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Anutin: He's "ready" for Thailand reopening but pubs and bars have to be reopened with utmost care


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9 hours ago, webfact said:

he conceded that the opening of Thailand's nightlife was a question that needed the utmost care

He has a valid point..

Nightlife venues have been shut for the best part of 2 years.


There is a high probability of doors hinges being rusted.

Hence reopening needed 'utmost care'!

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14 minutes ago, mjakob007 said:

He has a valid point..

Nightlife venues have been shut for the best part of 2 years.


There is a high probability of doors hinges being rusted.

Hence reopening needed 'utmost care'!

The Bars in Pattaya were dying on their feet pre Covid even during the high season, there is a very limited number of expats living in Pattaya now so there won’t be a sudden return too the bars when they reopen.

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34 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

The Bars in Pattaya were dying on their feet pre Covid even during the high season, there is a very limited number of expats living in Pattaya now so there won’t be a sudden return too the bars when they reopen.

Outside of the forced upon center-of-the-world consciousness of Bangkok, Patters, and other prominent locales - hundreds of local venues upcountry have been reopened for months now, stemming the myths that most everything is closed down. 

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9 hours ago, The Hammer2021 said:

I live in Pattaya. Alcohol is NOT easily available. The cops are ruthless and arresting customers and owners...30K.

Don't know which part of Pattaya your using but that isn't my experience. Beach side restaurants cocktails and drinks freely available. 

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8 hours ago, Bernietravelling said:

for example, because of this study:


A very interesting conclusion, but you're wasting your time by posting original source information for followers of The Science ™.  An important part of following The Science ™ is to first already agree with whatever conclusions have been reached.  If the conclusion does not agree with something they previously read on the internet, then it isn't The Science ™.

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Follow the science. Thailand now recognizes this covid will not disappear. "NEVER"  It is all about the number of deaths and not cases that every gov't needs to react too. As the jabs go up the deaths decrease and this is true. Also, as the months go on, the efficacy decreases resulting in more milder cases which in turn gives better immunity. Example, Singapore has more than 80% of people innoculated yet they are seeing an increase in cases but not deaths and opening up. How could this be? They have had some of the strictest lock downs. Lock downs are not needed but actually the opposite is needed. The weak and old must take precautions and continue getting boosters and the average person needs to get a jab or 2 or catch covid and take your chance. I personally had 1 jab in April (Astrazenaca) worked in the oilsands in Canada for 3 months and had 85% of my crew catch covid while I did not. I had my 2nd jab (phizer) in June and now I am waiting to get back to normal here in Thailand and go out and enjoy life and hopefully just get flu like symptoms when I eventually catch covid

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Yes WA might have zero cases but at what cost, There tourist and other industry are at rock bottom as with the rest of the country, Yes we did get a hand out from the government but that stop's next week. I have just gotten back to work as of  Monday I work in a RSL culb in NSW, you have to have pruf that you have had 2 shots and staff to we have to wear masks will working. I really fell so sorry for Thai's they don't have center link or <deleted> else. I will be back next year first half can't wait, anything to get out of this crab down here.   

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12 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

A reply like that does not deserve any more attention than this. Count yourself amongst the remaining 3,500 supporters of this regime. 

You are misquoting my statement . I never said I support the present Thai Government . 

I am putting out that whoever was running Thailand through the pandemic would have had similar problems due to the reliance on tourism .

Even if Thailand opened its borders there would be few takers .


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19 hours ago, vandeventer said:

How can you open the Bars or Pubs with utmost care? I bet someone has never been pis--- in his life.

When you open the door you must go slow, slow, very very slow. Then enter on tip toe.

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18 hours ago, Farangdk said:

Jesus Christ. Either open 100% or keep Thailand closed. Stop all your Mickey Mouse laws and regulations.

What do you expect from a bunch of tinpot soldiers. The unelected DWP not a general, may be spouting off the nonsense, but on whose orders? The tinpot unelected PM.

another case of The Chuckle Brothers in action. ???? 

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9 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

What do you expect from a bunch of tinpot soldiers. The unelected DWP not a general, may be spouting off the nonsense, but on whose orders? The tinpot unelected PM.

another case of The Chuckle Brothers in action. ???? 

oh dear possum,   have you been drinking  ...   ????

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17 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Thailand would be infinitely more stable, if they locked up both Prayuth and Anutin, or just prevented them from EVER speaking to the press. They are really bad news.


First of all, neither of them have any credibility remaining. Secondly, they lack any specifics and will say anything and everything without knowing anything. And thirdly, they are both despised by 99% of Thais, expats and tourists. Just shut up the imbeciles. 

I take it you are talking about The chuckle Brothers. ????

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