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Udon Thani police searches home of Swiss national who killed armed intruder at his house after mother of slain man claims almost 300,000 baht was missing


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5 hours ago, meechai said:

Man with a gun entered another mans house


Owner beats him to death...where is the problem?


Who cares what dead man's mother claims he may or may not have had cash wise? That he previously "had" 300k baht does not mean  a thing in this story. This story is centered around an armed intrusion into another mans home period.


Bottom line any intruder found with a gun in my house at night will be found there in the morning (albeit motionless)


Side Show: This Thai man was supposedly having an affair with the Swiss mans wife....Now he shows up after midnight with a gun in the Swiss mans house? Guess what the plan actually was at that point?


Now dead Thai man's mother makes a claim the dead man had 300k baht & what?? Udon Police visit Swiss man why? They think maybe he set it all up? Had Thai man appear at his home with gun & 300k so Swiss could rob him? Amazing Thailand

If we ever have a dispute, I will just invite you over to my house and then kill you... I will then give you a gun, pretend it was in self defense... and you will be fine with that ... no investigation needed. 


The job of the police is to investigate and provide the facts and make sure they have the facts, not just rely on the only living witness and accept his word for it.  It will then be up to the Crown Prosecutor and courts to decide if it was unlawful murder or lawful self-defense.

Edited by bkkcanuck8
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Just now, bkkcanuck8 said:

If we ever have a dispute, I will just invite you over to my house and then kill you... I will then give you a gun, pretend it was in self defense... and you will be fine with that ... no investigation needed. 


The job of the police is to investigate and provide the facts and make sure they have the facts, not just rely on the only living witness and accept his word for it.

You seem to ignore the fact that this drama occurred in Thailand. 

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2 hours ago, edwardflory said:

Go to your bank, withdraw 100,000bt, fold it and put in your pocket.


Makes quite a buldge, now multiply times 3.


Can you really believe a person carries around 300 X 100,000bt (+/-) notes, climbs a wall,  breaks into someone's house in the middle of the night and threatened the home owner with a gun?


This story gets better each day. Movie time!!!

exactly my thoughts. Where on his person was he carrying that big lump ? 


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3 hours ago, mokwit said:

I would be a bit more cynical than that - does the story not make mention of M-O-N-E-Y. Obviously the family will be expecting the Swiss guy to "give back" the 300,000.


I am watching this unfold with serious concern. There is no doubt in my mind who is lying and I am concerned the story is being taken seriously.

I wonder how many pockets this Thai guy had, gun plus 300,000 baht on him and was still able to climb over the wall. And why would a thief take 300,000 Baht with him to a robbery.? This has all the makings of a great mystery movie. Maybe even rival the Saudi gem scam of years ago.

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23 minutes ago, CM Dad said:

t would have to be a very, very small piece of land if he only got 300,000 baht for it.....oh wait, I forgot about the new Harley that has gone missing as well.

We are talking Issan Prices,  CM Dad....not walking street prices.............

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28 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

The headline is misleading.


I think the dead guys family are trying to defend their family name by saying he didn't go there to steal as he had plenty money already from sale of the land. I think it is bad reporting that implies he had any money with him or on his person. However, since his demise this money has disappeared. The family will say anything because they know if it comes to light as to the whereabouts of the money, the police will seize it for evidence, and then it REALLY will disappear.


They are trying to justify what he was doing there in the dead of night at the Swiss guys house and then suggesting he was there at the request of the Swiss guys wife as they were involved in a love tryst. They try to justify the gun by saying it is a legal firearm, but don't say why he had it on his person.


Now, 1. The 250,000 has actually gone missing ( 40,000 baht deposit he was given prior to all this ) 2. They have taken it themselves and are trying to make a cover story to deflect attention. 3. They can't find it after his death as he hasn't told them where it is. They suspect, without evidence, he has given it to the Swiss guys wife, or she has somehow taken possession of it.


I think for sure the family are clutching at straws.


Gossip always prevails in this village incidents and they never let the truth get in the way of a good conspiracy story. It is quite possible this dead man told them nothing as to what he had done with the money or where he had put it. Why is that so hard to believe? It is perfectly normal in Isaarn.


Thais even leave the house here and never tell the family where they are going. You must have come across that, those that live here?


