would show B99
  • stay put and parked until the meter would have inched its way to B99

Miracles happen every day, he found change immediately yet he had killed his tip in the process. Wondering, if he ever pulled that no-change-stint ever again ...... 

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