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Do you believe its Cod and why

Mac Mickmanus

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On 9/16/2021 at 10:59 AM, worgeordie said:

If it is Cod , it will be Pacific Cod , processed in China,

Atlantic Cod is just too expensive to used in fish & Chips,

here. but looks good ,nice batter and decent chips. 

regards Worgeordie

Correct. I would put my money on it being Vietnamese catfish, Basa or Tra, which is used in fish 'n chips the world over. it's the most popular and cheapest fish and chip fish on the planet. Mild, flaky and filthy from fish farms in the Mekong River basin. It can be called "Pacific Dory" in SEA. They can get away with calling fish anything they like in Thailand. Imagine the pollution in the Mekong River water by the time it reaches the delta in Vietnam. It's probably some of the most polluted water on earth. I won't touch it.  

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Was economical getting imported "Cod, Haddock and Plaice" to grace the first Fish and Chip shop in Saudi Arabia back in the 80's.


Perhaps Dee's Fish and Chips get substantial discounts for bulk.



Edited by Paul Catton
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No big flakes of meat, so it's not cod. The flesh looks more like pangasius to me, a farmed catfish also known (romantically, lol) as Pacific Dory, and very cheap and easy to find here in Thailand. Nothing wrong with it either, I often eat it.


If you want to eat really good fish, though, Friendship in Pattaya (I know, not easy to get to from CM) has a range of top quality imported deep sea fish from New Zealand. They're not cheap, but the fish is wonderful. Maybe you can find them in a local farang-oriented supermarket in CM?



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On 9/16/2021 at 10:26 AM, HeijoshinCool said:



I don't think this will make it for 700 pages like the "Do you believe in God?" thread.....


But, who knows? People might keep posting just for the halibut.

I go along with Rowan Atkinson when he said in the comedy, 'Cod will have to wait for their own convention.'

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On 9/16/2021 at 4:26 AM, HeijoshinCool said:



I don't think this will make it for 700 pages like the "Do you believe in God?" thread.....


But, who knows? People might keep posting just for the halibut.

This is the wrong plaice for gags like that

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