You go and call upon somebody at their home, (it can be as innocent as he is a workman and you require some labour), the family just say ' He's gone outside '  When will he be back? The answer is  " I don't know"


Now, What was he doing in the dead of night at another persons house with a firearm. That is what needs to be understood and an answer found. I don't think there is anything suspicious in throwing a gun in a pond by the victim, he probably wanted the gun as far away as possible from himself and the assailant.


For sure, I believe the Swiss guys wife knew the defendant, they live in the same village, everybody knows everybody, but I wouldn't leap and accuse her of having an affair with him. Plenty of time Thai males can make unwanted advances to females with foreign husbands who they perceive as rich, due to stories in the village or just down to the fact they have a car and a decent house with comfortable surroundings in comparison to the locals.


My god, many of the ' houses ' here where I live in Isaarn don't even have windows let alone furniture.

It is a possibility that the Thai wanted back the money that her "sister" had stolen from him, it is that money was the only words he knew, if this is the truth it would be a terrible mistake on the part of the Swiss, but that does not change the fact that he killed the man and here the situation does not exclude that he acted in self-defense for the Swiss, because the wife may have told the Swiss that the brother comes to get the money, increasing even more the confusion in the Swiss who in this case could be declared an accomplice of the murder together to his wife because it was not an attack for the purpose of stealing, but a very trivial dispute over money.

It is a very complicated situation.




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He sold land not long ago, why would he have 300000 on him? Instead of in the bank , unless he went to visit the wifey and offer her 300000.


if that’s the case why did he have a gun on him ?


what was the search for? Did they hope to find 300000 cash? 


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You know, it reminds me at a recent story about an old employee of Philips in Kenia, recently murdered by his Kenyan wife.

It took long time before they found the  woman was the culprit and, believe it or not a Kenyan judge was also involved.

It took a few months before they found out.

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3 hours ago, edwardflory said:

Go to your bank, withdraw 100,000bt, fold it and put in your pocket.


Makes quite a buldge, now multiply times 3.


Can you really believe a person carries around 300 X 100,000bt (+/-) notes, climbs a wall,  breaks into someone's house in the middle of the night and threatened the home owner with a gun?


This story gets better each day. Movie time!!!

Cashier cheque ? ????  

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Just now, nchuckle said:

"Wife’s illicit lover breaks into her house with a 'huge bulge' in his pocket ". Perhaps he was just pleased to see her…? ???? 

YEs, was it not May West who said ' Is that a gun in your pocket or are you just pleased to se me ? '

The plot thins .  As for me , I think I have lost the plot and only on page 2.

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2 hours ago, james1943 said:

maybe the wife took the money if there was any when she was with him earlier that night. 

Or she give him the money (taken from the Swiss guy) to get rid of her husband, the other part she invested in his life insurance ????


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29 minutes ago, BE88 said:

It is a possibility that the Thai wanted back the money that her "sister" had stolen from him, it is that money was the only words he knew, if this is the truth it would be a terrible mistake on the part of the Swiss, but that does not change the fact that he killed the man and here the situation does not exclude that he acted in self-defense for the Swiss, because the wife may have told the Swiss that the brother comes to get the money, increasing even more the confusion in the Swiss who in this case could be declared an accomplice of the murder together to his wife because it was not an attack for the purpose of stealing, but a very trivial dispute over money.

It is a very complicated situation.




Good point.


The money goes missing and that's why he goes to the falang's home (as he assumed he stole it).


Wouldn't surprise me if his own family stole it to pay off loan shark gambling debt or something. These Isaan villages are rife with this problem. Desperate times.


Or maybe she is just trying to muddy the waters.


How would the falang know where to find the money anyway?


Or perhaps the guy himself lost the money gambling and claimed it was stolen. Then, went over there with a gun to save face or something.


You never know. Wouldn't surprise me if the farang's wife is in the thick of it or the Thai guy's mother.


In any case, the farang was acting in self defense with reasonable force against attempted murder by a gunman in his own home.


What's there to investigate?


Edited by 2009
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3 hours ago, internationalism said:

from an article on Wednesday. Looks, like everybody knows exactly, but completely different stories.

Hence everything is made up in their imagination. Just folk stories.


An uncle of the victim called Thaworn, 65, ... described Sathian as a playboy. He bought the gun second hand a year ago and had just sold two rai of land for 500,000 baht and had no need of money. ...

In the other article Sanook spoke to the ex wife of Sathian called Noothian who came from Chiang Rai to attend the cremation. ... She said that her ex had 290,000 baht in cash on his person after the sale of one rai of land to a relative.

She claimed that money was now missing."



