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Firebrand Chuwit says GI’s in Vietnam war left "legacy of sex culture" in Thailand


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11 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Thailand opened their arms for the Viet military for their R&R......maybe he forgot that!

Thailand opened their arms for . the Japanese military before that - sometimes forgotten how easily Siam/Thailand opened up....

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23 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Not all factories are just sweatshops, particularly those run by multinationals. A member of the extended fam works in a factory for a Japanese company. He does quite well, with a nice apt, big bike, and a car.


Is Thailand doing more to attract those businesses? Quite on the contrary. I remember an article from about a year ago, about Panasonic shutting down a battery factory here and moving it to Vietnam. They cited the difficulties in doing business in Thailand, all the ridiculous bureaucracy. I recall similar articles about a rubber factory and car suspension factory, where the workers showed up one day to find the doors shut, and all their jobs gone.


I also said businesses other than factories. Across the countryside I've seen countless abandoned buildings where something once was, a retail store, a restaurant, entertainment venue, tourist attraction. There could be housed anything that could be imagined to generate money, besides another beer bar or soapy massage. As been said in the thread, there is money in Thailand, it's just not getting to everyone.


The Thais can be bright and imaginative people, I know because I've taught many of them. Many of them have had big dreams. They could be turning those abandoned places into successful businesses. Yet this country and its inept govt, and cultural aspects that have a habit of reinforcing inequalities, and veer toward exploitative vices, keep that from happening.

There only thing I would add is that corruption could lie at the heart of so much that is wrong. It cripples businesses and innovation and slowly destroys a nation.....look at Thailand. Look at Nigeria....they should all be living like the Arabs do in the Gulf!!.

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The promiscuous environment has existed in the Asian cultures since the beginning of time.  As well, in other cultures also.  The GI's didn't invent it, but certainly enhanced the development of the industry...and it is an industry.   Probably one of the more profitable sectors of the tourist market.  Many of the comfort businesses are directly overseen by higher level politicians and law enforcement officers.  The corruption runs deep in this culture. After all, if it wasn't confiscated narcotics funds, where did Joe Ferrari get his stable of vehicles....maybe they were lent to him (as the Watches were by another well-known).

It isn't just the sex industry, promiscuity exists in the local culture also, as our Swede friend in an Udon jail has found out recently.  

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14 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Thailand opened their arms for the Viet military for their R&R......maybe he forgot that!

And lo the Thai girls opened their legs for the US military and did comfort them and give them sustenance. 

The rest is the story of Thailand's boom booming tourism industry. 

And thus it was, is and forever more shall be.????

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14 hours ago, clivebaxter said:

It's not about sex but the illegal trade in it with it's accompanying problems of health, exploitation, drugs, tafficking and corruption. Of course this does not bother some, as long as they can get their end away with a girl sporting a fake smile for as little cost as possible.

For sure but the exploitation , drugs, trafficking , corruption and social inequality ( thats the big one you missed) are pretty much all driven by Thais .

You seem to be inferring , much as the article does , that farangs are largely to blame.

Thailand is a hub of prostitution because it dovetails with the local culture , end of story.

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12 hours ago, khunPer said:

When reading "History of Thailand" it's said that the sex industry was there long before, but part of it just changed business plan when the GIs arrived. Long ago, during the Ayutthaya period, there were even state-run brothels. At least 90 percent of the customers in sex industry is said to be Asian clients with Thais as the majority. Prostitution was legal until 1966.

And it was made illegal purely as a sop to the west .

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I, civilian, started coming from VN in 1966 and then every 6 months or so till 1972., all pretty quiet really, Pattaya very small and quiet. Since that time came in from Singapore every 3 months or so till starting work in BKK, Rayong and other areas in 1981. A hell of a lot of change in the countries' layout but the sex scene always there., thankfully., just more of it now.

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17 minutes ago, elgenon said:

Japan has the soapy massage as well. Did that come from Thailand? Or did it get to Thailand from japan?  Weren't the Japanese in Thailand before the GIs? Wondering. Japan has always been a male dominated society. Still is.

The Japanese arrived in Thailand in the second world war 

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9 hours ago, joecoolfrog said:

And it was made illegal purely as a sop to the west .

I was under the impression, the tradition of 'bonded prostitution', brothels, was not made illegal until 95. That due to HIV/AIDs. The brothels out on Kampangdin Rd Chiang Mai were officially closed at or around that time. They certainly were there and in every province in the country before that date. However as senility is creeping in, dementia soon to follow. Who in the west did they 'sop' and any dates on that BTW?  


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17 hours ago, Used2LuvThailand said:

A guy who became rich selling sex has decided to throw his supposed American customers under the bus.

That's the sort of high-level thinking one usually only finds on this forum ????

I think the message is more important than the messenger - at least we know =w he has first hand experience.

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