I am left to wonder how did the ex wife "know" the deceased had 290000 in cash on him when she came from Chang Mai after the event?

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6 hours ago, meechai said:

Man with a gun entered another mans house


Owner beats him to death...where is the problem?


Who cares what dead man's mother claims he may or may not have had cash wise? That he previously "had" 300k baht does not mean  a thing in this story. This story is centered around an armed intrusion into another mans home period.


Bottom line any intruder found with a gun in my house at night will be found there in the morning (albeit motionless)


Side Show: This Thai man was supposedly having an affair with the Swiss mans wife....Now he shows up after midnight with a gun in the Swiss mans house? Guess what the plan actually was at that point?


Now dead Thai man's mother makes a claim the dead man had 300k baht & what?? Udon Police visit Swiss man why? They think maybe he set it all up? Had Thai man appear at his home with gun & 300k so Swiss could rob him? Amazing Thailand

The truth or falsehood of the land transaction should be relatively easy to prove one way or another. Exactly where the money was at the time as another question. Not to mention, why would anyone break into a house with a gun, and with 300,000 baht in their pockets. Kind of hard to believe.

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A few thoughts regarding the cash...


....October 1rst (the day the sale of the land was finalized and Setiyon received 250,000) was a Friday. After the sale was finalized, it may have been too late in the day to get to the bank, and banks are closed on weekends.


....plenty of Thais don't have bank accounts. This is especially true of people just scraping by like many subsistence farmers. It's been reported that this guy typically only earned 6-7,000 baht/month, and only infrequently had larger sums after the sale of land or livestock, so he may not have had much use for a bank account in his daily life.


....if you're living in a house without the greatest security and with extended family constantly coming and going, and you don't have a super secure place to store the money at home, it could well be that the smartest way to safeguard a large amount of cash is to keep it on your person.


...300K in 1,000 baht notes is not going to fit into a billfold, but it could easily fit into a waist pack wallet.


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6 hours ago, Gold Star said:

It all makes sense now. The armed intruder climbed over the fence to force the Swiss guy at gunpoint to take the 300,000 baht cash he had brought, so that's why he shouted 'Money! Money!'


The Swiss guy had enough money himself so he refused. They scuffled, fought over the gun, it went off, and he threw it into the pond.


He tied him up, woke his wife, and then she came and found the money.


Of course it is long gone now, as we all know with every Thai wife and money, there is never any change.

No. He wasn't shouting "Money, money", but "Ma nee, ma nee!", which just means "Come here, come here!".


Case solved. Elementary.

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6 hours ago, meechai said:

Man with a gun entered another mans house


Owner beats him to death...where is the problem?


Who cares what dead man's mother claims he may or may not have had cash wise? That he previously "had" 300k baht does not mean  a thing in this story. This story is centered around an armed intrusion into another mans home period.


Bottom line any intruder found with a gun in my house at night will be found there in the morning (albeit motionless)


Side Show: This Thai man was supposedly having an affair with the Swiss mans wife....Now he shows up after midnight with a gun in the Swiss mans house? Guess what the plan actually was at that point?


Now dead Thai man's mother makes a claim the dead man had 300k baht & what?? Udon Police visit Swiss man why? They think maybe he set it all up? Had Thai man appear at his home with gun & 300k so Swiss could rob him? Amazing Thailand

Ah. "Man with a gun entered another mans house" And you know this how? Because the house owner said so. A gun was found in the pond? Yeah. Where did it come from? I can think of a couple of alternatives. Dead body with lacerations on its face in the house when police arrive. House owner says he fought with intruder. House owner has lacerations and/or bruises? Story doesn't say. I infer you think Thais are stupid, especially Thai police, but I disagree.

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6 minutes ago, bbko said:

Elephant in the room?  The Swiss guy told the police where he threw it within hours, it's not like he was trying to hide it.  Like the Swiss guy and others said, it was so the intruder or others couldn't find/use it.

Well, the story the Swiss guy told makes perfect sense. One of the things that gripes me about Thai action soap operas, the hero never kicks the gun away from the hand of the bad guy(s) after he knocks him out, or picks it up. Of course there are other possible explanations for how and why the gun might have gotten into the pond. Maybe I'm too cynical, but it's well known in America that many police officers have handy a "throw-down gun," an unregistered/untraceable gun that can be tossed on the ground near a dead body after a shooting. I'm afraid I'm not as ready to take this story at face value as most of the posters here.

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